Status: Updates are going to be pretty slow for a while, sorry guys :(

Summer Fling

Chapter 3

”Aaaaaaaaandreeeeeeeew!” an ear-splitting screech shattered the silence.

Oh no. Please no, not here. Just when I thought I’d gotten away from her.

”Raaaaaaaaandy!” came another two voices.

Looking over at him I saw his face drop.

We simultaneously turned our heads to see four girls stood at the opening at the top of the hill, all with the same menacing expressions on their faces. Lucy was the first to start stumbling down towards us closely followed by Vicci and a pair of twins.

“Look Andrew! We met these two girls” Vicci chirped.

“Randy!” the twins both shouted happily.

“We wanted to see where you were going” the one on the right said.

“So we followed you here” the other added.

“These girls said they knew the person who was walking with you” the first one spoke.

“So we said they could come with us” the second finished
Wow, these twins were creepy; they even finished each others’ sentences.

“Yeah, who is this guy Andrew?” Lucyasked shouted.

Because manners were everything to Lucy.

“This is Randy” I sighed. He gave a small wave which made Lucy and Vicci giggle. Girls are so weird!

“So is this your new boyfriend then?” the identical girls asked.

“Rosey. Lily” he warned.

“What?” Lily replied.

“I mean, you only dumped Ricky a few months ago” Rosy responded nonchalantly.

Ricky? Boyfriend? Wait, did that mean...? Well, I know how little sisters love to annoy older brothers so they could just be teasi-

“He was a jerk and he was the one that dumped me. He didn’t even have the balls to do it in person; he did it over the phone!” He exclaimed, a tint of hatred in his voice.

So it does mean he’s gay. I’ve never met another gay person before, well, if I have then I’ve never met one that’s openly expressed his sexuality. So that might have been why he didn’t find holding my hand weird.

Right now I’m kind of envious of him; I would never have to guts to tell anyone or be able to act like that in public but Randy pretty much shouted about his last boyfriend and didn’t give holding hands with another guy a second thought.

So that most likely means his parents know which means that I could ask him about it. Like how they reacted and if they treat him any different. But that might mean telling him about my sexuality and it would be a bit odd telling a complete stranger about it but not my parents. I’ve kind of wanted to get it off my chest for a while now and only my closest friend at school, April, knows because I know I can trust her with my life.

But he’s like me so I could feel confident telling him and knowing he’ll be understanding and won’t laugh. He’d probably keep it a secret too, after all; what would he gain from telling anyone?

“Great, now all the girls know about this place” Randy huffed as his sisters jeered him about being dumped.

“Sorry man. Lucy, Vicci, do mum and dad know you’re gone?” I asked.

“They said it was okay is we went out as long as we stayed with you and we did. You just didn’t know that we were with you” Lucy explained. She was a pain but she was sly.

Oh great. My parents didn’t get the message that I wanted to be left alone and decided to let the thing I wanted to get away from follow me. They know me so well don’t they?

“Oh and mummy said tea would be ready at half six” she added.

Checking my watch I saw it was 4:05pm, that gave me just under two hours to do what I wanted. But what were we going to do about these girls? It was clear that Randy despised their presence and I certainly did. The only way I could get them to go away was with a bribe. I reached in to my pocket and brought out some lose change.

“Lucy, I’ll make a deal with you: If I give you some money will you and Vicci promise to leave me and Randy alone for the rest of the day?” I asked, hoping to dear God that she’s accept.

I saw their eyes light up at the chance of some free money before nodding their heads vigorously.

“Okay, okay” I chuckled “But you have to meet me back at the park at quarter to six or I’m never going to take you there again, got it?”

Mum would probably make me go with them if they wanted to anyway but the threat might make them actually do what they’re told this time.

“I’ll walk you guys back then” Randy said, standing up and helping me up too. “You probably don’t remember the way and I don’t want you getting lost”

“Andrew! Carry me on your back!” Lucy yelled, tugging at my jacket sleeve.

“Lucy, the last time I did that you used my hair as reigns” I mumbled, rubbing the side of my head as I remember the painful memory. I could see Randy snickering out of the corner of my eye and I smiled.

Before she could argue back I lifted her up with both hands at the waist and dropped her at the top of the hill, doing the same with Vicci and Randy copying with Rosey and Lily. It was too steep for them to climb back up on their own.

Randy jumped to the top in one leap and turned round to grab my hand, helping me up. I blushed a little as he pulled me to the top and I stopped so close to him, our faces were mere inches apart. I pulled back quickly, trying to stop him from noticing my redness, and lost my footing, falling backwards. Randy acted quickly and yanked me by the front of my jacket forcefully , managing to drag me up on to my feet.

“You okay?” he asked. He looked genuinely worried and it was only then that I realised how tall he was in comparison to me.

“Yeah fine thanks” I laughed “just lost my footing.”

“Okay” he smiled before turning round and leading the way back.

Lucy and Vicci walked directly behind Randy along the narrow, grassy path while Rosey and Lily walked in front of me.

After we’d been walking for a while I noticed one of the twins looked back at me before turning to the other and whispering.

“He likes this one”

Well I say whispering but it was fairly obvious that they were saying it loud enough for me to hear. Although I did hear it I pretended I didn’t. He liked me? Well his sisters think he likes me but how could they know for sure?
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay I got a little confused when typing this and the last chapter. They were both supposed to be one but there was another bit to this chapter that I cut off because it was too long so I shall hopefully be posting that tomorrow.

Tuesday update *tick*
Wednesday update *tick*
Thursday update *tick*
Lets hope there's a Friday :D

Special thankies to:
LiveLovesLongHair:D (New Commenter)
for all the lufferly comments ^^