Joey Armstrongs little scam...

New home, siblings, and worries.

(Ashley's pov.)

We’re sitting in the car driving to my new home and I'm very quiet. I really don't talk that much, just because of certain things i don't wanna bring up. I look over and Jacob won’t stop glancing at me and smiling it's awkward. I stare at him until were having a staring contest. “You blinked!" he shouted.

“No i didn't!" i shouted back. Smiling a little, my eyes watering.

“then your cheating again!" i dropped my mouth.

"I didn't cheat in the first place Jacob! You just can’t admit that i beat you" i pointed out again quieting down.

"No you cheated when we were playing!" wow he doesn't give up. We could get along well, although we already are!

“OK, OK whatever floats your boat! But" i paused.

“and here we go with the buts she doesn't ever shut up!" oh god drama queen.....

The mother shouted back at us “Jacob don’t say that!" haha he's in trouble.

“But mom! She cheated!!" awww.... he's about to cry.

“I don't care Jacob, don't talk like that!" she said once more in a more serious tone. I but in.

“whats your name?" i smiled. She smiled back at me. She’s really pretty too. Blondie and black dreadlocks everywhere.

“Adrienne and this is Billie, if you don't already know that?" she said making me confused.

“What do you mean if i didn't already know that?" i said still smiling. The man, Billie i suppose looked in the mirror that hangs above on the ceiling when i said ' if i don't know already' he laughed a little to.

He said “you don't know who i am?" he sounded disappointed. I shook my head and he said “well, let’s fix that" i watched as he spoke to Adrienne. “Would you hand me one of my Cd's from the case Hun" she smiled and handed him a CD. Cd? He pushed it inside the player and turned up the volume.

The CD player started signing this tune " i walk a lonely road the only one that i have ever known don't know where it goes but its home to me and i walk alone" Green Day? He kept looking back at me and the road and then spoke “ever heard this?" i nodded and he smiled to my knowledge.

“Is that you?" i asked. He nodded and smiled again. He smiles too much i tonight or maybe it’s me?

“maybe you can meet mike and tre' tomorrow when i go to band practice, it’s going to be at tre's house" Yet again he put on that smile. I smiled back. “Maybe you can get joey to come with" There's that name again, Joey. Connor said it and i felt my body freeze up. “Ashley?" i looked up at him " does that sound good? Wanna hang with us?" i smiled and just nodded. I didn't feel like speaking right now.

We got to my new home and Jacob grabbed my bag and said “I’ll take your stuff into my room since you like me best" he put my back pack on his back and fell over on to his side. Lucky for him it was grass. I laughed and then helped him up. I took my back pack and he grabbed my hand making sure he didn’t leave me behind.

He opened the door for me and inside the house it was ginormous! In the middle were stairs to the left was a kitchen and to the right a family room with 72 inch plasma screens TV. I smiled to myself and Jacob knocked me out of my thoughts. "Ashley my rooms up here follow me"

“Jacob, she has her own room" i turned to see who i guessed was joey. He had blonde hair with brown roots. He’s kinda cute actually. He was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He then looked at me.

“hi im--"

“I know who you are" he sounded angry. Now he's glaring at me. “i want you to know that you will never be apart of this family, your just a girl they feel bad for" he smiled. Jacob pushed me out of the way even though im taller than he is and joeys taller than i am.

“Joey be nice she's our new sister!" Jacob shouts. I hear Billie and Adrienne open the door so we all turned around.

Billie spoke " i see you met joey already, are you guys getting along?" he asked smiling. I nodded and so did they.

Jacob pulled my arm up to his room and said “this is my room" he then pointed to his bed” this is where i get my beauty sleep" i laughed at him. “come on I’ll show you your room" he pulled me out of his room and down the hall he stopped and opened the door for me we walked inside and i set my stuff down. He pointed at my bed “and this is where you sleep my lady"

“Your such a dork!" i said still laughing at him.

"Yes and im your dork because your my new best friend"

"Says who?" i asked smiling.

"Me, want me to help you unpack?" i looked at my bags, i had two large bags filled with nothing but two pairs of shoes, and clothes. I looked back at Jacob.

