Status: So, once a week and comments make me giggle with whip creamish glee!




The rest of my classes were nothing out of the usual. Even gym was finishing on a sour note with me. It was the last day of football and I still had not managed to beat Caleb again. Today we were all working together on our throw and aim but no matter what I did or how hard I tried Caleb was always several yards ahead of me. After what seemed like an eternity Coach Robins blew her whistle announcing for us to finish and head to the showers. I was seething. Not only had I lost my chance to humiliate, or at least hurt Caleb, but I was stuck with him for the rest of the day. Jethro had told him to just come home with me after school. But the traitor that called himself my brother would not be there until around 5 o’clock. Julia skipped to my side, happy that football week was over, she took a look at my angry face and grinned mischievously.

-I know what will make you feel better!- She sang as she twirled around me and handed me a football. – It would be so terribly sad if a ball slipped out of your hand while Caleb was distracted talking to Reese.-

I turned around to see what she meant. And there he was, in all his glory and sexiness, laughing with Reese, his body the perfect target. I smiled wide, took the ball, breathed in deep, aimed and let it fly. I watched as the ball sailed through the air and found its target. I saw Caleb’s shocked then very pained expression as his hands flew to his…well, south, and he crumpled to the ground. Reese whipped around in horror to see me and Julia whistling and avoiding eye contact pretending we did not know what had happened. Caleb was still holding himself curled into a fetal position on the field. Well what do you know? Coach had been right about those tips to improve my aim. Julia took a quick picture with her phone and we happily skipped to the showers. That picture was so going in the scrap book.

Done for the day Julia and I walked hand in hand toward the school parking lot. We did not have a car but that was the closest entrance to the street I took home. We were passing through a row of cars when we heard the deep sultry voice I had been hoping to get away from.

-Now now Winter, how do you expect us to have children when you keep doing things like that?-Asked Caleb as he leaned against a shiny black car, Reese and Michael by his side.

-Oh for the love of flying asparagus! You have definitely been talking to Reese for too long. Between his kisses and your delusions it is a miracle Julia and I aren’t pregnant with our fourth child!- I replied as I rolled my eyes. Julia nodded knowingly beside me.

-Who’s pregnant?-Asked a velvety voice behind us. Julia and I turned to see a young blond girl with blue eyes. I recognized her immediately, she was the girl I had seen in my vision. So this must be Caleb’s “sister”.

-Well it seems it is Winter who is pregnant.- Michael replied as he looked at the girl and blushed. I looked at him surprised. He was usually just as cocky as Reese, I had never seen a girl make him blush, and with nothing more than her presence no less. He pointed to himself before continuing.- I am Michael, this is my cousin Reese. You must be Caleb’s sister.-

-Cornelia McClellan. So nice to meet you.- She said sweetly letting her eyes linger on him just a bit too long. Then suddenly she whipped around to look at me, her eyes wide.-No! Winter? The Winter!? Caleb’s Winter? Oh my Goodness! It is so nice to finally meet you!-

I took a step back surprised. How did she know who I was? And why was she so enthusiastic about me. Caleb was fidgeting against the car trying to signal his sister to shut up but she was oblivious. I smirked at him.

-The one and only. Nice to meet you too. This is my best friend Julia.- I said nicely as I shook her hand. She giggled and shook Julia’s hand as well.

-Oh you are just divine! All the more reason to come over next Friday. Mom and dad can’t wait to meet you!- She chirped happily. Caleb was now banging his head against the car as his new friends chuckled behind him. –I am sure they would love to hear you tell the football story, we have only heard his side you know.-

Caleb groaned as he banged his head harder. Cornelia looked over at him and chuckled.

-Well, I am sure you are excited for your date.-She grinned as she looked back at me while I tried to suppress a smile. She then turned to Michael but started talking to her brother.- You are taking the car right Caleb? Wouldn’t do to make your date walk home. I am sure Michael would love to give me and Julia a ride.-

Michael grinned and held out his arm for Cornelia.

