Status: Updates are going to be pretty slow for a while, sorry guys :(

Summer Fling

Chapter 14

Andy's P.O.V

"...umm, well. Just a friends" I clarified, keeping the details to a bare minimum.

I don't know why she was so dumbstruck. I usually made friends here within a day or two because of my naturally kind nature.

"Oh" she said simply.


Well...this wasn't awkward at all.

Lucy and Vicci hadn't really been paying too much attention so didn't butt in with any weird unrelated comments. Though, right now that would probably be a good distraction.

"I see" mum whispered after coming out of her trance and started to root through the cupboards for a bowl.

I just stood there. Did that mean she was finished talking to me? It wasn't quite what I had thought if it was, I'd expected something extremely long winded about how stupid and selfish it was to leave without even so much as a note.

Though I suppose if it were my child that had done this then I'd be quite upset too. Maybe I should talk to her a little more; just to put her mind at ease.


She didn't reply, only looking up from the cupboard once she'd managed to find a bowl.

"I'm...I'm really sorry I didn't tell anyone or leave a note or anything like that. It's just...I know if I'd have told anyone you wouldn't have let me go and" I trailed off "I really wanted to see hi-...them."

I mentally cursed myself, I didn't want to give to much away.

She gave me a suspicious look before pulling me in to another hug.

"It's okay hun. Just...just don't do anything like that again without letting me know first" she sighed.

I nodded in to her shoulder and slumped my body slightly. It was nice to know that she wasn't mad at me; she was never mad and I would hate to be the one to make her upset.

"So..." she droned as she pulled away from the hug.

"How did you meet this friend?" she asked.

I diverted my eyes. I didn't really want her know but I'd always told my mum everything because she'd always looked out for me and made sure I was never in any danger.

"Well..." I drifted off, wondering where I should start from and how much I should tell her. "You remember when I went off on my own yesterday after we'd first got here?"

She nodded.

"I went to the park, just because I thought I'd cool off before coming back" I mumbled while giving Lucy a quick glance out of the corner of my eye.

"And we just got talking. They took me to a bay by the lake which was nice and peaceful" I muttered, smiling slightly at the memory. It was beautiful scene and I'll probably like it if we go there again.

"Ohhh" she muttered with a mischievous grin.

"Ohhh?" I mimicked but it was more like a question and gave her a confused look.

"So, what's her name then?"

I looked at her shocked, my mouth parting slightly as she smiled even deeper.

She said her; "What's her name?"

I should have guessed really that if she ever found out I was going out with someone she would have presumed it was a girl.

I sighed, knowing that I'd been beat. She's found out.


That didn't mean I had to tell her the whole truth.

"Her name's...Sandy" I drawled out.

That was believable right? I mean Randy, Sandy, pretty much the same right? R and S are right next to each other in the alphabet.

"Sandy? That's a pretty name" she complimented. "Oh Andrew I'm so proud of you. You've finally managed to find the right one eh?"

I blushed slightly. I hadn't really thought about if me and Randy would stay together in the long run. But he was so sweet and I'd seen quite a bit of his personality in just one day. But I really wanted to know more about him: favourite food, favourite colour, what other hobbies he may have, does he have any pets? The list could go on.

I suppose if I feel like I want to know more then that means I'm interested right?

I nodded as my blush deepened and I looked down.

I kind of felt bad that I was lying to her but there was no other choice really was there? If I told her that Sandy was really a boy then she’d almost definitely tell dad and that would mean he’d either hate me for the rest of my life or throw me out of the house.

Wait, he already hates me seeing as I’m gay so that would just mean I’d be thrown out the house…which wasn’t any better.

“So when will I get to meet her?”

My heart stopped.

“Err…well. It..well she kind of…” I stumbled.

She started to giggle which just made me feel even more embarrassed.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to introduce us if you don’t want to. But let her know that she’s welcome any time” she whispered with a smile.

Lucy had turned round during our little conversation, probably because her name hadn’t been mentioned yet so mum thought it was wise to keep it hush.

“M-mum” I stuttered.

“Yeah hunnie?” she replied as she turned round to the fridge to grab some milk.

“Can…can you not tell dad about this? It’s just that he’d want to meet her and it would be a bit weird him knowing. I don’t know why it just would” I shrugged.Probably because the she is a he.

“Okay” she nodded.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

That had gone smoothly. More so than I had originally thought anyway.

But, this was brilliant!

I could see Randy whenever I wanted and just use Sandy as an excuse!

I instantly relaxed and the paranoia that had been lurching in the pit of my stomach slowly began to disintegrate. At least I wouldn’t have to talk about it in the near future to my parents.

If they ask again then I could just come up with a back up plan.

I almost skipped to my room after having that weight lifted off my shoulders but I managed to refrain myself. Lucy or dad would definitely think something was weird if I started skipping.

As soon as I reached my room I got my phone straight out of my pocket, went to Randy’s Phone number and started texting him.

Jst told mi mum and she’s ttly fine wth it!

I sent it off and waited for a reply. I buried my face in to the warm sheets, just thinking about how things could go from now on. I mean, mum already knew but it wasn’t a total guarantee that she would keep it from dad seeing as she would really want to tell someone.

I found it quite weird when she said she was proud of me but I just shrugged it off. I whipped my phone out again as I felt it vibrate. It was a reply from Randy:

That’s great! So proud of you! You want to meet up later again today? <3

I laughed at his precise grammar, I’d never really bothered trying to be accurate in texts seeing as people got the main jist of what I was saying anyway.

Wud luv 2! Park agen, 3?

I wrote before sending it. I remember mum mentioning something about taking all three of us round the area today so I could just sneak off to say I was meeting with Sandy to mum; she’d come up with a good excuse for dad as to why I was leaving.

A reply from Randy came.

See you then ;)
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohhhh, things are hotting up eh? ;)

Aw come on! I got another 2 subs and then one unsubscribed? What? :(

Ah well, you guys still like this story right?


Right? D:

Hehe, anyways, special thankies to:

Phoenix_xX - Yeah, I was actually thinking of doing something like that, it would give them a chance to talk while looking all cute'n'stuff ;)

a7x.Sick.Puppie.x - You did update though! >:) And you kind of need to point out it was a mistake 'cause I thought it was a bit random when you said that XD But how's that proof reading of HWGTF? going? - lol, yh. But he's quite the improviser wouldn't you say? ;)

reapervampire - Awww thankies hunnn! *nomzurcookies* You're so sweet ^_^

rossakamfzb - lol, your comment made me laugh. And no it's not 'cause you you silly ^_^ I just finished the homework today :D It looks all pwettyful too :3 Hehehe, that choccy bar was mighty tasty :P

For all the lufferly comments, they really mean alot to me guys and are probably the only thing keeping me going ^_^"
But I'm going on holiday with a friend on Friday (though I'm sleeping at her house on the Thursday night) so I shall try my mightyest to update before then but please bear in mind that I have homework and I also have to update "It's Time To Forget But I'll Always Remember" pretty soon *le sigh*

But I shall try for you guys ^_^
Peace out xxx