Status: Updates are going to be pretty slow for a while, sorry guys :(

Summer Fling

Chapter 7

“But…I could be convinced” I ended.

What the hell? Why did I just say that?! I didn’t want him to know! Not yet! It was too soon! Well it was done now wasn’t it? Man I should really start thinking before I speak; who knows what kind of trouble I could get in to with my big mouth.

It was quite funny actually, Randy looked lost for words and although it was dark I could see his face deepening to a shade of red.

“H-how?” he asked uncomfortably.

Oh…how was I supposed to answer that? Even I didn’t really know what I meant by that. The voice inside my head was screaming at me: ”What the FUCK?! You like him so why did you just say something as stupid as that?! it was saying. I glanced up at his face and despite the fact he was crying earlier today he looked pleasantly happy with the new suggestion of a date.

I couldn’t believe what I was saying myself really. I didn’t want him to know yet but I’m coaxing him in to a date with me, what was with that? Though I’m really surprised he asked me, I wasn’t sure whether he liked me or not but seeing as he was the one to ask it must mean that he does.

I should look on the bright side! We both liked each other and Randy was a sweet guy, this could work out.



It was obvious that my dad didn’t like “our” type so what the heck will he think once he finds out I’m dating another guy? If I told dad he was just a mate then the fact I’ve already told him he was gay would mean that he wouldn’t be welcome.

God, dad just made life so much harder for me.

I snapped my back straight when I noticed how close Randy had gotten to me; he was closing the small gap in between out faces and lightly placed a sweet and gentle kiss on my cheek. He retreated back to his former position and bit his lip. I raised my hand to meet the spot where his lips were just moments ago and held my cheek.

A smile lit up my features. I had wanted to know what it felt like to be able to act like this with another boy for so long and now I finally can. All those years of feeling alone and now I’ll finally have someone to share my time with. That’s if he still wants to.

“I’m convinced” I whispered shyly.

He grinned back at me and let go of his lip, taking my hand in his own. He gave it a small squeeze and looked down.

“What do you want to do now?” he asked.

I wasn’t too sure myself either. There wasn’t much we could do; most of the bars would shut soon and there was only the park to entertain us but there were other kids there. I didn’t really like hanging around with teenagers of that age, they’re usually quite rowdy, not that we weren’t stronger than them but I would never use my strength on someone smaller and younger than myself.

“Can we just sit and…talk?” I suggested.

“Sure” he smiled as he led me away, holding my hand for the second time that but this time I let him.

I couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed as people stared at us, most of them teenagers, but Randy just carried on and ignored them, probably because he was used to it. He did have another boyfriend before me so he would be. Ricky wasn’t it?

I asked him if we could talk because I kind of wanted to talk about him; his family, what he was like, hobbies and favourite things to do, just everything really. I wanted to know him and I wanted him to know me too.

We made it back to the park and sat on one of the benches next to each other. I liked feeling close to him. We settled down and this time I knew exactly how to start. No long, awkward silences, this time I was going in to it straight away.

“Ummm…” or maybe not.

“Does this mean we’re boyfriends?” I finished.

He turned to me and laughed quietly “If you want to be.”

I gave a small nod and smiled.

“So…” I was just full of questions and yet I had no idea how to ask them.

“Who was that Ricky guy your sisters were talking about before?” I managed to ask.

I saw his smile fade and he averted his gaze; he was obviously not in the mood to talk about him.

“He…he was my first boyfriend” he mumbled.

“Oh” was all I could say. A pang of jealousy shot through me. I already knew he’d had another boyfriend but for some reason the second time of mentioning him made me feel angry. How could he dump such a sweet guy as Randy?

“Do you play any instruments?” I questioned, trying to change the subject.

He faced me again and his frown melted slowly.

“I’m learning drums at the moment” he replied.

“Really? Cool. I’ve always wanted to learn but my parents said it would be too noisy.”

“Well you can have a go if you come round to mine” he said hopefully.

“I’d love to” I blushed “Where abouts do you live?”

“Middlewich in Cheshire” he told me “and you?”

“Crewe” I smiled. YES! That means we lived close! Well, closer than I’d thought.

“Really? I’m surprised I’ve never seen you around. What school do you go?”

“St Nicks Catholic High in Northwich” I said.

“Ah, I was going to move to there because most of my friends in primary school went there and I hated the school I was sent to. But my parents said no because I would get a good education in Middlewich. Plus they thought it wouldn't be very appropriate for me to go to a Catholic school.” He explained. “I go to Middlewich high. It’s my last year there so I’m thinking of applying to go to sixth form at St Nicks. We’d get to see more of each other” he whispered down my ear.

I giggled quietly but then frowned as I noticed all the other kids staring at us. Randy followed my stare and saw what I was looking at.

“Just ignore them” he sighed.

I tried to but it was difficult having people starring at you when you just wanted to have a good time. He could obviously tell I was nervous.

“You want to come back to mine?” he suggested.

Being asked that sent shivers down my spine. I nodded shyly and felt my face flush a deep red as he stood up and led me by the hand again.

Wait, going to his house meant I was going to meet his parents. I wonder if they’d like me. Wait! What if Randy tells them and they don’t like me?!

Randy turned back to look at me and, I don’t know how he did it but, read me like a book.

“Don’t worry. My parents are nice, and even if they don’t like you they wouldn’t say anything; they’re too polite.” He assured me.

That made me settle slightly but somewhere at the back of my mind I was thinking about my parents. Are they worried about me? Do they even know I’m gone? I hope no one’s shut the window. What if Lucy walks into my room and sees that I’m gone?! She’ll tell mum and dad for sure!

Randy gave my hand another little squeeze and that alone was enough to make me forget all my worries. I’m sure everything will work out…right?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the long wait guys! >.< School's been a bit of a drag, but hey! It's here ^^

Not really much to say other than the fact I'm not too fond of this chapter.
1. Because it's too short for the amount of time I was slacking off from writing this
2. I just...don' it -.-"

Oh yes, couldn't forget the special thankies now could I? ^^

a7x.Sick.Puppie.x - ummm...your wlecome...? XD And it's Tree of rape Rachel. Hehehehe, you're being a killer apple tree in your story :3

hugs.from.holly(new commenter) - I'm sure you've been satisfied :3

LivLovesLongHair:D - Hehehe, me likey it too 8D

NeverHideEverything(new commenter) - Hehe, the period excuse worked and I managed to do it ;) Don't cry ;A;
I love you guys!

Though can I be a spoiled brat and complain that not all of my of my subs are commenting? Well I am. NOMNOMNOMZURCOMMENTS!!!!!!