Status: Updates are going to be pretty slow for a while, sorry guys :(

Summer Fling

Chapter 12 Randy's P.O.V

I sighed contently at the peaceful scene lay before me; twins munching on toast (that they couldn't be bothered making themselves so I had to do it) and myself with Andy say between my legs slowly eating from a bowl, duvet covering our lower abdomens.

I wasn't too interested with what was on the T.V. The girls were still only young so they were still quite interested in the cartoons; though they were nothing compared to our generation's animated shows.

Luckily my parents hadn't gotten up yet. My mum was usually first anyway followed by my dad roughly half an hour later which gave us a warning of when to be out the house by. I wouldn't want dad to let his tongue slip again while Andy's here.

I was actually quite reluctant to invite him over in the first place but seeing as I knew he didn't want to go back home I didn't know what else to do; I couldn't just leave him with no where to go now could I? Just thinking about it was making me worry again. I mean, I really don't want him getting in more trouble because of me, I think I should say sonething soon. It's not that I wanted him to go; it was quite the opposite in fact, but I was just thinking about his parents. Despite my dad's gruff appearence and some of the things he said about me I could tell he still loved me, even if he didn't like me if that makes sense.

Well...I'll wait until just a little later, until he's finished his cereal at least.

"Morning girls, Randy, Andrew" I heard a sweet voice sounding from the edge of the kitchen.

We all turned around to see it was mum. Andy started fiddling with the edge of the cover, pulling it up slightly more in order to cover his chest. I inwardly laughed at his shyness though, to be honest, I probably would be in front of someone elses parents.

"You sleep well girls?" she questioned, reaching in to the fridge for a yoghurt.

"Mhm" they drolled, not really paying too much attention.

"What about you boys?" she asked while getting a spoon out of the drawers and making her way over to the edge of the larger sofa me and Andy were sat on.

"Fine thanks" I replied, trying to keep myself from laughing as Andy stiffened up and burried himself deeper in to the warmth of the cover.

I saw my mum smiling, probably slightly amused as well but being too polite to laugh, before opening the pot and starting to eat.

I wrapped my arms around Andy's waist and pulled him closer, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"You want to get dressed?" I whispered down his ear.

I could tell he was embarassed about being so exposed in the presense of not only other people but girls as well so it would probably calm his nerves somewhat. Not to mention that he should start heading home soon. I wonder if I'd be welcome...

He nodded slowly before reluctantly standing up and letting the material drape down his smooth body. He quickly stooped to pick up his neatly folded clothing and walked proceeded to walk to the hallways prior to walking in to the bathroom and closing the door, making sure to lock it.

"He's very nice" I heard my mum remark.

I smiled in response, not helping myself from blushing.

"Where did you meet him?"

"At the park" I mumbled.

I didn't mind telling my mum about this, it's just the fact that Rosey and Lily were in the room and although they were grossly distracted by their T.V programme I knew that they'd be listening and would be able to recall the whole conversation. They had rediculously good memories.

"Does he like you too?"

I shrugged my shoulders "I hope so" I replied.

She smiled sweetly at me as she realised she probably wasn't going to get much out of me at this point. I would most likely talk to her about it later, when my sisters aren't here and when my dad and Andy are out of earshot. I don't like talking about people behind their back, even if it was something nice, I find it rude. But mum had a right to know and I supposed I didn't mind.

I decided that it would be appropriate to get dressed myself and carried all of the bedding back to my room before quickly getting changed in to a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt with long, black sleeves; it was my favourite top.

When dressed I walked back in to the living room to find Andy was already dressed with his jacket on and sitting on the sofa again. Mum had gone, not too sure where though.

"Your mum said she was going to the shop to get some more breakfast cereal" Andrew informed me with a smile.

He got up and walked over to me.

"I think I should be thinking of going home some time soon" he said awkwardly and I wasn't suprised.

He seemed so comfortable here that asking to go home seemed almost painful to him. Not to mention what he was in for when he got back.

"Want me to walk you home?" I asked. I mean, it was the polite thing to do.

He nodded, happy that I'd asked and I was just as happy that he'd accepted. I would like to meet his family but I highly doubt they'd welcome me if they knew I was the reason for their son sneaking out all night and staying over at someone elses house.

I grabbed my jacket that I'd flung over the backs of one of the chairs and put it on. It looked quite sunny this morning but there was frost beginning to form on the edges of the window.

