Sequel: Second Heartbeat
Status: Thanks for the amazing feedback. Remember to comment =] xoxoxo.

Welcome to the Family

James Bond

“This line is awful!” Emily complained for the millionth time.

“We got that the last time you complained about the line!” Danii yelled at her. The two couples had been waiting on line outside of Primeval for 30 minutes. The girls definitely did not have the attention span for this wait.

“My feet hurt so bad!” Emily whined again.

“Well maybe if you didn’t wear five inch heels they wouldn’t hurt so bad!” Danii retorted. The twins had been bickering like this for 15 minutes and the guys were getting tired of it.

“Alright, who’s the bouncer, we need to get inside before they rip each other’s head’s off.” Brian said taking a step to the side so he could see around the line. “Matt and Jimmy?” Brian asked aloud seeing his two best friends letting people into the club.

“UNCLE JIMMY!” The twins yelled running to the front of the line leaving their boyfriends to trail after them.

“Hey! What are you kids doing here?” Jimmy asked giving the girls a hug.

“We’re on a double date. Will you let us in pwease?” Emily asked giving Jimmy her best puppy dog eyes, and batting her eyelashes sweetly.

“Yeah, pwease Uncle Jimmy?” Danii said mimicking her sister’s actions.

“Of course!” Jimmy replied, he always gave the girls what they want, within reason. Just as Jimmy was about the let the girls into the club Matt had to but in.

“Woah, you girls are NOT allowed in there.” Matt said putting his arms in front of the two girls.

“But Mattie, we’re on a double date! Don’t ruin it!” Emily whined pouting again.

“Yeah, come one Mattie! Be an awesome older brother!” Danii followed doubling her sisters pout again.

“Matt, just let them in.” Jimmy said.

“Matt, you DID say I had to do something for you tonight, so consider this payment.” Emily said referring to Matt wanting her to spy on her sister and Zacky. Matt sighed dramatically.

“Fine. Go in. But DON’T get yourselves into trouble.” Matt said begrudgingly.

“Thank you Mattie! Best older brother we have!” The twins yelled throwing their arms around Matt, then they quickly ran towards the door before he could change his mind.

“I’m the only older brother you have!” Matt yelled after them rolling his eyes.


A few hours later, Danii and Emily were completely wasted and were in the process of grinding on each other on the dance floor. Brian and Zacky were left awkwardly sitting at a booth in the corner of the club.

“Fuck.” Brian cursed under his breath when he realized that Matt was still outside, and Brian knew Matt would flip out if he saw how trashed the girls were right now.

“What?” Zacky questioned, surprisingly able to hear Brian over the blaring music and thumping bass.

“How the hell are we going to get those two past their brother?” Brian said looking at his friend (yes friend) with a worried glance. Zacky’s eyes grew to about twice their normal size and he suddenly looked very panicked.

“Shit. Shit shit shit, in case you haven’t noticed, Matt scares the crap out of me. I do NOT want to be in his line of fire when he finds out his sisters are completely wasted.” Zacky said in a rushed tone, Brian laughed at his reaction.

“Dude, do you really think Danii would let Matt hurt you?” Brian asked looking at him seriously, “Danii doesn’t take shit from anybody, especially not her brother.” Zacky sighed.

“Ok, so what do we do, because I’m assuming you don’t want Matt to see his sisters like this just as much as I don’t.” Zacky said, trying to think of a plan in his head.

“Well-” Brian stopped his sentence short, because while he was glancing around the club for a way to sneak out, he saw Matt come in through the front door, obviously looking for them. “Fuck, we need to come up with something and fast, because it looks like we have some company.” Brian said, not looking at Zacky because he was already standing up and on his was to go grab his girlfriend off the dance floor. Zacky saw Matt walking in and quickly followed Brian’s lead to go grab his girlfriend off the floor, hoping to knock some sense into a very wasted Danielle.

“Brian! Come dance we me love!” Emily yelled, swaying drunkenly and grabbing the collar of Brian’s shirt and pulling him towards her. She clumsily threw her arms around his neck and started dancing.

“Zacky!” Danii yelled, throwing herself at him. “Dance!” She command, as she started grinding against him. Zacky groaned.

