Status: Updates are going to be pretty slow for a while, sorry guys :(

Summer Fling

Chapter 4

“Quarter to 6 and no later” I warned the two girls stood below me, waiting to sprint off towards the nearest arcade or sweetshops.

“Okay, okay, okay!” Lucy shrieked, not really listening to what I was saying.

I dropped the money in to her hand and watched her as she grabbed Vicci’s arm and went speeding off in to the distance, mowing down all in her path. I gave a light chuckle before turning to see Randy making the same deal with the twins and handing a five pound note to Lily.

“Thank you Randy” they said in unison; they were too uncanny together like that!

Unlike the two before them Rosey and Lily started walking calmly in the direction of the arcade. Most likely to join the other two; they seemed to all get on quite well despite their polar opposite personalities.

“So what do you want to do now?” Randy asked after all four girls had disappeared from sight.

I’ve pretty much done everything there is to do here so there was nothing I wanted to do.

“Want to go to the park?” He suggested after realising I wasn’t going to answer any time soon.


The park? There wasn’t really much to do there rather than actually play on the equipment, but that was kiddie stuff; I’d grown out of the park by about ten. I guess we could jut talk again in the knowledge that our sisters wouldn’t follow and listen to us.

It was only a two or so minute walk so we were there in no time. When we approached it it actually surprised me slightly when Randy walked straight past the benches and started climbing up the railings of one of the structures. I didn’t complain and just followed, sitting next to him as he sat down on the edge and dangled his legs over the edge in the fashion as at the bay.

Just like at the bay again we both sat in silence, just watching the other children play. I could tell that some adults were acting a bit wary towards us; keeping their eyes on us to make sure we weren’t doing anything suspicious. I hated the image the media set for our age group, it meant that we all had to suffer just because some teens arsed around and caused trouble because they didn’t know how to handle their emotions.

“Erm, Andy?” Randy broke the silence.

“What’s up?” I replied.

“I was just wondering. I mean, because you didn’t really talk to me on the way back and you haven’t said much on the way here: do you mind that I’m gay? I know how some people think of homosexuals so if you don’t want to be friends then that’s fine” he mumbled, a slight sadness in his eyes.

“What? Why would you being gay make me not want to be friends with you? That’s ridiculous” I said, giving him a playful push.

“Thanks Andy” he smiled “It’s just that you’re the first male friend I’ve made here who didn’t make an excuse to leave when you found out.”

“Really? That’s terrible!” I complained.

I was secretly debating whether or not to tell him about me there and then but decided against it. Maybe later and not in as public a place.

“I know, but I’ve learnt to live with it.”

He shouldn’t have to live with it. I took this as an opportunity to ask him a little about what his family thought about it. But wait, he might get upset if they didn’t take it well. But I really need to know; it could decide whether I tell my family or not.

“I’m guessing your family know” I started.

“Yup” he nodded. He didn’t look upset yet, hopefully he’ll take it alright.

“If you don’t mind my asking: what did your mum and dad think when you told them?”

“Well…” he stared off, looking as though he was deep in thought “my mum was the most understanding of them all; helping me out and telling the rest of the family, I didn’t really want to do it myself, but my dad took a little more convincing.” He mumbled “He didn’t talk to me much for a while afterwards but he came round after a while and is still growing to accept it” he added, a tone more cheerful.

So if both his parents accept it, even if one’s still unsure, then that means not all homosexuals are rejected by their parents which could mean that mine could learn to accept it too. I sure hoped so anyway because I’ve always wanted them to know, even if I was terrified of how they’d react.

“Why do you ask?” he questioned.

Ah damn. What the hell am I supposed to say? I can’t tell him, not yet anyway.

“I…I was just curious” I lied.

“Oh” he responded, giving me a suspicious look.

“So did you lose a few friends then?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

“Are you kidding me? I only have a few left and they’re all girls apart from two” he laughed.

He found that…amusing? I’m really not bragging here but I’m considered to be one of the most popular guys in school. Knowing that I’ll lose that status, not to mention some of my friends, is actually quite scary. But I suppose if my family know then no one else needs to. Besides; I know April isn’t going to tell anyone and I’m not exactly going to hit on any of the guys in our year so there’ll be no was of anyone else finding out.

“But it was only then that I realised who my true friends were. If anything it was good that I lost the ones that didn’t really care for me” he explained.

I suppose that was true; who would want a friend that was only hanging around with you just to look popular? When I get back I should probably have a re-think of who I hang around with.

“But enough about the past” he exclaimed, jumping down and slapping my leg “Tag; you’re it!”

I watched, slightly shocked at the change of pace and how the atmosphere had changed within seconds, before realising what happened, leaping down myself and sprinting in the direction I saw him run moments before. It was a big park and there were lots a apparatus to climb on, duck behind or in, slide down, climb up or to just generally hide. I heard loud footsteps, too heavy for a child, coming from the direction of the monkey bars so I decided to start from there. I began slowing down when I heard the footsteps stop and heard the clattering of something hitting against wood.

Swiftly I turned around and saw him several feet above me, looking down and waving from a small ledge. I spun around and started climbing the conveniently placed ladders. When I got to the top, standing in exactly the same place as Randy was before, I spotted him running across a small wobbly bridge and taking extra care not to bump in to any little children. He even helped one up that had lost his balance…he was so sweet!

With quite a bit of effort from dodging the littlens, I made it to the bridge to only just catch a glimpse of Randy getting ready to head down a slide on a completely different section; how the hell did that guy move so fast?!

I figured that the chasing tactic wasn’t going to work. If I wanted to catch him then I was going to have to be one step ahead. Quickly I sprinted over to an opening in the railings and jumped down, if I was fast enough then I would probably be able to get him before he reached the bottom of the slide. I sneaked up to the side of the metal tube, getting ready to pounce on him before he knew what was happening.