I opened the front door and was instantly met with a blast of cold air, making the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. After letting Andy walk out I shut the door behind us, making sure it was shut tight. Dad was still in bed and I didn't want any strangers walking in with Rosey and Lily still up. Although to be honest I only just noticed how quiet they were; probably just crashed after their sugar high last night.

We began walking down the road and I noticed how somber Andy looked.

"Why the long face?" I asked, even though I knew what the answer was most likely to be.

"It's just..." he trailed off "my dad has always been at the steering wheel when it came to making decisions about my life; decisions that I should have had the choice to make really. I only got a say in one of my G.C.S.E options and he told me what others to take in order to get a good career. But I hated them. He didn't even care when I said I'd do badly because I suck at them, he just knew what he wanted me to do and made me do it."

Wow. His dad doesn't seem like the loose kind of guy. I wonder if trying to meet him would be a good idea afterall.

"Well I'm sure he only wanted what was best for you. I mean, every parent wants their child to do well." I replied, hoping it would cheer him up.

"I suppose. But it doesn't mean making your child unhappy in order to do so; there's got to be a midpoint between happiness and success. And now he's ruling over what kind of friends I have! I've just had enough." he sighed.

I wrapped my hand around his and smiled at him.

"Have you ever told him this?"

He shook his head "I've never even told my mum about it. You're the first person I've told."

"Well...just try to keep going. If you try hard enough you might be able to prove to your dad that you are old enough and responsible enough to make your own decisions without him breathing down your neck."

"Yeah" he muttered, not sounding too convinced.

Although I'd offered to walk him home I didn't actually quite know where he was staying but hopfully he'd be able to remember himself. Even though he just got here yesterday that didn't mean he'd be too familiar with the area unless he'd been here before.

"Where abouts are you staying?" I finally managed to ask once we'd reached the park.

This was where we'd met both times that we've been here so he should be able to recognise the area and be able to make his way back from here.

"Up around the area next to the lake. It's number...28 I think" he recalled.

"Want me to come with you?" I offered.

He thought about it for a moment before speaking.

"No thanks" he declined "Although I'd love to have you over I don't even want to think about what my dad's gonna be like when I get in. It's for your own safety really" he chuckled.

Despite being a little disheartened the thought of what his dad would be like made me think it was for the best too.

"Will you be alright on your own?" I questioned.

"I'll managed" he replied warily.

"Okay then....Would you want to meet up again later today?" I asked.

I would like to see him again but I suppose that would all depend on the circumstances of his parents, really.

"If I'm still alive" I laughed.

I was suprised at how comical he was making the whole situation seem. But he was the happy kind of person so it was natural.

"See you later then" I waved.

"Hopefully" he smiled.

Though we just said our goodbyes it seemed that neither of us really wanted to go. Andy stood awkwardly beside me before gently leaning and placing a peck on my cheek, making them heat up, and then walking in the direction of his caravan.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ummm...*waved awkwardly* Hi guys ^^"

Wellllll, for most of you who won't know (Heck, I only think about 3 of you will know XD) I'm in Scotland right now. Wait, no one knew that because they thought I was going to Sunderland, as did I, but my parents changed their mind...again.

Okay, now for a little feedback from you guys. I was just wondering what you's like to see start happening in my story i.e. something more serious or just have to rest of the holiday nice and relaxing?

What kind of things do you want Andy and Randy to do (please bare in mind they've only known each other for a day XD) and some constructive critisism would be very greatly appreciated on my writing. I'm aiming to use different writing styles so any comments and feeback would make me a very happy bunny ^^

Anyways, Special Thankies to:

a7x.Sick.Puppie.x - Awesomness of this story or your awesomeness? XD And I thought I'd mention that Vivvi says she doesn't want to co-write "It's Time To Forget But I'll Alaways Remember" because it's too stressful XD So now it's your turn the write the next chapter :3

Pineapplemoo - Indeedy, even though I was explaining it to you on the phone as you read it XD - Yeah, me thinks that's going to be the next chapter

Chesterthehobo - snuggles one the couch + 2 boys = MIND IMPLOSION

LivLovesLongHair:D - Indeed; cheesecake has much awesomness :D

rossakamfzb x2 - OMG Katie...I has a pair of ugg boots! :D

reapervampire - Insanity is the way forward :3

for all the comments, you guys are what make me want to write more and please don't forget to comment next time with some ideas and constructive critisism ^^

More updates soooooooooooooon ;)


Ah crap, gotta do my maths homework while here. Hey Raaaaacheeeeeeel ^^

Wow, longest authors note so far WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!