Status: Active

Putting Fun in Dysfunctional

Domestic Abuse Things

“Don’t worry, Ken. We’re here for you,” Chipper smiled and winked. “They’re my kids too, right?”

“Thanks Dr. Randal,” Kenna smiled and slowly slid off the table, her round six months pregnant belly was protruding and in the way. “Chipper grab my bag, Kadi help me up?”

“You fat heifer,” Kadi joked but Kenna looked at her hurt. “No, no I’m kidding, don’t cry.”

“You called me fat; I’m only six months along. I still have three months to go,” Kenna began to tear up. “I’m going to get fatter!”

“Really?” Chipper gave Kadi an amused yet disapproving look. “Kenna baby, you’re having twins and that means your going to get bigger to make them healthy.”

“But I’m not attractive, Eric won’t ever touch me again!” she started crying when they reached the waiting room. “I’ll have stretch marks that are huge, fat saggy skin and my boobs will never be the same again.”

“Jesus, you opened up this can. You can close it,” Chipper backed away and limped his way to the car, ahead of Kadi and Kenna.

“Oh snap out of it. You’re still hot as hell and your boobs are perfect, you may have saggy skin for a month after the kids are born but you’ll tone up and if I hear one more thing about Hinske,” Kadi threatened pointing at Kenna. “Just be happy they’re healthy.”

“I’m happy,” Kenna sighed softly and pulled Kadi into a hug. “I’m just worried about how I’m going to do it all.”

“You got me,” Kadi grinned. “And Chipper if needed.”

“Why couldn’t I have a baby with someone who’s a good guy?” Kenna asked gently, she more or less made a statement more than anything. “Now I have to depend on you guys and you shouldn’t have to help me.”

“We wouldn’t if we didn’t want too,” Kadi firmly told her. “And don’t forget it.”

“I never will,” Kenna hugged Kadi again and slowly they walked the rest of the way to the car. She hugged Chipper before she climbed in the back seat. “I think I’m going to paint the nursery today.”

“You can’t inhale the fumes,” Chipper reminded her. “I’ll do it. You need to help Kadi put up the crib and then go buy another one.”

“Fun. Who’s in my driveway?” Kenna questioned looking out at her window at her driveway as Kadi slowly turned in. “I’m not expecting people. Who the fuck is in my drive?”

“I’m going to take a long shot guess and say Van Claude,” Kadi sneered and nodded towards the car. “He has Van4 prez as his license plate.”

“How…gay?” Chipper shook his head.

“I’ll beat his ass black and blue, pregnant or not!” Kenna’s eyes filled with rage, she was one pissed off pregnant woman. “Kadi call the cops.”

“Let’s see what he has to say first, he’s on our property and by right I can shoot him and get away with it,” Chipper suggested climbing out of the car.

“I think I like that plan better,” Kenna muttered walking up to Van Claude’s car; she tapped his window roughly and stood back as he stepped out of the car.

“Kenna I’m—“Van didn’t get a chance to say much, Kenna slapped him across the face.

“You’re a dick and I hate your guts, get off my property,” Kenna demanded waiting for a backlash of some sort. “Now, Van.”

“You’re pregnant,” Van muttered unbelieving. “Very pregnant.”

“Dick,” Chipper muttered.

“I’m sorry; I wanted to apologize for everything that’s happened. I wasn’t myself, Kenna,” he tried to explain himself but he couldn’t seem to find the words. “I was really…really messed up in some things.”

“What kind of things? Domestic abuse things?” Kenna snapped crossing her arms over her chest and stomach.
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