-Of course I would love to give you a ride home.- He replied smoothly, blushing again.

Reese shrugged and pulled Julia along with him as she mouthed the words “I am sorry”.
I looked at them in horror as they left. I really did not want to be left alone with him just yet. How did this happen? How did I end up invited to their house? And I hope she didn’t really believe I was pregnant. I mean, it had only been a week. I couldn’t get pregnant in a week. Well I could. But I wouldn’t know about it yet. I wonder how Caleb would take the news…

Wait a damn second! What the hell was I thinking!? I haven’t even kissed the boy! Let alone…you know. I am a virgin! I smacked myself as I tried to push the thoughts out of my head. Bad, bad thoughts. Julia would be ashamed of me.

I shook my head but could still feel the blush that had crept up my cheeks during my inner rant. Caleb’s head was still lying on the roof of the car but he was now looking at me with a curious expression. He sighed and stood up straight.

-I apologize for Cornelia- He mumbled. –She is…enthusiastic.-

-Well that is an understatement- I snorted- And now I find myself stuck with an invitation to your house. At least I get to raid your room and embarrass you in front of your parents.-

I grinned at him evilly but he just ignored my comment and opened the car door for me. I got in and snuggled into the seat. I usually only got to ride in a car to school in the winter, when Julia’s Grandma was kind enough to drive us. This was an unusual treat for me. Caleb got in beside me and started the car looking at me questioningly. I was too happy to notice. I slipped my shoes off and looked around the car for something to cover myself with. I found a black hoodie thrown in the back seat and pulled it over myself like a blanket sighing contentedly. I reached forward flipping through radio stations until I found an “oldies” station that was playing something by Frank Sinatra. Finally comfortable I looked up at Caleb to see him smiling. It was not his usual smirk or the smile he gave me when he was making fun of me. It was an honest to God, make-me-catch-my-breath, beautiful smile. He looked at me for a moment more before looking away again.

-Where to, my lady?- He asked as he started driving out of the parking lot. I looked at him curiously wondering what had made him smile that way. But decided not to ruin his mood by asking.

-Turn left at the stop sign then just go straight until the road ends. Then make a right and keep going. If it looks like you are about to get lost in the woods then you are going the right way.- I answered as I closed my eyes enjoying the ride.

-I thought you and Michael where neighbors?- I heard him ask.

-Well, we sort of are. He is the last house on the street before the dirt road. The closest house to mine.- I wrinkled my nose as I thought about it before remembering the old “English house”.

- Well not the closest house. If you walk about 5 minutes into the forest East of my house then you reach the “English house”. No one has lived there for years. It is a wonderful place though. When I was little I used to sneak in when my brother or parents had made me mad. I would climb up the grand stair way to the top imagining I was a princess and I would sit in the green house. Just staring at the glass walls, tinted a thousand colors of orange, yellow, red, green and brown. I had to stop going when someone bought it and started to remodel it. He never finished the project but I never had the heart to go back. I was afraid they had destroyed my glass tower.-

I sighed as I thought of my little sanctuary and the adventures I had had there before my parents had died.

-You know,- Caleb said softly- That is the most you have said to me at any given moment since I got here.-

I opened my eyes to look at him for a moment. He did not seem to be teasing or angry, just stating a fact. I shrugged before closing my eyes again. I felt his hand brush across my cheek before tucking a stray lock of hair behind my ear. His hand felt cold to my skin but I didn’t move away.

Sweet Lilith, she is beautiful…

I gasped and opened my eyes shocked. I looked at him wide eyed and he quickly moved his hand back to the steering wheel.

-I…I’m sorry- he sputtered. I looked at him realizing that he did not know what had just happened.

-It is fine, you just caught me off guard- I lied before closing my eyes again, trying to avoid his gaze.

He had caught me off guard but not because he touched me, but because I had heard him. After a week of frustration I had heard him. I had been able to listen to his thoughts when he touched me. The feel of his mind was unfamiliar to me but with a little bit of concentration I would get used to it. I wonder what was different about him. Why is it that I can only hear him when he touches me? Was that even true or had this been a onetime thing? I needed to test my theory. I reached forward and placed my fingers lightly over his.

