Status: Active

Putting Fun in Dysfunctional

Weird or Fun?

“That was good,” Kadi smiled and actually high fived with Chipper who leaned up and gave her a kiss on the lips.

“Be careful and no fights today,” Chipper told her sternly but he had a joking glint in his eyes. He suddenly turned to Kenna, confusion covering his face. “Do you even work there anymore?”

“Nope, my boss found out I was sleeping with my other boss and I got fired for inter-business dating or whatever,” Kenna shrugged, talking with her eyes closed. “I got hired at Dumont’s though, it’s nicer there. I start tomorrow.”

“Let her sleep or she’s going to be pissy and bite your head off,” Kadi warned him as she walked towards the door. “Be good.”

“Always,” Chipper winked right before Kadi shut the door.

After work, Kadi went home and found Kenna in the kitchen making soup and Chipper nowhere to be found. “Hey, how’s work?” Kenna asked pouring the steaming broth into a large bowl.

“It was okay, where’s Chipper?” Kadi questioned studying Kenna.

“In his bed puking his guts out, he’s in a lot of pain and his pain meds aren’t doing much help,” Kenna looked at Kadi sympathetically. “It’s actually worse than last time.”

“Oh,” Kadi frowned and walked out of the kitchen, she could still hear Kenna giggling, at what Kadi imagined to be from how cute it was that she was rushing to Chipper’s side but she ignored the swelling feeling in her stomach and walked in Chipper’s room. “Hey, how are you feeling?”

“I’m feeling like shit. How was work?” Chipper’s voice was hoarse and raspy, he sounded like he was dying.

“Work wasn’t much fun, never really is, I wanted to be home with you,” Kadi crawled into bed beside him and held his hand. “Do you want me to call your doctor?”

“No, I’ll be fine,” he shook his head and twisted to hold Kadi in his arms. “I’d be better if it’d stop feeling like I’m being stabbed but that won’t happen anytime soon.”

“Knock, knock,” Kenna stepped in through the doorway with her eyes closed. “Are we descent?”

“I’m butt ass naked,” Chipper rasped making her peak one eye open and look around the room suspiciously.

“No you ain’t, you liar. I was going to be nice and give you food but you can forget about it,” she turned around and headed out the door.

“Oh come on, ken. I’m starving here,” Chipper complained, his voice breaking every now and then. “Plus, you owe me.”

“How do I owe you?” she questioned surprised. “After all, I babysat and nursed you all damn day. I have puke on my shoes and I owe you?”

“You peaked when I said I was naked, you owe me food for that,” he explained sternly and then grinned sheepishly. “Sorry about the shoes. I’ll get you some more.”

“I hate you sometimes,” Kenna sighed and rolled her eyes, she walked up to the bed and sat the tray she held across his lap. “Enjoy.”

“Ken, thanks,” he nodded thanking her with a soft smile. “I appreciate you nursing me back to health, you didn’t have too.”

“Motherhood has to start somewhere, why not my ailing ex-husband?” she shrugged nonchalantly.

“You make us sound so weird,” Chipper picked up his spoon and dipped it into the chicken broth. “We’re not that different than before we got married, we’re still friends that annoy each other.”

“It is weird though, I’m sure Kadi feels uncomfortable at times because I tend to flirt and you don’t care,” Kenna shrugged again. “It happens but know we are never going to be together again. I don’t want him, Kadi can have you, Chipper.”

“I’ll deal with that,” he glanced over at Kadi who smiled.

“I agree, it’s weird,” Kadi sneered with a shrug. “But its cool, my parents are still good friends and they have already remarried.”

“See, it happens,” Chipper excused with a sigh as he lifted the spoon to his lips. “Who am I kidding, we’re fucking weird.”
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