Status: Active

Putting Fun in Dysfunctional

You look like you seen a ghost?

“Tons, hearing them having sex and knowing it’s my mother makes me never want to have sex again,” she rolled her eyes. “Take me home, I have to go cry into my pillow.”

After dropping Kenna off at her house, a small replica of a long cabin, Chipper and Kadi headed back to Kadi’s apartment in total silence. “She asked me if you asked me out,” Kadi broke the silence when they pulled in the apartment complex. “I’m sorry.”

“Oh, now I get it,” Chipper chuckled under his breath. “Don’t worry about it, that’s just Kenna and her amazing bluntness.”

“I know but good Lord,” Kadi sighed and shook her head. “Just don’t listen to her.”

“I kind of wanted to listen to her,” Chipper smirked.

“That would make me an easy slut and I’m not like that,” Kadi tried to convince Chipper that she wasn’t like all the other girls. “You’re handsome and sweet and sexy but I don’t want to be used.”

“I understand,” Chipper cleared his throat and sighed. “But if you want too, I’m willing.”

“I’ll get back to you on that,” Kadi answered dryly, looking away as she climbed out of the car.

It was past midnight when Kadi woke up from an extremely exotic dream that starred Chipper Jones, she couldn’t even catch her breath and she was pouring sweat from her pores. If he was half as good as he was in her dream in reality, she was surely missing out on a good thing. She didn’t even think about what she was doing, she just did it. Kadi stood from her bed and crept across the living room to the spare bedroom, she didn’t knock she just walked in. She stood at the foot of the bed, biting her lip in thought for more than a minute.

“Would you make up your mind already?” Chipper’s sexy voice made her heart speed up/ “Either come here or get out so I can sleep.”

“Oh,” Kadi stuttered through her words, she bit her lip again and swallowed the lump in her throat as she crawled up on the bed. “I had a dream…”

“It must have been good,” Chipper rose up on his elbows as she continued to crawl towards him. “To get you in here.”

“I had to see what it was really like,” she whispered straddling his lap; she slowly lifted the large sleep shirt she had on and threw it across the room. “Just don’t call me easy, this is my first one night stand.”

“I’ll call you anything you want, anything but that,” Chipper whispered running his hands up her sides, slowly taking every curve with care and feeling his way to her soft warm breasts.

“Show me what you got,” Kadi whispered leaning down to lick Chipper’s earlobe, she slid down his body pressing small kisses across his chest before she found the waistband to his boxers. “I think there should come off.”

“Stop talking,” Chipper laughed and quickly flipped her over, Kadi gasped in surprise when he reached between the both of them and slipped his hand in her panties. “Let your body talk for you.”

“Just fuck me already,” she demanded and smiled when he laughed, a rich laugh that drove her insane with lust.

Not another word was spoken, only kisses and touches were their ways of communication. Every kiss was ecstasy, every touch felt like heaven. When Chipper slipped into Kadi, she moaned his name and arched into his touch, she gripped his shoulders until she felt his skin tearing. It was everything she had thought it would be and more.

“Wake up,” Chipper’s voice made Kadi jump awake, she stared up at him and began to register the fact that it had all been a dream, she had fallen asleep after she got ready for their date. She stared up at Chipper with growing appreciation, he was dressed nicely in a charcoal suit, minus a tie or bow but he looked amazing regardless.

“Sorry,” Kadi muttered. “You take a long time, I kinda just fell asleep waiting.”

“I’m sorry but perfection can’t be rushed,” Chipper was joking thankfully by the look on his face. “You okay? You look like you seen a ghost.”

“Just had a weird dream is all,” Kadi cleared her throat and glanced down at her little black dress, the one she had only worn once. She stood up and chewed at her bottom lip. “Did I dress okay?”
♠ ♠ ♠