“Not now Danielle, Matt’s coming to look for you and you’re completely wasted. We can’t let him see you like this or it’s my ass that will be on the line.” Zacky said, attempting to turn his girlfriend around so she would look at him. Danii kept her eyes closed, threw her head back and continued dancing, studiously ignoring her boyfriend.

“Emily, listen to me, you’re big scary brother is coming to get you RIGHT NOW, you need to act like you’re not completely shot so I don’t get the crap beat out of me!” Brian yelled at her, but she reflected Danii’s actions exactly. It was moments like these that made it obvious the two were twins. “EMILY GRACE SANDERS, LISTEN TO ME!” Brian yelled, pleadingly grabbing his girlfriends wrists begging her to listen, he couldn’t have Matt see her like this. Even though the drunkenness wasn’t Brian’s fault-it was the girl’s fake I.D. that played the role in this- he knew it was going to be him that got blamed, and more then like beat up when Matt saw the two.

“What the hell did you two do to my baby sisters!” Brian and Zacky snapped their heads to the direction of Matt’s booming voice.

“Shit.” Brian muttered.

“You can say that again!” Matt yelled, “What the hell?!”

“Mattie!” Emily yelled, drunkenly stumbling over to him. She tripped and fell into his arms, then she looked up and him, “Dance with me?” She asked sweetly, placing her arms onto her brother’s shoulders and pulling herself upright.

“What the hell happened to you?” Matt asked, helping his sister stand on her own two feet again.

“Well, you see, I had one drink, then two, then three, and it just went on and on. Then I lost count, and before you know it everything was all swirly, and the room was spinning, and then Danii wanted to dance with me!” Emily slurred and stumbled over her words while attempting to explain what happened to Matt.

“Who the HELL bought them this much alcohol?!” Matt said turning to glare at Brian and Zacky. Danii, on the other hand, continued to dance in circles by herself.

“Matt, if you’re not going to dance with me, I think I’m going to go dance with my sister again, thank you.” Emily slurred once again trying to pull away from her brother’s steel grip.

“You, my dear, are not going anywhere except for the safety of our own home.” Matt said looking down at her.

“Now, someone better answer me, I asked who the hell bought them all this alcohol! I know my sisters, and there are in no way light weights, so there must be a shit load of alcohol in their systems for them to be this drunk.” Matt said glaring at the two boys yet again.

“Matt, I swear to God, I did NOT buy either of the girls a drink.” Brian said looking at him, total seriousness in his eyes.

“I didn’t either, I wouldn’t do something like that because I know you wouldn’t approve.” Zacky added, trying as much as possible, to suck up to Matt in this situation. He knew that if he didn’t, there could-and more then likely would- be some major problems.

“Well then who did, because they sure as hell are NOT 21.” Matt yelled, he was fuming with anger. He doesn’t mind if the girls drink, as long as it’s at parties when he’s there and he can make sure that they don’t get completely wasted. These girls can be cranky when they don’t have pounding headaches, with a hangover, the two turned into the torture twins. “I think I have a very simple solution to all of our problems.” Matt said, in a deadly calm tone and with a devious smirk on his face. Brian and Zacky were immediately worried.

“And that would be…” Brian asked, catiously.

“You two get to take care of these lovely twins when the wake up in the morning. You get to cater to their every need. Oh, and this includes washing their clothes from tonight, and the sheets because lord knows I am NOT cleaning these things when the smell like stale alcohol and puke on Sunday.” Matt said smirking. Brain’s face shaped into one of pure horror; he knew how Emily got when she was hung over. He could only imagine how awful the two of them combined would be. Zacky, however, never having to deal with either twin when they were hung over, thought he was getting off fairly easy. “Now, get the two of them out of her and back to our house. You two get to stay the night because they are going to be expecting a full breakfast and freshly made coffee the second they wake up tomorrow morning. I would always pray that they don’t get sick in your car if I was you.” Matt said, passing Emily back over to Brian and he made sure that the two couples exited the club right before he did.
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Hey readers, sorry this chapter took me so long to post. School started Thursday so it's been a pretty hectic last two days. We would really appreciate getting some comments on the story! =)

Emily and Danii

P.S. Danii required me to put James Bond as the chapter title because he's agent 007(get it now? haha) <3 =))