He seemed like quite a relaxed guy so it’d be funny to catch him off guard.

I felt the slide starting to vibrate and I tensed my muscles, leaning over slightly for a better reach. As soon as I saw a glimpse of him I jumped and landed directly on top of him, his knees digging in to my chest and I got a nice close up view of him face.

I was right: his expression was priceless. His shock slowly melted in to amusement and he burst out laughing, making me laugh too. We were getting a few odd looks but I didn’t care; being able to spend time with Randy was fun and we were having a good time, fuck everyone else!

I looked up and our faces were only inches apart, just like at the bay. What’s up with that?! It’s like our face have freaking magnets in them! I blushed slightly and turned away, hoping to hide the redness in my face but it didn’t work too well; it was still daylight after all and it was pretty difficult to miss.

“Are you…okay?” he asked playfully while tilting his head a little to the side.

“Yeah, yeah!” I laughed nervously “I’m just a little hot”

“Damn right you are” he whispered seductively right down my ear.

Oh sweet Jesus. I can’t imagine what colour I went when he said that, with his face so close to mine too! I went slightly rigid and the people that were watching us before suddenly became more intimidating at that moment. I bolted up straight and crossed my legs. God knows why I did that, I was probably going to have to move in a minute or as soon as some kid comes crashing in to Randy’s back but it meant that I wasn’t so close to him.

Not that I minded it; he was a good looking guy it’s just that I don’t want him to get suspicious of anything. Though I think he’s starting to suspect something seeing as I start blushing and acting all clumsy every time I get close to him.

I just hope he doesn’t ask me anything; I’m a terrible liar so I’ll just end up telling him even if I wasn’t ready. It’s not that I’d feel embarrassed about him knowing, he’s a homosexual himself so it’s not like he’ll care, but it’s just that I’d rather start to feel more comfortable around him before I let him know anything.

Also I don’t want to feel humiliated when telling him; it could upset him and make him think I think it’s something to be ashamed of. I’ve always been the type who’ll try his hardest to not upset the people closest to me.

Wait, I’ve just met this guy and yet I’m calling him close. Well I suppose I haven’t really got that many true friends and I know he likes me for who I really am seeing as he has no idea that I’m popular and how many “friends” I have at school. I like making friends out here because I know they won’t judge me on popularity and will like me for who I am. I’m fairly sure I act differently on holiday and it’s probably because I’m away from the pressure of “being cool” around other people and trying to stay with the “in” people.

I’ve always found it easy to make friends; I can even get on with people I don’t necessarily like and act like we’ve been friends for years. That’s why I’m considered top dog: I have very few enemies and pretty much everyone loves me.

“Andrew, are you sure you don’t mind me being gay? You have definitely been acting weird since you knew” Randy questioned for the second time that day while moving in to a more comfortable sitting position.

“Yeah, I really don’t mind” I assured him “You’re a really nice guy and I like you for that. It doesn’t make the slightest bit of difference to me if you like dudes and not chicks.”

Holy crap, did I just say chicks?

I glanced up at him and saw he was slightly taken aback by what I said before a huge smile spread across his face.

“You think I’m a nice guy?” he grinned.

“Well sure you are. You came to talk to me and showed me your hideout, you’re great with your sisters and you’re always looking out for other people” I told him.

I jumped a little when he put a hand on my leg.

“Thanks Andy. That means a lot to me” he spoke sincerely.

I responded with a smile before standing up and lending him a hand which he took, I managed to lift him but it was a bit of a struggle; he was so much taller than me.

“Sooo…who’s it then?” Randy asked. I found it quite amusing that he was still interested in playing the game after what I just said to him.

“Ha! You’ve got to be kidding me!” I scoffed “I’m never going to be able to keep up with you and you’ll catch me within the first few seconds.”

“Well I am sort of an athlete” he laughed.

“I could tell” I commented referring to him toned muscles, sheer strength and agility. “Do you want to get a drink instead?”

“Sure, how about Costa?” he suggested.

“It’s quite expensive there and I gave almost everything to Lucy and Vicci. What about the “Tromboo” café down the road? It’s a lot cheaper and closer” I said.

I sort of felt bad for not going with his idea but neither of us had very much so it would be more practical. Still, I found it odd that I felt bad for not doing what Randy wanted, it made me feel like a bad person. Oh Jesus I should listen to myself. I see one hot guy and I think of him as a bloody God: daring not to anger his eminence as it would destroy the heaven and the earth.

He seemed pretty chipper about the idea anyway so he mustn’t really have cared that much; and there was me making a big deal over it. Wow, I must really like this guy. I’ve never actually blushed before because of another guy, even when we were close or getting changed for P.E. I’d always managed to control the colour of my cheeks but this guy seems to make them glow. I wonder if he’d picked up on anything yet.

Well there was one thing for definite: I was telling him before this holiday was over.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yaaaaaaaaaay longest chapter so far :3

Tuesday update *tick*
Wednesday update *tick*
Thursday update *tick*
Friday update *tick*
Not too sure about tomorrow; going on holiday to Wales for the weekend with my family (oh the irony) but I could write more, I've not even finished typing up what I wrote when I went with Rachel XD

Special thankies to:
a7x.Sick.Puppie.x - thankies, and you already know what happens! XD
rossakamfzb - thankies and no, we didn't meet anyone if you were wondering ;P
LivLovesLongHair:D - tomorrow has come ^^
buckethead123 (new commenter) - yeah, I based them off my mum and aunt, they're identical twin sisters XD
for all the lufferly comments ^^ I love you all!