Status: Updates are going to be pretty slow for a while, sorry guys :(

Summer Fling

Chapter 9

I felt so pathetic; crying twice on the same day and in front of someone who I’ve only just met. Does it make a difference if that someone who I’ve only just met is my boyfriend? It kind of shows how weak I am. I can be fine when arguing with someone else and insults that might be thrown around but as soon as it comes to me talking about myself and my family I can just burst in to tears for no apparent reason.

Not many people have witnessed me crying before; only really my mum, April, and now, Randy. I didn’t really mind though seeing as he was so comforting. I loved being close to him, it made me feel like everything was better.

“Do you want a drink?” he asked, placing a finger under my chin and edging my face away from his chest.

I nodded and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand.

“You want me to bring it back in here or do you want to watch some T.V?”

I didn’t really feel like letting anyone see me upset but it would be very rude of me to just introduce myself without them know anything about me.

“I’m fine” I sniffed “Can we go to the living room?”

“Sure” he smiled, standing up and stepping over my legs to make it to the door. These places were so cramped.

He opened the flimsy looking door and waited for me as I stood up and followed him back to the living room. His mum was just finishing drying the pots and putting them away in the cupboard as we entered the room. She sent me a smile and I gave one back. Randy sat in the corner of the old “L” shaped sofa and I sat next to him, blushing slightly as he held my hand.

I would never be able to act like that in front of my own family but I suppose they knew about him so he wouldn’t have really minded. Though to be honest I don’t think I’d ever feel comfortable doing that with a girl in front of my parents.

He reached over to the coffee table and grabbed the remote while Rachel made her way over and sat on the single chair, placed to the left of where I was sitting. I felt a bit nervous having her sat so close to me, especially when I saw her grin at the fact Randy was holding my hands.

Dear Lord I hoped she liked me; if not she could stop me from seeing him. Though she seemed nice enough and I couldn’t imagine someone as sweet looking as herself doing something like that.

“What do you want to watch?” he questioned, turning to his mum.

“I don’t mind darling. Just none of that screaming garbage” she replied.

“Linkin Park isn’t garbage!” he retorted.

Yay! And he liked Linkin Park too!

“I beg to differ” she snorted.

Randy sighed. “Do you have any preferences?” he asked me.

I shook my head and smiled making him smile as well.

I shuddered slightly as I felt Rachel’s glare landing upon me again. It felt so awkward having her in the room with us.

“Coronation Street it is then” he sighed, flipping through the channels until he reached the right one, much to the delight of his mum.

I had a feeling Randy wasn’t the sort of person who enjoyed soaps due to the bored face he was pulling but just wanted to distract his mum. I wasn’t too fond of them either but I’d grown to cope after several years of having my T.V time interrupted by Lucy wanting to watch a cartoon or mum switching to a soap right in the middle of one of my favourite songs.

Randy gave my hand a tight squeeze and turned to face me. My cheeks heated up slightly and I turned to look at his mum, who was thoroughly engaged in her programme, before turning back and inching slightly closer to him, wanting to feel some of his comforting warmth. I was still a tad anxious because of his mum but she was pretty absorbed in her own little world and far too distracted to notice us.

I eventually got so close that I was actually leaning on his side, his left arm wrapped around the left side of my waist and my head resting on his chest. Our fingers were locked together and holding each other closely. I was surprised at how comfortably I acted around him; I usually wouldn’t show anyone this kind of affection and yet it felt so natural to act like this with Randy.

Just as I started to settle in to his warmness a loud “clunk” interrupted and I heard the front door open. I bolted my head up and Randy gave me a confused look as if to ask why I did it.

“We’re back!” I heard a pair of voices shout at exactly the same time, making it hard to mistake who it was.

“We got some orange-“ I heard one shriek.

“And apple juice!” The other finished.

Yep; it was defiantly them.

“And daddy got us each a soda!” Rosey squealed, running over to her mum and jumping up and down, closely followed by the other.

Randy sighed, causing the hyperactive two to turn around and instantly look at me.

“Andy!” they both shouted before pouncing on me and hugging me tight.

Jesus Christ they were strong!

“Rosey! Lily! Get off him!” I heard Randy shout at them.

They both looked up before pulling those “puppy dog” eyes and slowly proceeding to climb off me and run to their room, instantly perking up and giggling.

That was…odd.

“How were they?” Rachel asked, turning her head away from the T.V briefly to ask the gruff looking man standing at the doorway and taking his shoes off.

“Same old” he chuckled.

Both Randy and his mum hummed in agreement before the man, who was almost definitely Randy’s dad, put the bag down on the dining table and walked closer to me. He looked me up and down a bit like he was judging me; I hate it when people do that. They shouldn’t pass a judgement based on looks alone.

I wasn’t quite sure what I was supposed to do so, in the prospect of being courteous, I stood up and extended a hand.

“I’m Andy” I smiled.

He took it, rather reluctantly, before saying “Brian” in a gruff, monotone voice.

Feeling slightly overpowered I sat back down next to Randy but not in the same position as before. He continued to glare at me before making his way over to the other side of the longer sofa.

“Where you from?” he questioned.

“Crewe” I replied quietly.

I noticed Randy giving him a sideways glare as he held my hand again, almost as if to get the message across.

“You’re gay too?” he asked.

“Dad!” Randy shouted.

“What?” he snapped “I just want to know what kind of men my son’s going to be prancing about with.”

Randy stood up and grabbed my arm, hauling me up and dragging me back to his room.

It was obvious that his dad still wasn’t too happy about it then.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, okay I know I said updates would depend on comments but ElliotLovesesPierre!'s comment kind of inspired me to write more so you have him to thank :3 (Can I request another awesome comment? XD)

I don't think I'm going to do that kind of thing again but I was just looking for more of my subs to comment ^^

I really like this chapter! :D Me ish very proud

This one's longer to make up for the shortness of that last one and more twins which I know some of you guys love X3

Oh and did I lose one of my subs? ;A; OMG I JUST LOOKED AGAIN AND I'VE LOST ANOTHER ONE! You guys no likey my story? *cries* But now I need another 2 subs for another star...plz? *Andy and Randy do puppy eyes at you*

Special thankies to:

wo0two0t789 - Indeed you did :3 - Glad to know you want an update so bad XD

buckethead123 - No more waity :3

Dallas Green(new commenter) - Awwww, really? =^^= thank yooouuuuu

a7x.Sick.Puppie.x - Yeah it was your name, put it in there just for you ^^ Hehehe; you're married to a gut called Brian

StarstripexMoose - You said you'd post another XD And I wasn't that desperate...">.>

ElliotLovesesPierre!(new commenter) - Here you go hun, posted it sooner in dedication to you and your awesome smiling powers ^^ But seriously...another comment please? I LOVED your last one XD

I love you guys all so much!

Next update will be sooooooooooooooooooooonish ;)