Joey Armstrongs little scam...

Adoption Day Part 2

They all walked in and Tracie offered them each a drink no one wanted anything so Tracie called for Ashley. "Ashley the Armstrong's are here!" she yelled from down stairs. A few seconds later the heard the voice of Ashley for the first time. " OK hang on!" Tracie turned to the Armstrong's and said "she'll be right down" smiling at the end.

****Ashley's p.o.v.****
I just got finished cleaning my room and i heard Tracie call for me and tell me there was a family here to adopt me! i was really excited and scared at the same time. Excited because it's another new family. Yes another new family which leads me to being scared. The other families didn't work out to well, only because they were rude, hurt me, or just adopted me for sex. It's happened trust me. They can put on a fake smile and act like they care. take you home and show you what they really are underneath their mask.

I wanna stay with a family longer then two weeks. three weeks if possible. if i get along with everybody. if i take to their liking, stuff like that. I threw my clothes into my laundry basket and walked into the hallway. i looked up to see the other foster kid, Conner. Tall, Brod, muscular, white. Black hair, lip ring, dark blue eyes, scary. He occasionally beats me that's why he's so 'scary'. i immediately looked down and he slammed him shoulder into me. i fell back and hit the floor. he spoke " Watch where your going stupid bitch!" then purposely stepped on my ribs. i gasped through my teeth in pain as he pressed harder with his foot. he picked me up and slammed me against the wall making a picture fall and break against the wood floor. Chocking me i tried prying his hands off my neck.

" Conner! let go of her for the fifth time!" he hesitated wile looking in my eyes and said " hopefully they don't take you, because I'll miss you" he let go off my neck and i dropped to the floor. i leaned my head back against the wall. Conner went to his room and slammed the door shut. Catching my breath i got up and went down stairs to see the family with shocked expressions on their faces.

A woman smaller then the man next to her spoke " oh my god are you OK?" she said sounding worried.

I smile a little i clear my throat " yeah I'm OK, i just slipped" i looked down my voice sounding shaky.

I shot my head up as soon as the taller man spoke " no you didn't. i saw him push you down" my mouth dropped slightly. i opened my mouth to protest but didn't say anything. i didn't want to argue with them for the first time. it wouldn't be a good idea. i nodded to him. a little boy staring at me turned and hugged the woman. He looked like he was crying.

" are you OK?" he said in an adorable innocent tone. i smiled and nodded again. " are you my new sister"

" i don't know yet" i kept smiling at him. i looked up at Tracie. she smiled at me and i looked at the boy. " Do you wanna watch t.v. with me in the living room?" he looked at the woman i assumed to be his mom. she pushed him towards me. he looked scared when he stood in front of me, but then he hugged me and i just stared at him. i led him into the living room and i said " do you wanna play call of Duty 4!?"

" yeah I'd probably win though, because I'm a boy and I've played more" he had a grin streched across his face.

" i can win even though I'm a girl, I've played a lot too ya' know" i said grabbing the remotes and handing him one. they were cordless.

****Adrienne's p.o.v.****

Ashley and Jacob walked into the living room together so we could talk about her and get to know her better from Tracie. Billie pulled open a seat for me at the dining table. i sat down and grabbed his hand clenching it tightly. " everything will be fine Adrienne don't worry" i smiled and we both faced Tracie, who had papers in her hands. Probably information about Ashley.

" OK, sorry about that incident earlier" she shuffled though the papers and Billie was saying something.

" whats wrong with him?" he sounded mad, maybe a little concerned. Billie loves kids, so of course he was going to ask. When that boy pushed her down she was helpless and the expression on Billies face was sickening. he looked angry that she didn't stand up for her self and also, he's probably ashamed he didn't do anything.

Tracie sighed deeply and said " he just has anger issues and cant control them"

" so he takes them out on her? She's helpless and you barley did anything" Billie protested.

" i keep telling him not to do these things and he wont listen he's seventeen and wont cooperate"

" well that's your fault and you should try harder" he sat back in his chair glaring. Man if looks could kill she'd be dead.

" Anyways, there are some things you need to know about her past" she said seriously, for once i thought.

" what happen to her parents?" i asked without thinking.

" I was just going to tell you about how she got here. When she was 11 her father killed her mom and he told her that if she told anybody that he would kill her to, so she kept quite. He also sold her to his friends from time to time" she stopped to take a deep breath. i for one was shocked. she continued " he went to jail which led her here when she was 12. ever since then family's have tried adopting her. when they take her home she just runs away and ends up back here" she folds her hands on the table waiting for our response's. i herd Billie whisper " fucking asshole" when she was talking about her father.

