Status: Updates are going to be pretty slow for a while, sorry guys :(

Summer Fling

Chapter 10 Randy's P.O.V

I hated being so forceful with Andy but I just had to get out of that room and I didn’t want Andy to have to face my dad.

I hurried in to my room and sat on one of the beds, tears already beginning to sting my eyes but I managed to hold them back. Andy watched quietly as I sat on the bed and closed the door before sitting next to me.

“Sorry” I sniffed “He’s like that sometimes.”

“It’s okay. It’s not your fault” he smiled, placing a hand softly on my shoulder.

“No” I shook my head “I shouldn’t have let him talk to you like that.”

“I’m alright. I suppose I should get used to things like that” he replied.

I smiled back at him and lay my hand on top of his, moving it off my shoulder and down on to my lap. I held it tightly, glad that there was someone that I could talk to.

“So I’m guessing he still doesn’t really approve” Andy remarked.

I shook my head.

“Well he’s better than some people would have been” he said on a lighter note.

"Yeah" I sighed contently. I was happy that Andy could always brighten the mood, sometimes when I'm feeling low it's nice to know someone will listen to me and try to make me feel better.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned before looking at my watch and realising just what time it was.

"What time is it?" Andy asked after noticing.

"Nearly twelve" I told him.

To be honest the only reason I was tired was because Rosey and Lily woke me up early this morning because they didn't know how to turn the T.V on. They don't know the meaning of lie ins.

"Randy?" I heard a light knocking on the door.

"Come in" I sighed, recognising the voice as my mum's.

The door opened slothfully to reveal my mum stood with my dad standing close behind her.

I turned my head away. I didn't want to even look at him at the moment. How dare he act like that, not only to me but, to a guest aswell.

"Randy" I heard my dad say.

I didn't respond.

"I'm sorry" he muttered.

I was sick of this! He would always do this! He'd just insult me and then just offer a half hearted apology.

"It's not me you should be apologising to" I growled.

I heard him sigh, making me turn around and shoot him a glare.

"Okay, okay sheesh" he whined "Sorry Andrew" he finished.

"It's fine" Andy said with a wave of his hand.

I was glad he didn't make a big deal out of it but at the same time I wasn't. I wondered how he wasn't offended all that much by it where as I would probably be quite hurt if someone elses' parents said something like that to me.

My dad grunted and walked off while mum stayed where she was. Once my dad had turned around and gone in to his room she breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry about that Andrew" she said.

"It's fine, really" he assured her.

He gave her a smile which convinced her.

"We're going to bed now Randy. Goodnight honey" she yawned.
"Night mum" I replied.

"You boys make sure you get enough sleep tonight" she warned.

"We will mum"

A grin covered her features before she turned to join my dad in their room.

I hung my head low. I felt so embarrassed with the whole situation. My dad didn't have to do that but no. He wanted to make a big deal over it and to get me upset. That's what it felt like anyway. To be honest I think sometimes he does it to make me feel bad about beeing gay. What kind of a father would do that?

I started slightly when Andy put his hand on my leg again.

"I'm really okay with it" he said.

"I know. I just hate my dad sometimes" I whispered, knowing that if I spoke any louder then dad'd probably be able to hear me. The walls were only this so you could hear prettymuch everything everyone else was saying.

No. I shouldn't let things like this get to me. I really need to work on being stronger, I want to always be there for other people when they need help.

"Come on then" I sniffed "The sofa's more comfy than the beds so we might as well sleep on that instead."

He gave me a worried look before smiling and nodding his head.

"Here" I said passing him two of pillows from my bed and grabbing the duvet.

He stood up and carried them down the hallway as quietly as he could while I followed, dragging the quilt along the floor.

"Umm, there's only one duvet" he whispered.

"Oh..." I hadn't thought about that.

"Do you mind sharing?" I asked.

I giggled silently as his cheeks deepened their colour. He shook his head before placing the pillows in the corner of the sofa and stepping to the side for me to put the sheet on.

I sat down and gently took hold of his arm, pulling him down so he was sat on top of my left leg.

"Shouldn't we get changed?" he blushed.

"Only if you want to" I replied. I wouldn't want to make him feel uncomfortable.

He nodded slightly before standing up, me following closely.

We both stood in silence for a while.

"Do you want me to look away?" I suggested.

"Yes please"

I did as he asked and turned around. I couldn't help but laugh a bit inside at how timid he was but if he didn't want me to see then I wasn't going to make him show me. I could hear some rustling of material before I heard him sit down on the sofa again.

"You can look now" he whispered.

I turned around to see him already under the covers and his t-shirt and jeans neatly folded in a pile on the floor.

I smiled before begining to pull my shirt over my head and tossing it messily on the floor. I wasn't too bothered about him seeing but I snickered as I saw him looking away.

"I don't mind you seeing" I purred.

He turned around and I saw him look at my bare chest, blushing as watched.

"Like what you see?" I winked, making him go an even deeper shade.

I chuckled lightly before sitting down next to him and removing my jeans, throwing them in around about the same area as my top.

Turning I managed to shuffle to the side closest to the back of the sofa while Andy moved so he was lying next to me. I could tell he was nervous about being so close to me but, lets be honest; we only met this morning. I was suprised at how open we were despite the little amount of time we'd spent together.

Despite how shy he was he inched closer to me.

I wrapped my right arm around his shoulders and ran my fingers through his chestnut brown hair. It was so soft and comforting to touch.

I smiled as he leant his head closer so my chest and whispering "Goodnight Randy."

Resting my chin on his head I replied "Sweet dreams"
♠ ♠ ♠
Jesus Christ this chapter is corny -_-
Aw well, writing it made me squeal :3
Bloody hell this update is long :DDDDDDDD

AMG I'm on a rollllllllll, I've never updated this soon for this many times in a row for like...eva :D

Pineapplemoo - well not yeeeeet ;P - Yeah but he gets better...I think :O

glitter and slash(new commenter) - Hehe, my mum has an identical twin sister :D I'm finding that quite alot of people are liking the twins XD

Dallas Green - I shall be having those cookies now XD And I actually wanted younger siblings before realising how annoying they could be through my friends

ElliotLovesesPierre! x2 - Yaaaay! Thank yooouuuu! Your comment do mean alot to me coz they're so awesome :3 Four alarms? Wow, you must be a deep sleeper XD Huh? Did those fucking crackheads hurt you?! I'll beat the living sh*t outta them if they did! D:< Awww! He does?! That sounds so sweeeeeeet! Does he have an account on here?

a7x.Sick.Puppie.x - well there's another 2 weeks to write about yet and I've only just covered one day with ten freaking chapters! XD I'm sure I'll fit most of it in ^^ Hehehehe Syn :3

rossakamfzb - I think you have a low mibba tolerance XD

Chesterthehobo(new commenter) - And your comment makes me :D

For all the lufferly comments! Woah! That's more than I thought :D

Oh and I got 31 subs now so that means another star.
BUT now I only need another 5 or so readers for another star! :D

Though I'm posting this update at rush hour on mibba so I hope I get more D:

More updates soooooooon ;)