Status: Active

Putting Fun in Dysfunctional


“Oh dear Jesus, someone’s getting it good tonight,” Hinske laughed and slapped his knee like a moron; Kenna looked down at his knee and sneered and then looked up at Kadi.

“Yeah, I will,” Chipper enunciated his words to show Hinske that he wasn’t getting any, at all.

“Ha,” Hinske rolled his eyes and glanced up at McCann as he walked by. “Come on man, stop laughing.”

“I found it funny,” Brian McCann chuckled and leaned down to Kenna. “It’s a pleasure to meet you; I don’t think we’ve ever actually been introduced. I’m Brian McCann.”

“Mackenzie Jones, you can call me Kenna,” she smiled and stuck her hand out, this time she wasn’t flirting. “I’m Chipper’s ex-wife, Kadi’s best friend and Hinske’s eye candy. It’s nice to formally meet you.”

“I like her, she should have been brought down here more often,” Brian laughed walking in front of Chipper and Kadi. “I like you too though, you’re just too quiet.”

“I—how rude?” Kadi decided to laugh against her better judgment to smack him upside his head like she wanted too. He was blunt, that was obvious but he was harmless, that was obvious too. “I’m not talking because if I do, I’ll say something stupid.”

“She has that factor about her,” Kenna shrugged her shoulders as Chipper wrapped his arm around Kadi’s shoulders and leaned in to kiss her forehead.

“You will not,” he argued and shook her gently. “You can talk all you want, if it comes out stupid they’ll all known what you’re talking about, they’re fluent in stupid.”

“Because they are,” Bobby Cox murmured walking up to McCann. “Go, hit the damn ball.”

“I’m pregnant,” Kenna proudly admitted, glancing over at Hinske with a dull look on her face. “If you plan to have sex with me, know I’m already with child. You can’t knock me up, okay?”

“Oh—“Chipper turned with Kadi, simultaneously, “my,” Chipper blinked, Kadi gasped. “God.”

“You’re not far along though,” Hinske questioned and Kenna shook her head. “I’m fine with it, as long as your far enough that I’m not hitting it in the head with my—stuff.”

“He’s awesome,” Kenna looked at Chipper, her eyes wide with happiness and she pointed accusingly at Hinske. “Can I have him?”

“I don’t know whose worse?” Chipper was at a loss for words and Kadi was beyond speechless, she just stared, blinked and then looked away towards the field with her mouth open wide the whole while.

“It’s a match,” McCann shook his head with a sigh. “But they sure are funny.”

“I think you should come home with me after the game,” Kenna whispered but she wasn’t as quiet as she thought. Kadi dropped her head into her hands with a whimper, Chipper choked out a disturbed laugh and McCann busted out with giggles.

“Sure, I’ll follow you,” Hinske smirked and stood up; he headed out of the dugout with the rest of the boys that went out on the field.

After the game, Kenna drove Kadi and Chipper home but the whole time she was nearly bouncing in her seat and she was speeding where usually she drove like a grandma. “Um, try not to kill us just because you want to get laid?” Chipper threw out there from the back seat; he looked up into the rearview mirror and sneered. “But really? Hinske?”

“You should shut up and go back to healing your boo-boo, jackass,” Kenna snapped and warped it into Kadi’s apartment complex. “Okay, get out. Now.”

“God,” Kadi rolled her eyes and climbed out to help Chipper out of the backseat. Once they were out, Kenna drove off without a second glance. “It hasn’t been that long, she’s eight weeks pregnant.”

“Apparently she’s really excited, in more ways than one,” Chipper sighed and leaned against his crutches. “Okay, come on. Help me up the stairs.”

“We should have sex,” Kadi didn’t mean for it to come out like it did, a rushed demand but it did. “If you feel like it.”

“Well, if you help me up the stairs, we could try that out,” Chipper told her calmly, giving her a small smile. “If you didn’t live up the stairs, it would happen a lot faster but no…you live on the top damn level with two sets of stairs.”

“I should have looked into my future and seen this,” Kadi muttered sarcastically. “Damn me and my stupidity.”

“Come on, smartass. Help me up the stairs and we’ll fuck like bunnies,” Chipper smirked.

Chipper hadn’t been lying, as soon as they got up the two flights of steps, they came through the front door kissing. Of course, Chipper had issues making the moment sexy because of his leg but they made the best of it, limping and stumbling their way to Kadi’s bed. “Lay down,” Kadi rushed out, pushing Chipper back on the bed. He groaned in pain for a minute, almost ruining the moment but he gestured for her to continue.

“I’m good, I’m good,” he assured her and pulled her on top of him.

“Okay, fix your leg,” she told him in a hurry, leaning up so he could position his leg in a comfortable angle. She had already undressed him and left herself in her bra but her panties were gone.

“Take off the fucking bra, your killing me Kadi,” he fussed at her, growing aggravated at the pain in his knee.

“Are you feeling okay?” she asked softly, reaching down to touch his cheek. “If you can't its completely okay—“

“No, its not. I have a beautiful woman on top of me, inches away from making me feel like I’m in heaven and all I can think about is the pain in my fucking knee,” he snapped but not at her. “Just get it on with because I want you, your taking to damn long—“

“Oh shut up,” she rolled her eyes and situated herself to allow him entry in her, he did as she instructed and shut the hell up as she rode him, as gentle as she could so she wouldn’t cause any unnecessary pain.

“That wasn’t as bad as I expected,” Chipper murmured when Kadi slid off of him and curled up into his side. “I kind of figured I’d be in a lot more pain but, you went gentle on me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I'd appreciate comments.