Poor little girl. i wish i could help, but all i can do is take her into my home hoping she likes it. i opened my mouth and they both looked at me when i said " so that's why she didn't fight back or say anything, she's scared out of her mind" Billie raised his hand to my face and wiped some tears away that i didn't realize i let out. She nodded to my realization, and continued telling us better things about her. Her grades where good, but she didn't have friends. She's always quiet around people, and is very shy.

***Ashley's p.o.v.****

" What now sucker!!! you got beat by a girl!" i said cheering on. i haven't been this happy for a while.

" No!! you cheated!" he cried out loud.

" How did i cheat Jacob?" i learned his name when he used it for his character.

" I don't know! You must be an evil demon or something!" he shouted.

" OK, OK lets forget that you got beat by me, a girl, and well settle this over wrestling" i suggested.

He smiled big which reminded me of spongebob. i chuckled and he said " oh, your on!"

" Bring it little boy!" he ran towards me and tackled me to the ground i wrapped my legs around his and turned him over pinning him down. " Say uncle!!!"

" Never!!" he said pushing me off of him. we rolled over and hit a table which had a vase that hit the would floor, and to our luck it broke. We both quickly stood up and all three of the adults came in. i pointed at Jacob and Jacob pointed at me, while they stared at the vase and back at us.

" What happened? that's my favorite vase!" Tracie yelled. running over to the shattered glass on the floor.

" i uhmm..... broke it... sorry" i said making sure Jacob didn't get in trouble.

" why would you do that?" she yelled once more making me feel guilty. i looked down.

i lifted my head to see the man looking at me. He was handsome actually, Black shaggy hair, smeared eyeliner, wearing all black. he opened his mouth and said " That's OK you wont have to deal with her, she's coming home with us anyways" he smiled looking at me. " where's the papers i have to sign?"

Tracie got up with piece's of what used to be the vase, and led him into the dining area. the woman smiled at me and said " do you need to pack?" i was knocked out of my thoughts as she spoke. i nodded and made my way up stairs.

I shoved all my clothes into my small bag and set it by the door. i made the bed for Tracie so she wouldn't have to. i turned around as i heard my door creek open. Great here's Connor standing in my room closing the door. " What do you want?" i hissed actually feeling confident because i was leaving hopefully to never see him again.

" i just want to say good bye, geez why do you hate me?" he came closer and i backed up.

" Because you treated me like shit Connor" I'm glaring now staring him down. he kept walking closer and then all of a sudden i was slammed against a wall. The force of me against the wall knocked over the alarm clock.

Tracie called from down stairs " Ashley? you alright?" she waited for my response and i looked at Connor. Connor nodded then smiled evilly. if i didn't , he would kill me possibly.

" yeah I'm just a little excited sorry it was the alarm clock" i said shakily.

Connor whispered " Tell them you'll be down in 15 minutes"

" but--"

" do it" he smiled i sighed a long sigh and did as he said. Then he started to mess with my pants. "Connor don't please there's people down stairs" i pleaded. He smiled and continued to mess with my pants until they were down to my ankles.

i opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out. Connor said " if you scream for someone I'll make this ten times worse"

"Connor" i whispered. he just stared at me waiting for my answer. "Why" i whispered again.

As he kept that creepy smile on his face he said " Because, my friend Joey said so, and he knows that your his new sister and I'm doing him a favor" he pulled down his own and then he thrusted. Feeling numb pain shoot threw your body hurts. again and again, i couldn't control it so i screamed as loud as i could. he stopped threw me down and left.

**** Billie's p.o.v****

We were sitting on the couch listening to how happy Jacob was. He was jumping up and down saying that he was going to give a tour to her around the house. I heard what i assumed to be Ashley screaming. i jumped up and walked towards the stairs. Connor came out of her room all sweat and i stopped him. " What the fuck did you do?" i whispered glaring at him.

He smiled and said " go find out" cocking his head to the way of her room. i pushed him out of the way with Adrienne and Jacob behind me. i can hear Tracie yelling at him. I opened her door and she was.....fine? i gave her a confused look and she looked more confused then i did.

" what?" she said innocently.

" Your OK?" i asked still very confused.

" Yeah, why wouldn't i be?" she replied back. shes obviously trying to hide something because her eyes are red and she's on the floor.

" did...he do any.....thing?" i said referring to Connor. she simply shook her head no. well, that proves she's a bad liar. she looks like she wants to cry. " ready?" i ask. she nods and i grab her bag. we all go down stairs saying our good byes. i accidentally bump into Connor. " i know you did something!" i confronted

" yeah? well good luck trying to get it out of her. she wont say a word" he laughed and with that i clenched my fist and punched him in the face. everyone was on the car already so no one saw. now I'm happy. we got our new daughter and i punched a sick fuck in the face!
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long chapter.
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i like this chapter!