Joey Armstrongs little scam...

Adpotion Day

The next morning Billie woke up to Joey banging his drums as loud as fucking possible. Jakob was yelling at him to stop. Billies first thought....bad day...or a bad start to the day. Billie made his way to the basement where he, Mike, Tre' usualy rehursed thier music. When Billie entered the room he rubbed his eyes and yawned before syaing " Why are you guys up so fucking early? Jakob stop yelling at your brother and Joey stop with the damn drums and let your mom sleep in peace.... becasue i sure as hell didnt "

Jakob but in and said " it's almost two in the aftrenoon where's my other sister? "

Billie yawned again then said " It's not almost two in the afternoon....and your sister is at her other home she's waiting for your mother and I to pick her up at three "

Joey got up from behined the drums and walked out of the room but he returend within momments. He had retrived a clock from the living room wall. He handed the clock to his dad who was confused. Billie scratched his head and said " uhmmm.... whats this for? " Joey quietly counted down "3..2..1.. " Billie's eyes widened as he relized what time it was then he spoke " HOLY SHIT! IT'S TWO I GOTTA WAKE YOU MOM UP!! " Billie dropped the clock. He dashed out of the basement leaving Joeys laugh behined.

Billie finally reached his bedroom, and when he did he pounced on Addrienne. She didnt wake. Billie said " Addrienne honey, get up or were gunna be late to the appointment with our soon - to - be - daughter! " She didnt budge. Billie sat at the edge of his bed pouting with his arms crossed and whined " Fine, you wanna play games im gunna act like a five year old and scream in your ear until you get up ok? "

Addrienne shot up and tackled Billie the ' pouting 5 year old ' to the ground. She glared at him and said " you wouldnt dare! "

Billie smiled his charming smile and said " Oh but i would trust me and now that your up I dont have to. " Addrienne kissed him before she helped him up.


"Are the kids coming with us?" Addrienne said applying her masscara.

" let me ask 'em" Billie said putting his laether jacket on. Billie skipped down the stairs all excited to ho meet his new duaughter wondering what she looked like, how she spoke, just wanting to know every little detail about her. The only thing he did know about her was that her name was Ashley and she was 14. Billie wanted to know everything beecause he wanted the feeling of being in her life the whole time she's been on this earth. He wanted her to feel like she always lived in the Armstrong house hold and was never in foster care. On Billie's way down the stairs he bumped into Joey. " Hey buddy wanna come with your mom and I to go get your hopefully new sister?" Billie smiled as he finished the sentence.

Joeys response was " Dad, I'm not your little buddy anymore I'm practicly an adult! And no I don't wanna go with you or mom to go get our hoefully not new family member. For all I care if she doesnt like it here i'll be happy and then she can go back to the hell- hole she came from!" and with that he went to his room slamming the door shut. The smile was whipped off Billie face.

Billie shrugged it off and went to find Jakob. Jakob was trying to crack the parental block on the computer. I mean he's getting to the age where a young teen has to look at know what...Joey....way pass that stage. Billie didn't enjoy giving the ' sex talk ' all he really said was " use a condom if she gets pregnant your screwed! ok good nite" Anyways, Jakob turned off the computer hearing his dads footsteps. Jakob spun the chair around to face his father. Billie started to speak " Do you wanna go get your new sister?" Jakob's eyes lit up with joy, like Spongebob squarepants's eyes did on t.v. Jakob jumped out of the chair and he jumped on Billie nearly knocking him over.Jakob said " I would love to daddy! I love you! " he planted a big kiss on his fathers cheak, jumped down and ran off laughing.


It was 2:40 when they all pilled in the car. The whole time they were driving jakob started asking quetions the second they pulled out of the drive way. " Is she fun to play with?, is she short like you daddy?, does she smell good?, Can she sleep in my room?, Can she be my bestest friend?" Billie and Addrienne just smiled at each other knowing this was a good idea.

It was about 3:10 when they arrived at the requested address they were givin. Billie parked the car and stared at the home. " well here we are....lets go inside and meet her for the first time!' they all jumped out of the car. Jakob ran to the door and rang the door bell. A medium sized woman came to the door. She had light brown hair and blue eyes. She was wearing normal jeans and a sweatshirt. " Hi my name is Jakob where's my new sister is she in there? " he said pointing inside. Billie ran up to Jakob and said " Sorry about that he's a little excited. I'm Billie Joe and this is my wife Addrienne. Addrienne shaked the womnas hand. The wonam said " I'm Tracie nice to meet you come on in"
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Im gunna add more to this chapter i have to save here my computer is fucked up sorry guys :'( ill update in a few days or so bcuz of a wedding so ill post more in a few days check back for more