Status: Updates are going to be pretty slow for a while, sorry guys :(

Summer Fling

Chapter 2

”I’ve given up, I’m sick of this feeling, is there nothing you can say? Take this all away. I’m suffocating. Tell me what the fuck is wrong with me!”

How true, how true.

”Put me out of my misery,
Put me out of my misery!
Put me out of my,
Put me out of my fucking misery!”

Yes please. I couldn’t help but think that this song was made for me as I strolled along the path leading up to the play area. It was quite big and I spotted a few free benches. I decided this would make a good place to calm down...before heading back to my unbearable family to get wound up again.

I flopped on to one of the wooden benches placed near the swings and crossed my legs neatly infront of me. I made sure that my iPod was securely placed in my black jeans pocket and grabbed my ankle to keep me stable while I looked around. There were a suprising number of kids hanging around here, most of them playing with younger siblings or doing the same as me and sitting on their own, either on benches or climbing frames.

Though, most of the teenagers were girls. Not the nice kind either; they looked like complete whores to be honest with you. Slathered in makeup and wearing clothes that were waaaaaaaaay too small for them. Quite a few girls like that were in my year, not very fun to talk to. They mostly spoke about shopping and hair but there are a few that are quite fun to be around and will join in in the rough and tumple games.

There was one lad imparticualr that was running around that had caught my eye, quite tall and very good looking: around 6ft, jet black hair that was ruffled and fairly long, good dress sense...nice ass.

Ah damn it! I said I’d try to stop doing that! Checking out other boys in public was just wrong! Well, no one here actually knows me so I suppose a few peeks wouldn’t be so bad, but I’ve got to restrain my pervy...ness?

I should explain now that for quite a while I’ve known I was gay.I kind of figured it out seeing as I never thought of girls, even pretty ones, as more than friends and that every time I was near a cute boy my heart would start pounding uncontrollably. I haven’t “Come out of the closet”, as they say, but I’m not sure I ever will. I mean, I’ve got no idea how my mum and dad are going to react. I’ve heard so many cases where sons have been thrown out of houses because their parent’s thought it was wrong or didn’t agree with it. I think that’s probably likely for me seeing as I was supposed to be a perfect role model for Lucy and this could ruin that title for me...not that I was doing a good job filling it so far.

I’ve only ever told one person and that’s how it’s going to stay. It’s agrivating when my parents ask me if there’s anything wrong just because I haven’t ever invited a girl over. Well, my best friend is a girl so that doesn’t really count and they know I don’t like her in that kind of a way. But I give them the same answer I always do when they ask about it: I haven’t found the right one. They usually get the message that I don’t want to talk about it by then and just drop the subject, but I’ve noticed they’ve been bringing it up more often lately; it’s almost like they’re pressurising me in to getting a girlfriend. Why won’t they just leave me alone?! I’m only sixteen!

I started staring at the boy again as, what I presumed was, his little sister continued to drag him round by his hand and demanding that he play with her. She looked around Lucy’s age and was the spitting image of her too; dragging various people around and commanding them.

I saw him look it my direction and mouth the word “help” at me with a terrified expression on his face. I couldn’t really tell whether it was face or genuine but I smiled anyway, happy that he’d noticed me.

I couldn’t help it but I kept my attention just on that one boy, I couldn’t care less about his sister. If anything I’d had a feeling she’d noticed I was looking at him and at one point actually stared back, almost confused. A small smile spread across her face and she tugged on her brother’s sleeve before standing on her tip-toes and whispering something in to his ear, pointing directly at me.

She ran off on her own and left him stading there by himself. He watched her go before turning his head to look at me and smiling. I started feeling a bit confused when he began walking towards me and even more baffled when he actually sat next to me.

“The name’s Randy” he extended a hand.

I snapped out of my little daze and grabbed it, noticing his firm grip.

“I’m Andrew” I told him, slightly shly.

