Status: One Shot; Complete


Can we turn it around?

Vacantly she moves from room to room in her house. Hearing but not hearing, seeing but not seeing, feeling but not feeling, present but far away, surrounded but so alone. Her world once perfect, shattered by doing what she hoped was right. The one mistake, the million regrets. The life that’s slipping out of her control, the helplessness that she loathes.

He is a secret agent, specialising in martial arts, his latest mission taking him far away from her. His betrothed, the blonde whose heart aches with every minute they’re apart. He was gone forever, with no true promise of return. He loved her, she broke him into a million pieces. He started drinking more and more, relying on it to mask the pain she caused.

They were engaged, one soul split into two. They had plans for the future, they knew what they wanted, their futures entwined. They made promises, made pacts and vows. They were apart so long, their only communication fleeting messages sent steelingly over the computer. They are broken because of her weakness, her faithlessness and her blinding love.

She is still in school, music rules her life and her family are her friends. The only thing that she loved greater was him. She broke it off hoping her pain would go away. But it only ever got worse and worse

The best friend knew both sides. The best friend knew about his drinking, about her regret. The best friend decided to fix the two, to mend their broken love and help them fall again, to forgive and go back to how they were destined to be.

He drank and flirted, replaced her with another, much prettier girl. He fell for the new girl. Gave the new girl the songs he had given her. Replaced her in every way he could manage, filled the void in his heart. He forgot all about her, hated her.

She tried to do the same thing, but only ever ended up breaking it off, hating herself more than ever. She looked at herself in the mirror and decided to give it all up. To give in and let the world keep revolving without her.

It wasn’t until she was gone did he realise just how much he loved her, he ended it all, joined her for their destiny.