Status: Will be working on it from time to time


Chapter Two

Chapter Two
The moment that door at the bottom of the stairs opened, Jazlynn’s heart began to race and she started to shake. She gripped Spike’s leash with all her strength. The ocean of pressed bodies that lay out in front of her, it made her feel wonderful, the roaring of the crowd, the call of bets being placed, it just made her body tremble. Jayden led her to the front of the crowd where the fight took place. She was about the same height as most of the guys here and that made her feel good also; when she was with her ‘family’ she was made fun of because she was tall. Her sister was always the one making fun of her, and yet she loved her sister for it. Without her sister egging her on for those seven years she was with her, she would haven’t have made it, no, she wouldn’t have had the fire burning in her stomach to fight; to live, to be someone. Looking around here, at the guys and some girls with handfuls of money raised above their head, waiting to see how the end of the fight would go. Jaz bit her lip, her face was heating up. She didn’t know who she would be if she didn’t bump into Jayden that day.
Jazlynn looked away from the sea of people and looked up above, in the little cat walk they had ahead. It was where the announcer was, where he watched the fight, or sometimes just sat and talked bets with the crowd. The crowd screamed and pushed against her. Her eyes were drawn to the fight in front of her. Two guys, really big guys, both Caucasians, they both had bruises all over their bodies, sweat pouring down their faces, chests, and backs. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, the smell of sweat, blood and a good fight brought her closer to everyone in this room. Someone bumped her side; she looked down at met dark brown eyes, Jayden.
She bent down so his lips were at her ear. “You going to fight? If you are I got your mask in my pocket.” He said in her ear. She pulled away and looked into his eyes and shrugged.
“Sure, why not.” She yelled. He smirked and nodded. He pulled her mask out of his pocket and handed it to her. She took it and put it in her sweater pocket and gave him Spike’s leash. She took her keys and cellphone out of her pocket and gave everything to Jayden. She made her way to the right side of the room, where they would most likely keep rooms for the fighters. She made it to a door less doorway; Jazlynn walked through the doorway and smirked when she saw benches and lockers for the fighters. She walked over to a locker with an X marked on the door of it and stood in front of it. She opened the locker and looked inside, nothing. Jazlynn pulled off her sweater and took her mask out of the pocket before putting it in the locker. She had given Jayden everything that was valuable before she came in.
“See who I’m going to fight this time.” She whispered to herself. Jazlynn fixed her hair into a bun and looked down at her pants. They were still long and her legs were getting hot. She sighed and shook her head. A pair of fighters came into the room and looked at her with a weird look. She hadn’t put her mask on yet so she gave them a flirty smirk. They both looked at each other then looked back to her.
“Hey sweetheart, how you doing?” The guy with the short hair said, looking her over from head to toe.
She shrugged her shoulders. “I could be better. Hey, any of you got a blade?” Jaz asked. The shorter of the two with nice eyes and a lighter shade of hair, he smirked and nodded, he put his right hand behind his back and it came back around with a blade about the size of her foot. She smirked and walked over to him and took it.
“Thanks.” She said and bent down and cut a nice hole in the thigh of her pants and ripped it until the leg came off. She did the same to the other thigh until she had herself a pair of shorts. Jazlynn sighed and smiled at her work. She stood up and looked at the guys, they just stared at her. She gave them a small smile and continued on with her long sleeve shirt. She cut the sleeves off until she had a tank top.
“There we go.” She whispered and handed back the blade back to the guy. He smirked and nodded to her.
“Thank you.” She said. They nodded. Jazlynn took her mask out of her pocket and started walking toward the door where the fighters went stood to get introduced.
“Hey!” One of the guys called. She turned as she put on her mask.
“Who the hell are you?” He asked. She laughed.
“I’m Storm.” She said. Both their eyes grew wide and their jaws dropped.
“Looks like we got a celebrity with us tonight!” The announcer proclaimed. Jazlynn’s blood started to pump through her body as she waited for him to say her underground name. Her skin prickled and her face started to grow hot. She clenched her fists into tight balls.
“Here tonight, is the one and only Storm!” He yelled. The crowd roared and you could feel them stomp their feet on the floor. Jazlynn closed her eyes and took a deep breath, taking it all in. She opened her eyes and stepped out onto the floor in the center of the room. The crowd shouted, they were excited. You heard people making double the bets on her then her opponent.
“Who is going to be her opponent tonight folks?” The announcer asked, hyping up the crowd even more. Jazlynn looked out into the crowd and found Jayden, with a big smile on his face. She gave him a thumbs up and nodded, his smile grew bigger and he gave her two thumbs up. Spike wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Her brows shot up. He pointed to the back of the room. She got to her tip toes and found a black blob, Spike. He must’ve been asleep. She nodded toward Jayden and looked out at the crowd.
Jazlynn looked up at the announcer and held her hand out. He smiled big and dropped the microphone; she caught it and put it to her covered mouth. The crowd quieted down and all eyes on Jazlynn. She smirked under her mask.
“Come on! I’ll take on anybody! Give me everything you’ve got!” She yelled. There were a couple of fighters in the crowd that Jazlynn was waiting to egg on enough to have them jump up on stage. But none of them did. She looked out into the mob of people and no one wanted to come and fight her. Jazlynn sighed and rolled her eyes, she waited a couple of seconds. She was going to give up until someone took the microphone out of her hand and spoke into it.
“I guess I’ll take you on, if no one else is going to.” His deep voice said. Her heart hammered in her chest as she met the gray eyes of the most legendary fighter ever, Scar. He was a beautiful man, his light chocolate skin, thick muscled arms and dark silk like hair. Well she didn’t know if it was silky, she hoped so. Scar looked down at her; a long thick scar came from his right temple to the left side of his bottom lip. It was the lightest part of his body, well the lightest she could see. Jazlynn bit her lip and just stared at the beautiful man. He threw the microphone back up to the announcer and took off his shirt. She was hypnotized. Jaz shook her head mentally and took a deep breath.
“Nice. Go ahead and distract the woman you’re going to fight. Nice way to fight fair.” She said. He chuckled.
“Well maybe it would work out better if you were a les.” He countered. She cocked a brow at him and started to crack her fingers.
“Alright! Looks like we have a heated battle under-way. Let’s get it started!” The announcer shouted. A bell rung and Jazlynn just blacked out and went at him.
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Chapter two! Hope you like it! Yeah these Chapters aren't going to be that long like my other pieces. Comments are my health. Still need a title for it!