Eternal Dusk

Still Unanswered

"There is a way for vampires to become humans again. But it won't help you," Artemis frowned. She never expected him to ask her so soon, especially after the little confrontation they had a couple of days earlier.

"I don't care! Just make me human again!" Edward frustratedly ran his fingers through his messy hair.

"You don't understand, Edward. You'll d-"

"Artemis, this is not the time to tell him." Hestia came up from behind her. "But it is time to charm the house again. They are fading." Hestia gave Artemis a knowing look then gave Edward a little smile before going back upstairs.

"I'm sorry Edward, but you have to go."

Edward nodded, highly disappointed that only one question was answered. He felt this bubbling sensation inside of him, almost as if he was already human again.


Artemis placed her hand over the back door and mumbled an incantation. The magic flowed freely throughout her body and into her palms that glowed lightly with a pale green hue. Artemis removed her hand from the door and there radiated a symbol of protection before fading.

"Are you about finished?" Hestia came around the corner of the house. Artemis only nodded and left into the forest without a word.

She wasn't even that deep into the wood to know that someone was there watching her. Artemis knew it was too late to put a concealment charm over her. She inhaled the scent of the woods and found the direction they were in.

To the intruder it would seem as if she disappeared out of thin air, but he knew better. He was already too late to depart. Artemis stood behind him with a finger to his back, threatening him like it was a gun.

"They really shouldn't have sent a newbie to spy on me." Artemis' voice went sinister.

The man turned around with a grimace. His blond hair was in disarray and his caramel skin and dark clothes were dirty from his long journey.

"Even if you kill me now, the Council will find you. You're an abomination to the magical world, you hybrid!" Disgust was clear in his voice.

"Well thank you for the compliment. I'm sure they'll find me, but not anytime soon," Artemis smiled venomously and shot a spell straight to his heart, instantly killing him.

She leaned down to the intruder's dead body and watched a small trickle of blood flow out of his mouth. Artemis wiped his blood from his mouth with her index finger and brought it to her tongue.

"Waste not wanted."


Disposing the body was never hard for Artemis to do. All she had to do was burn the body and everything would be alright. She watched the body burn in the magical flames she made. She ignored the arrival of a curious, yet familiar someone.

"What are you burning? It smells horrible." Jacob's nose twitched.

Artemis crossed her arms, "A nuisance." She walked over to a fallen tree trunk and sat down, still focusing her attention to the flames.

Jacob and Artemis were silent. Only the fire spoke with its constant blazing breath and seldom crackles. Once Artemis figured it was finally time to stop the fire, she swept her hand horizontally and the flames ceased to exist. Not even ashes were left in the body's place.

Jacob flinched, not used to the open magic he witnessed.

"Shouldn't you be somewhere, Jacob? Tonight is a full moon, if you forgot."

He gave her a grin. "Me and my pack doesn't need the full moon the phase."

Artemis didn't return the grin. Instead she frowned. "Hmm... that's very odd." She stood up from the log and sighed. "I'll see you around, Jacob."

Jacob's grin dropped and replaced by a confused look. He waved his hand awkwardly and watched her walk away out of the forest.
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I've been procrastinating... -_-; But I was totally confused while writing this chapter. I could have went two different ways, but last night I came up with this other way. =]

Thank you to THE_MoJo and Crooked Clown for commenting a whole month ago! xD