Status: Updates are going to be pretty slow for a while, sorry guys :(

Summer Fling

Chapter 8 Randy's P.O.V

"I'm back" I announced rather hesitantly, quietly closing the door behind a fragile looking Andrew.

"Where've you been sweetie?" My mum said while washing the dishes and not bothering to turn around.

"No where special" I mumbled.

I noted that my dad, Rosey and Lily where no where to be seen and to be honest that was probably for the best. Lily and Rosey would just annoy me and dad would make Andrew feel nervous.

"Erm. I've brought a friend"

She turned around to look at the newcomer. I saw her look him up and down before flashing me a smile.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Rachel" she told him before drying her herself on the teatowel and extending a hand.

"Andrew" he replied, taking her hand and shaking it.

"Your dad and sisters have gone to the supermarket to get some more juice; you know how picky Rosey and Lily are with their drinks" she said, turning to me.

"'Kay ma" I muttered.

Just being in the same room with her is making me feel a bit anxious. I know she knows that I like him because of that devious grin she flashed me before, but I'm not sure if she knows Andrew likes me too. Well, I hope he did.

"Will he be staying over? It is quite late and I wouldn't want him to walk back in the dark" She added. Her grin was just getting bigger and bigger.

She obviously knew and although she didn't realise it, she was making matters worse by asking that. I mean; I would like him to stay over but I was actually being quite selfish asking him over when I know the later he gets back, the more trouble he's going to get in.

"Well...if that's alright with Randy" He asked shyly.

What? But he knows that his parents will shout at him.

"Sure" I smiled "If it's alright with you mum."

There it was again! Why'd I say that if I know the trouble he's going to get in?! I know I'm just being selfish but I can't help but want to spend more time with him.

"It's fine with it sweetie" my mum replied. "Just no funny business."

With that remark both me and Andy went bright red, making her laugh and turn to carry on with the washing. I quickly grabbed his hand and led his through the narrow corridor to my bedroom. I always got the one at the end seeing as the other was bigger and Rosey and Lily had to share so I suppose it was reasonable.

We squeezed in to the narrow space and sat down next to each other on the bed next to the wall.

"Funny business? Really?" Andy laughed.

"Yeah" I chuckled "She talks about stuff like that to me."

"I just block my parents out; way too invaiding and I get enough of that with Lucy" he replied.

I hummed in agreement and we sat in silence for a while. I was suprised at how calm he was right now. If it were me that had snuck out I would be panicing and want to get back as soon as possible.

"Didn't you say that you'd snuck out?" I asked, trying to find method to his madness.

"Yeah" he responded, calmly.

"Won't your parents be worried about you if they notice you're gone?"

"To be honest I just had to get away from them, especially my dad. What he said kind of made me realise that if he found out then he'd never look at me in the same way again so what's the point in even trying to please him when he would just reject the real me anyway." he sighed.

I could see his eyes starting to water slightly but I didn't say anything, I just scooched closer to him and held his hand.

He smiled through the blush that was appearing on his face.

"You can talk to me about anything" I whispered as I inched even closer and brought him in to a hug.

"Mhm" he mumbled in to my shirt.

He was so cute! His body fitted perfectly in to mine and the way he burying his face in to me was adorable.

He tightened his grip around my neck and his cheek brushed against mine, it was burning hot. I gave a light chuckle before inching apart and getting a good look at his face. It was a bit damp around his eyes so I wiped them with the back of my hand, he was so fragile. I moved some of his fringe out of the way of his eyes and he smiled at me.

"Thanks" he muttered before closing the gap again with another hug.
♠ ♠ ♠

Hehe, I'll sort it out after school.

Okay, I know it's a short chapter but schooooooool!

Anyway, to try to get more of my subs to comment I'm going to try something:
In the next 2 days depending on how many comments I get will depend on when I'll next update.
5 or more: 5 days
10 or more: 2 days
18 or more: 1 day
25 or more (doubt it will get this high XD) : The same day

(And 1 comment per member *coughcough* *coughcough*)

Will also do special thankies after school (gonna miss da bus! D:) *dashes off*
Oh and I've changed the amount to the request of ElliotLovesesPierre! because his comment was so awesome it made me change my mind ^^ Thar you go hun

Special thankies to: - Well you've seen his ma, just the dad to go now D:

a7x.Sick>puppie.x - sorry, no twins. I was origonally gonna make this longer so it included the dad and the twins but had no time D: Smelly school >.<

LivLovesLongHair - Woof woof :U

rossakamfzb - this is quite soon I suppose...okay not all -.-"
For all the lufferly comments.

Oh and by the way the end of today will count as one day so I shall count the total number of comments tomorrow and update depending on the list.

4 so far :/

Oh and one more sub for another thinks. It's 30 for another on isn't it? Ah well, me still wants moar! *nomnomnomzursubs*