Status: Active

Putting Fun in Dysfunctional

“I have to go home to my mother and her Brazilian boyfriend who barely speaks English.”

“Yeah, that’s what Chipper told me. They started talking when Chipper got his last divorce, Kenna felt sorry for him and they kind of fell in love again. Its really quite sweet,” Kadi explained.

“Of course it is,” Van clenched his teeth and waved Kenna over, but she didn’t come alone.

“Van this is my ex-husband Chipper Jones, Chipper this is my boss Van Claude, “Kenna happily introduced Chipper to the man she had been dating for a couple weeks, off and on with for months. She didn’t seem one bit unhappy on the outside and it was amazing to Kadi.

“How nice to meet you,” Van’s strong accent came out deeper as he spoke, it must have swelled with male pride. “Though it is a shame to say I have never heard of you before.”

“I like to keep my private life just that, private,” Kenna glared at him. “I’ve just come for my check, Van.”

“Of course, Bella,” he often called her that, beautiful and she used to love it but not anymore. “Here you go.”

“Thanks,” Kenna nodded and pulled Chipper’s hand from the back pocket of her jeans and dragged him along behind her, Kenna followed at a slower pace.

“Oh he’s precious,” Chipper grumbled unhappily, glancing back at Kadi. “He’s such a dick…”

“You have no room to talk,” Kenna pulled away from Chipper and turned abruptly to face him. “I swear to God, Chipper, if you ever pinch my ass again, I’ll chop your dick off.”

“Jesus—calm down Kenna, I was just making it believable,” Chipper defended himself horribly but he didn’t seem to take notice.

“I appreciate what your doing for me but don’t think we will ever be like we were, we wont ever be together again,” Kenna pointed at Chipper accusingly. “Just so you know. Now, I’m hungry, take me to McDonalds.”

“Not only is she pregnant and hormonal but she’s also bipolar and hungry,” Chipper snapped arrogantly, glancing at Kadi who also grimaced, much like Kenna had.

“Fuck you, dickweed,” Kenna snapped and marched to Kadi’s car. They arrived at McDonald’s silently, no one wanted to talk and start an argument.

“Kadi,” Chipper called out, catching her attention as she gazed out the window, Kenna had disappeared into the bathroom. “What—never mind? Would you like to go out tonight?”

“What? Well—wouldn’t that be awkward since you supposedly knocked up my best friend?” Kadi was sincerely dumbstruck, she didn’t know whether to say yes or no. She wanted to go out with him but for the sake of Kenna, she didn’t know if she should say she couldn’t.

“It’ll be okay,” Chipper tried to assure Kadi calmly. “Its just dinner, maybe a movie.”

“Well,” Kadi murmured nodding her head slowly, as if she was thinking about it. “I guess we could but Van can’t find out, for Kenna’s sake.”

“That can be done,” Chipper smiled happily. “Kenna would be pissed if she found out so don’t say anything to her either.”

“Why would she get pissed?” Kadi asked dumbly, looking over her shoulder to see if she were coming.

“Because I have a bad track record with women and she’d get jealous,” Chipper admitted honestly, he held his hands out defensively to continue. “I’m warning you now, it’s just a date and I plan ahead on nothing—so don’t get your hopes up.”

“She’s right, you are arrogant as hell,” Kadi muttered with a smile on her face. “Who says I’ll even find you worth a second date, much less a second thought?”

“I do, baby when I’m in someone’s life, I’m the start and I’m the first thought. I could have you screaming my name by the end of this night, much less thinking it,” Chipper smirked at his comeback and left Kadi speechless.

“That was—“Kadi couldn’t bring herself to utter the words of how hot he sounded and how turned on she was. She just shook her head and jumped like she’d been shot when Kenna sat down beside her.

“Someone’s jumpy today,” Kenna noticed with one eyebrow raised. “You okay?”

“I’m great,” Kadi smiled at her friend but not before she caught a glimpse of Chipper in all his arrogant glory. “You know how my nerves can get. Are you okay?”

“I got a little sick in the bathroom but I’m okay,” she muttered looking at the empty table. “Is anyone going to get the food?”

“I’ll get it,” Chipper slid from the side of his booth and took off for Kenna’s food.

“Spill the beans chick, your blushing and smiling and Chipper has that stupid grin he gets when he’s excited about something,” Kenna narrowed her eyes and turned sideways in the booth. She studied Kadi for a minute then she sighed. “He asked you out.”

“You’re too good for your own good,” Kadi scoffed and crossed her arms. “I hate you sometimes.”

“Just don’t let him hurt you,” Kenna whispered softly, grabbing hold of Kadi’s hand, she looked deep into her eyes and saw that Kenna was actually worried for her. “He’s good at it, without even knowing it. Don’t let him do it.”

“I’ll be fine,” Kadi tried to assure her. “Its just one date, I probably won’t even like it.”

Kenna snorted. “We always like it when its home. Trust me, he’s not easy to say no too,” Kenna warned her.

“So I keep getting told,” Kadi murmured looking up at Kenna. “Is it a wise choice?”

“No but if you want to live, I would. He was the best three years of my life, boy was he a tiger in bed,” Kenna sighed at the memories. “By far the best I ever had. I would go for it if I were you.”

“He thought you’d be pissed and jealous,” Kadi murmured shaking her head, not believing that her friend was actually pushing him on her.

“Bitch please,” Kenna snorted.

“Okay that’s great,” Kadi cleared her throat and looked back to see if Chipper was coming, much like she had when she and Chipper had been talking. “So basically you’re saying, go for it?”

“Sleep with him just once and then you can do whatever the hell you want,” Kenna explained using hand gestures and everything. “You won’t be disappointed.”

“You’re just weird for—“Kadi stopped when Chipper plopped down in his booth and pushed the tray of food he held in front of Kenna.

“Dig in, get fat,” Chipper commented and earned himself a glare from Kenna. “So—“

“I was just explaining to Kadi how good you are in bed, you should show her while your staying with her,” Kenna announced taking a big bite from her big and tasty meal, she spoke with her mouth full and then she flashed a smile. “Purely for example…”

“What the fuck?” was all Chipper managed to get out, his face had drained of all color and Kadi had choked on her own spit.

“Really? Like you haven’t thought about it,” Kenna swallowed her food and put a French fry into her mouth. “She’s beautiful, she’s got big boobs and an ass to die for, just like you like. I’m not lesbian or anything but she’s sexy as hell.”

“I—“Kadi bit her lip and glanced awkwardly at Chipper. “I need to start drinking about now.”

“Whatever,” Kenna rolled her eyes and sighed shortly after. “I have to go home to my mother and her Brazilian boyfriend who barely speaks English.”

“Sounds like fun,” Chipper murmured quickly.
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