Joey Armstrongs little scam...

Family Meeting...

noone's point of view (p.o.v)

Billie Joe and Adrienne Armstrong wanted another child. They were stuck on adopting a girl or taking a chance on the odds of sex. They already have two boys, Joey who's 16 and his brother Jakob who's 12. Billie announced through the house they were going to have a family meeting. Everyone gathered in the family room. After everyone joined in the family room he started to explain why they were having the meeting. Jakob started to complain.

" But I was about to beat my biggesst record!! " he whined.

" Jakob SHUT UP!!! and get over it! " Joey yelled.

Jakob yelled back at Joey he said " Maybe I don't wanna!!! "

Joey angerly stood up and started yelling louder at Jakob " DO YOU WANNA SHUT UP OR DO YOU WANNA GET YOUR A--- " (PAUSES).

Billie stood up and walked in between them and said " knock it off and listen! your mother and I have something important to ask both of you " Billie looked at Adrienne and said " you wanna ask them or shall I? "

Adrienne looked at billie then at the two boys and said " How do you guys feel about a having a sister? " Joeys mouth dropped open down to the floor in shock, while Jakob was dancing and yelling.

" YEAH A NEW SISTER!!!!!! but then ill have two sisters..."

Joey glared at him. Billie said " so do you want a sister or not?? "

Jakob looked at Joey and, Joey looked at Jakob they both agreed to having another "Armstrong" in the family.


Adrienne calls everyone to the dinner table. Joey and Jakob rushed to the table, Billie follwed. Durnig dinner Jakob couldnt sit still. Billie started talking with a mouth full of food. He said " Calm down buddy its a new sister not a new puppy... besides you'll probably be bored with her after the first few weeks.."

Jakob smiled showing the food in his mouth and said " Soo... she'll probably be better then a person who texts all day... and she'll play with me more!!! plus she wont be as grumpy as Mr. lazy butt! " he pointed at Joey.

After Jakob said that dinner was quiet most of the time besisdes the sounds of forks hitting the plates. He still couldn't sit still... he was bouncing up and down in his chair. Adrienne said " honey settle down before you ge- " Jakob's chair fell over and hit the floor. Adrienne finished her sentence " before you get hurt...."

After dinner Joey and Jakob ran off to go play there video games. While Billie and Adrienne cleaned up dinner. When they finished cleaning up Billie told Joey and Jakob to go to bed, and so they did. Billie headed to his master bedroom where Adrienne was waiting for him. He took his shirt off and pants and was only wearing boxers. Adrienne patted the spot where he always lays and he layed next to her.

Adrienne layed her head on his shoulder. billie wrapped his arms around her and set his head on her's. Adrienne started the conversation " I can't wait until we bring her home! but, what if she doesnt like it here? What if this is a bad idea? What if she fights to much with Joey and Jakob!?!?!?! What if-----" she was cut off by Billies kiss.

Billie cut the kiss and said " Babe dont worry she'll get along just fine with those two, maybe she'll even decrease the fighting between them"

" Are you sure how can you be so sure?" Adrienne said worried

" Hun, please trust me on this it's gunna be ok and if she doesnt like it here then we will compromize things and work it out "

" Fine i trust you babe....I love you" she said

" I love you too" billie said ending the sentence with a kiss.

Billie got more and more agresive as they started to kiss it deepened and it was passionate. Billie took off Addie's shirt and traveld down to her pants. He took them off and pulled down panties and threw them across the floor. He unhooked her bra and it also dropped to the floor. Adrienne's hand got to the boxers elastic and she teased Billie, that only turned him on more... She pulled off his boxers and he started to pleasure her. Moans escaped addie's lips. Billie thrusted harder and harder she moaned even more which made him thrust harder and faster. Billie finally reached his climaxing piont and they quit. Adrienne layed on her left side and billie did the same wrapping his arms around her waist. He kissed her check and whispered " I love you and always will. " Then the both fell peacfully asleep....
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What do you think so far? comment on wheather you like it or not and should i keep going? short chapter sorry...