"Can you handle underwear, and bras and--"

"Ewww, never mind bye" he ran out of the room closing my door leaving me in laughter. I grabbed one of my bags and set it on the already made bed. I unpacked and set everything in the drawers of one of the dressers in the room. This room is bigger then the one at my foster home. Queen bed, two dressers, walk in closet, and a TV on the wall in front of the bed. White walls, wood floor, and two large windows. I like this place so far. I turned around due to a knock on my door.

“Are you decent?” the female voice asked.

“Ya come in” the door opened revealing Adrienne. She sat on the wrinkled bed from where my suitcase was. “What do you want to eat?” she asked with a nice warm smile.

“Anything but meatloaf please”

“Are you allergic to anything?”

“No” she set her hand on my leg rubbing it.

“Im sorry that, that had to happen back at the foster home”

“Don’t be sorry he has problems” she stared at me then hugged me tightly; I hugged back actually needing a hug. I haven’t been hugged like this since i was six, that’s when I ended up at the foster home. Tracie hugged me the day I got there and stuff, but never like this. She pulled away looked at me and walked out smiling.

*Joeys pov*

I was walking and talking with my friend Conner he was telling me about Ashley; the girl who is supposably my new sister, one of which I never wanted. “After she screamed I threatened her and she kept quite then your fucking dad punched me in the face!” I glared at the ground throwing my joint down and stepping on it since I took the last hit.

“Sorry dude, I didn’t mean for that to happen”

“You better fucking pay me what you promised or else”

“Ya, Ya I know, I’ll get it to you once I get it” I said. I looked up at him “What else can I repay you with?” we stopped and he lit his cigarette, and then looked at me exhaling.

“You could let me fuck her again, or give me some of your weed” I thought for a moment, if I let him in my house my dad will freak. If I give him my drugs I won’t have any for a while.

“When do you want the fuck?”

“Soon” he threw his cigarette bud down and started to walk away. “Catch ya’ later joseph” I signaled him good bye and headed home.

*Ashleys pov*

I finished washing my hands running down to the kitchen dining table before Jacob did. I sat down and watched the door waiting for him to come running in. as soon as I looked away he ran in and sat down. “You cheated again, you didn’t use soap” he said.

“Jacob give it a rest I will always win”

“Nuh-uh” I nodded yes. He shook his head no; this continued until the front door slammed shut and in came joey. Jacob and I watched him and he glared at me again like last time.

“What the fuck are you looking at?” he hissed. I looked away and tried to figure out why he hates me so much. What did I do? Did I hurt him in a way? How did I anger him to hate me this much? I looked back up and Adrienne was setting the food on the table. She looked at me and half smiled as Billie came into the room they quickly kissed and sat down next to each other. Billie looked up and smiled at me and I smiled back.

“Do you like it here so far?” he asked.

“Ya, I love your house” he served his plate smiling and I could hear joey mimic me in a bad girly voice. I looked over at him and he glared, I smiled at him and he rolled his eyes.

“Ashley after we eat im going to beat you...” my eyes looked up at Jacob. “At my new game” I released my breath not realizing I was holding it. “It’s called Ashleys gunna lose because Jacobs awesomer”

“When they come out with that game come and tell me, ok?”

“Ok” then joey burped, we all turned to him, and he looked at us like ‘what? I didn’t do anything wrong’

“Joey!” Adrienne shouted. He shrugged then I heard Jacob burp. “Jacob!” then Billie burped. I started to laugh, and then burped myself. We all started to laugh. Billies face turned serious.

“Ok, whoever burps the loudest doesn’t get to clean up dinner” he got up grabbing a bottle of root beer. He drank some and passed it on to Addie. Then so on and so forth, I took the last drink and set it down. Jacob burped first we all waited then Billie went, then me and then joey. So far Billie was of course loudest. Billie turned to Adrienne. “Looks like your cleaning up Hun” she slightly glared at him standing up with her dish in hand, and then a big giant burp came from this little woman. We all stared at her and she smirked at Billie.

“No, your all cleaning up” she handed her plate to Billie and left the room. It was quiet as we all cleaned up, when we finished Jacob grabbed my arm.

“Come on lets watch a scary movie!” he shouted.
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this isnt that good of a chapter...sorry :(