Status: Active

Putting Fun in Dysfunctional

“Poor girl, the male gender has really ***ed her over, huh?”

“I’m sorry,” he murmured and turned around. He went back to the guest bedroom and left Kadi to take care of a weeping Kenna. Within four hours, Kadi knew everything there was to know about her relationship with Chipper, from the then to the now. Around five o’clock Kenna cried herself to sleep. The only thing Kadi could think was Kenna deserved better and Chipper would eventually learn how it felt to be betrayed, hurt, sad, and angry and lost because karma was a bitch.

“Morning,” Kadi woke up with a yawn; she had jumped awake after hearing a toilet bowel lid slam down. At least he puts the lid down, that alone was a nice thought.

“Afternoon, it’s after two,” Chipper smiled and studied Kadi and Kenna, they were both snuggled up on the couch. Kenna looked like a baby—with a swollen face. “Poor girl, the male gender has really fucked her over, huh?”

“Yeah...” Kadi murmured sleepily, wiping her eyes as she stood. “You guys have done a number on her.”

“You ever been married?” Chipper tried for polite conversation in his rough tone as he followed Kadi into the kitchen.

“Fortunately, no,” Kadi muttered shaking her head. “Never been close enough.”

“Well,” Chipper leaned against the counter, his body and beautiful hazel eyes facing her. “You’re not missing much. I’ve married twice, engaged three times and its not what it’s all cracked up to be.”

“When I marry, it will be true love,” Kadi was hesitant in telling him but she was sure about her plans. “Because I don’t want any doubts.”

“You don’t want to have what happened to Kenna to happen to you,” Chipper pretty much nailed it.

“I didn’t say that,” Kadi shook her head softly. “I just… I don’t want the hassle or the heartache. Kenna seems to attract it.”

“Before we got married, she was dating this guy that would break up with her every month, they dated a year before she decided enough was enough,” Chipper grimaced and shook his head sadly. “She was bitter from that too. I don’t think she’ll ever be anything but bitter towards men.”

“Maybe not, maybe there’s still hope left for her to actually find happiness,” Kadi glanced away from Chipper to steal a look at Kenna as she slept peacefully on the couch.

“I hope to God she does,” Chipper whispered wistfully, looking out at Kenna at the same time.

“Hey,” Kadi greeted Kenna when she woke with a cheery good morning greeting and a big smile. “Chipper made breakfast, he wouldn’t let me—“

“Oh God,” with that, Kenna ran for the hallway bathroom. Kadi slowly turned to Chipper, he sat his fork down and stared at the doorway where Kenna had been and where Kadi stood.

“I’m not that bad of a cook am I?” he asked pathetically, Kadi almost took pity on him to tell him no but she had to tend to her best friend first.

“Kenna?” Kadi whispered peaking in the bathroom when she seen her brunette friend hanging her head in the porcelain king, she rushed in and pulled Kenna’s hair back. “Kenna are you sick?”

“No, no,” Kenna was crying amongst other things. “I’ve done this for a week straight, its morning sickness.”

“Morning sickness?” Kadi’s eyes widened after a moment. “You’re pregnant? Who the hell is the father?”

“Fuck. It’s that stupid son of a bitch Van Claude, the co-owner,” Kenna sat back against the wall and started crying into her hands. “He’s going to fire me. He’ll torture me about this baby…”

“What? What baby?” Chipper appeared in the doorway, he had his hands on each side of the frame and he was leaning in as if he’d been there awhile.

“Oh God,” Kenna started crying even harder when she looked up at Chipper. “I tried so hard to have a child when I was with you because I wanted one with you, now I’m getting one with someone I can’t stand? I hate my fucking life, it hates me, as if my life didn’t suck enough, and it gives me a baby to watch me fuck its life up too!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw. No one reads.