Status: Active

Putting Fun in Dysfunctional

All Good Things Must End

“Drug things, Kenna,” Van sighed and shook his head. “A lot of things.”

“I swear to fucking God, if my children are fucked up because of you—“Kenna stopped when Chipper grabbed her arm and then she realized what she said. “Oh fuck…”

“They’re mine?” Van asked wide eyed, pointing at Kenna’s stomach. “As in two? As in my children?”

“Twins and yes, you dumb fucking abuser,” she slapped his hand away from her. “Don’t touch me. You’ll never touch me again or these kids.”

“I—“Van clenched his teeth. “Can I just see them when they’re born, I just…I don’t want kids but I’d like to see them, once.”

“As long as you stay out of our lives after that, sure, hell you can be in the damn delivery room.”

Kenna had never regretted a word she ever said, until she said those words three months ago, now she sat in a delivery room with Kadi, Chipper and Van and they were all driving her damn near insane.

“Ah, shut up!” Kenna screamed clenching her eyes shut. She was sure she was breaking Chipper’s hand but he was being a man about it, he only whined when he breathed. “Van, close your fucking mouth!”

“I just want you to breathe,” he replied calmly and sweetly, an odd thing for him, Kenna realized with shock. Anger Management must have really worked.

“I will breathe when my two children come out of me, until then I will not so get off of my fucking back!” Kenna screamed and reached out to claw him but ended up being grabbed by Kadi. “You try pushing watermelons out your pisshole without an epidural or shot of liquor and then we’ll breathe together!”

“I give up,” Van threw his arms up and walked away, he sat in the corner and Kadi took his spot.

“It’ll be fine, they’ll give you pain meds after this and you’ll feel great,” Kadi reassured her. “I’m so sorry, we got stuck behind that eighteen wheeler and traffic was horrible. I didn’t know you could dilate so quickly and after a point they say you can’t have drugs. I’m so sorry!”

“Its fine—oh my god!” Kenna screamed for what seemed like forever and then she sat back. “Oh that hurt.”

“We—“ Kadi looked across Kenna and gestured from him to her. “We’re never having kids. Ever.”

“Um…sure,” he nodded slowly and then got frantic when Kenna started a growling scream again. “But hey, I do have a question for you.”

“Sure, we can adopt,” she joked and when she heard nothing she looked up.

“Not what I was thinking,” he smiled. “I figured we could get married first before we had kids, adopted or ours, you know?”

“Are you really proposing right now?” Kenna screamed wide eyed.

“Will you marry me, Kadi Kole?” Chipper laughed, ignoring Kenna for the time being.

“Yes!” Kadi screamed with Kenna, only hers was joyous and Kenna’s was painful.

And then they heard a cry…

The end.
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