None of the boys at school had ever caught my interest (not that I’d ever make a move if one had) and I’ve never talked to a boy who I’ve thought was attractive before so I was feeling a bit flustered and unsure.

“My sister said that you’d been looking at me for quite a while and told me I should come say hi”

I felt my cheeks heating up, it felt embarassing that he knew I’d been staring at him even if he didn’t know it was in that kind of a way.

“Hehe, yeah. It looked like you were having fun” I lied.

“Fun? More like torture. Having a little sister is a complete pain in the arse” he whined” and even worse when she has an identical twin sister, she’s just gone to the toilet.”

Yikes, imagine living with two Lucy’s...oh the horror.

“Trust me I know. Got one that’s eight and her friend staying with us. I’m not sure I’m going to make it” I chuckled.

“So how long you staying here then?”

“Too long” I joked”About two weeks. What about you?”

Well I’ve already been here a few days and I’m staying here for another week and three days” he moaned. He was obviously getting bored already and I could completely understand.

“Hey, you want to do something a little more interesting?” he asked.

I wasn’t all that sure what he meant by interesting but I’m sure whatever he had in mind was a lot more fun than this.

“Sure” I said a little hesitantly.

“Come on then” he said and threaded his fingers through mine, standing up and leading me down that path away from the park.

I was actually so shocked and flushed that he held hands with me that for the first few moments I didn’t even react until I saw a few heads turning. Quickley I yanked my hand away and he turned back to look at me.

“What’s up?” he questioned.

What’s up? The fact that the super hot guy I’ve got a crush on was just holding my hand was what’s up! Straight guys don’t hold other guys’ hands do they? I thought it was a girl or family only kind of thing.

“Eer, nothing” I blushed “my hand’s just a little sweaty.”

“Oh okay” he smiled.

He just acted as though nothing happened even though practically everyone was staring at us! Well, he seems like a nice guy so I can’t really judge him on that incident alone, he’s probably a perfectly good lad.


“So do you even know where we’re going?” I asked after we’d been wandering down the path covered in overgrown plants for around ten minutes.

Randy seemed to know where he was going but it didn’t really look like we were headed anywhere imparticular.

“Yeah” he replied “I found this bay that I come to to get away from it all. It’s nice and secluded so I don’t think many people know about it.”

“Cool” was all I could say.

I should have tried to remember the way, that way I could come here when Lucy and Vicci were getting too much to tolerate.

“Here we are” he announced as we came to a tiny opening which lead to a steep drop and at the bottom was a small wooden bay, just like Randy said. It was quite grubby but that didn’t bother me much, I can prettymuch settle with anything.

Randy started clambering down, making extra care not to lose his footing, and I waited until he reached the bottom of the hill before starting to make my way down. I jumped the last part and I heard a gentle thud as I felt my feet make contact with the old oak. This was a very good find, nice and secluded and a beautiful view.

The lake was freshwater which meant I was able to clearly make out the colourful marine life. The opposite end of the lake was around five hundred metred away and was surrounded by huge trees and vibrant plants. It looked nicer over there; more colour, but sitting over there meant you got a terrible view of this end. I spotted several swans majesticly glinding on the water along with about a douzen ducks and every so often I would see a fish jumping parially out of the water.

“Impressive isn’t it?” Randy said, breaking the silence.

“Beautiful. How did you find it?” I wondered aloud.

“I had to get away from the family and just think. I sort of stumbled upon it by accident” he told me.

I simply hummed in agreement and followed him as he walked to the edge and sat down, dangling his legs over the water. I sat next to him and we both stared out in silence. The wierd thing was that although no one was saying anything I didn’t feel awkward like I usually do in these kind of moments.

It was almost like...a romantic scene.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yaaaaaaay, I'm really happy with the number of readers and subs I already have for this ^^
But some of my subs didn't comment :( This time plz?

And lyrics at the beginning (c) Linkin Park

Special thankies to:
for the lufferly comments