One Summer To Relive


Lauren walked home from her last day of high school, she was done with being a freshmen and was ready to live it up this summer.
It was hot that day and she had a walk home to endure. John Dewey High School was about 4 blocks from her house in Brooklyn. It was a long walk for her, but she was used to it since she grew up in New York.
"Oh Snap! Look at Lauren rocking that Gucci," a girl yelled.
"Hey Shaunte! What's up girl,?" Lauren laughed back "and my Gucci be rockin,"
"Not much, But I got to run if I want to catch the A train to 5th Avenue,"
"Girl, Why do you hall yourself from Manhattan all the way out here,?" Lauren replied.
"I'm just going to my grandma's, next year my dad is moving to Avenue Z, So it won't be so bad,"
"Ok, Well, I'll see you later girl, text me,!"

Lauren walked up to her apartment building and walked to 1D's door and walked in. Her siblings were having a dart gun war in the playroom and her mom was on the phone. Ignoring the hectic mess going on, she walked down the hall to her room.
"What the hell,?" Lauren screamed as she walked into her room with suitcases on her bed, and her dresser where her clothes usually were, empty.
"Oh, Hey Honey! Uh......Surprise! Your father and I took the liberty of packing your things," Lauren's mom laughed "Er, Your going to enjoy camp,"
"CAMP! What the hell mom, What camp."
"Your father and I decided that all of you kids should go to summer camp, It'll be a great experience for you. You'll make new friends-"
"Mom! I thought the deal was I would babysit all summer from 11 to 3 when you got home, and then I could do whatever I want,"
"Well, your father and I didn't want you guys to be cooped up all summer until we got home, and it'll give you a break from all of us," Lauren's Mom grabbed a pamphlet from the dresser "Here, look through this! You'll love it. Camp Justice is a great place!,"
"Get out of my room,"
"But dear-"
"You just ruined my summer, my life, and I don't want to talk to you! Get out right now!," Lauren screamed.
"Well fine young lady, your not leaving your room the rest of the night and you'll like it,"
"Whatever! Just get out!" Lauren yelled. "I fricken hate you Martha,"
"Don't you ever, and I mean ever! call me by-" Lauren's mom screamed as Lauren shut the door in her face.
"I hate summer already, Camp? Really, it's atrocious!,"