God that was so stupid…I can’t get close to her. It is too dangerous…

I moved my fingers away as he turned to look at me, his expression neutral. There were things I did not know yet but now I could find out. Patience was the key. I smiled before turning to look out the window. We were off the main road now and I could see the forest around us. Soon my small house came into view and I felt as Caleb slowed and parked the car. Not a word was said as we stepped out of the car and made our way into the house.

Once inside the house I closed the door behind us and ran up to my room leaving Caleb behind me. I quickly threw my Gym clothes in the hamper and put my backpack by my closet. I slipped out of my converse and exchanged them for some black flip flops. I looked at myself in the mirror quickly. I was not going to change for him but at least I should make sure I still looked decent. My hair was in its usual long ponytail with a chunk that swept over my right eye. I had on a long purple fitted blouse that reached my hips and my favorite pair of black skinny jeans. This would have to do.

As I made my way downstairs I found Caleb sitting on the couch patiently. He looked out of place but managed to look hot doing so. I sighed. The world was so unfair! All men had to do was throw on a shirt and they looked good enough to eat. And Caleb was a prime example. I would so not mind kissing those lips of his… I groaned but couldn’t quite figure out if it had been out of desire for him or disgust in my own thoughts. The man confuses me! I blame hormones and the government. It works every time.

-Get your lazy ass off my couch- I said as I stood at the bottom of the stairs.- If you are going to eat here then you are going to cook here-

He stood up and followed me to the kitchen. I was surprised he had not complained but then again he seemed to be deep in thought. Even without reading his mind I was sure it was because of what had happened in the car. He was hiding from something. And apparently it was important enough to scare him out of a relationship. Ugh! I slapped myself mentally . Whoever said he even wanted a relationship with me? I made my way to the fridge while shaking my head. I opened it and proceeded to throw vegetables at Caleb before carefully taking out one of the lasagnas. I turned around and was surprised to see he had caught them all and had placed them neatly on the counter.

-I made the lasagna- I said as I turned on the oven and slid the dish in. –So you make the salad.-

-Sounds good to me- He said half heartedly as I passed him a knife and chopping board. I sighed and walked to his side.

-I am only going to do this once so don’t get excited, ok?- I stated irritated.

He looked at me confused and his eyes widened when I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. I was standing on my toes as I hugged him. He was too tall, the top of my head barely reached his shoulders. Damn my shortness! I hugged him tighter and felt his arms wrap around me. I looked up at him and placed a hand on his cheek.

-Everything will be ok. One step at a time. Let’s just concentrate on getting through dinner.- I said softly. I wanted to reassure him. From the few thoughts I had glimpsed I could sense the weight on his shoulders and I found myself wanting to help lift it. I smiled at him wanting to see him smile too, the smile he had given me in the car. -Who knows, you might even have fun.-

Caleb looked down at me and a small smile touched his lips. His arms wrapped around me tighter and he lifted me onto the counter making me wrap my legs around his waist instinctively. I gasped surprised and was about to bust out my mad ninja moves when I realized he was still only hugging me. He had snuggled his face into the side of my neck and just held me. I wrapped one arm around his shoulder and used the other hand to play with his hair. It was as soft as it looked and I slid my fingers through slowly as if soothing a small child.

-Thank you.- He whispered against my neck. I chuckled awkwardly wanting to end the mushy moment.

-Hey, I said not to get excited.- I joked and felt him laugh, making my heart flutter.

We were still chuckling when I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up surprised to see Jethro standing in the door way holding a small suit case and looking none too happy. They had arrived early. Caleb was still in the same position, quite a compromising one, frozen in shock.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 10!

Double digits!

I am so proud of myself xD Si no me animo yo misma pues quien?

Enjoy my beauties!!

And how about some comments to celebrate this joyous occasion? "hint hint"

Cookies and milk for all!!!!