Status: So, once a week and comments make me giggle with whip creamish glee!




-Jethro, why are you standing th…? Oh…- I heard Kayla say as she walked into the house bumping into my brother.

Kayla Rivera was almost as tall as my brother, which was not saying much seeing as how shortness ran in the family, and curvaceous due to her Puerto Rican parents. She had soft brown skin, almond eyes and black curly hair that had a personality of its own. She had always looked so much more exotic when standing by my very white brother. They would have gorgeous kids. Damn! My babies would never compete with theirs. Maybe if they had Caleb’s eyes… Kayla snapped me out of my thoughts with a soft chuckle. Jethro looked at her then sighed before relaxing.

-When I come back down,- He started as he turned towards the stairs. –He better have regained his ability to move and he better use said ability to get far away from my little sister.-

I laughed at this and felt as Caleb shifted in my arms and moved away. He quickly grabbed the vegetables and took them to the sink to wash, only stopping to say a quick hello to Kayla who was chuckling as she leaned against the door.

-Would it help if I told you that it wasn’t what it looked like?- I asked as I jumped of the counter and ran to hug her. She giggled, hugging me back and checked my neck.

-No hickeys so I guess I will believe you.- She answered as we laughed.

We both turned to look at Caleb, his hand had quickly moved to his own neck before noticing his mistake and blushing. He immediately resumed chopping up the lettuce and throwing it in a bowl with a vengeance. His downcast face matched perfectly the tomato that sat beside him on the counter.

Jethro walked back down and hugged me quickly, before taking a moment to size up Caleb who immediately tensed. Jethro walked over to him and sat down on a stool at the other side of the counter.

-Name?- Asked my brother.

-Caleb Dreken McClellan- Answered Caleb as he wiped his hands on a towel and looked down at Jethro. He was taller than Jethro so the fact that my brother now sat made the difference more noticeable. I frowned at them both and Kayla just rolled her eyes.

-Age?- Jethro barked again.



-San Diego, California-


-Deceased- Replied Caleb with a pained look before elaborating.- Guardians, Anthony and Sophia McClellan-

Jethro nodded before continuing his interrogation.


-Deceased, one adopted sister, Cornelia-






-Yes, only at formal social events and such. Never quite liked it.-

-Explain- Demanded Jethro as he raised an eyebrow.

-Wealthy parents. Formal social gatherings and such- Caleb answered with a sigh.

-Wait! You are rich? What are you doing in Ash Mountain?- I asked shocked before Jethro
could do the same. Caleb shifted uncomfortably before grabbing the knife again to finish making the salad.

-I am not rich. I just…live comfortably. And I am here because my guardians wanted me to have a normal teenage life, away from…all that. I would rather not discuss it.- He stated slowly as if choosing each word carefully. We all stood around uncomfortably before Kayla broke the silence.

-That is enough for now.- She stated as she gave Jethro a hard look. He opened his mouth to say something before thinking better of it. I turned towards Kayla, mouthing a silent “thank you” and she blew me a kiss with a wink, but we had spoken too soon.

-Just one last question- Said my brother as Caleb threw the last of the vegetables into the bowl and started cleaning up the counter. Caleb took his time to put everything away and wash the knife, before looking up at my brother again. When Jethro was content that he had Caleb’s attention he finally asked. –You two are at least using condoms right?-

-Jethro!- Cried Kayla as she smacked him on the head.

Caleb looked at me wide eyed but I could tell he was trying not to laugh. It was my turn to be as red as a radioactive tomato and then some. I could not believe Jethro had done that. I could not believe Caleb found it funny! I found myself dreaming of teleporting abilities again.

-What?- Asked Jethro as he rubbed his head. –I am just worried about my little sister! I don’t want to have to kill Caleb here when he knocks her up!-

-What even makes you think that we are having sex?!- I yelled exasperated at my thick headed brother.

I was quite offended by the fact that he had said “when” and not “if”. Kayla was just shaking her head and wondering how she could be dating such a fool. Jethro opened his mouth to say something and I could tell that there was no way that we would convince him that his little sister was still a virgin. I wonder if I should be offended that he thinks I am that easy. Or flattered that he thinks I could end up with a hot guy like Caleb.

-Kayla!- I whined. –Control your man!-

Kayla just continued to shake her head, she knew as well as I did that Jethro was stubborn like nobody’s business. I looked at Caleb pleadingly, he was trying really hard not to laugh but he finally spoke up.

-Yes, we are being safe.- He stated.

Jethro nodded happily, Kayla looked at me shocked and I looked at Caleb lost between outraged and confused. He was biting his lip but I could see his body moving as he chuckled. I can’t believe he just told my brother we are having sex! Well, technically my brother already thinks we are, he just said we are being safe, but still! Why would he do that?

-Ugh! That is it! You are so back on my list, buddy!- I yelled as I lifted my hands to wring his neck. Caleb just laughed and held my wrists pulling my hands up to his lips. He kissed them softly before looking down at me.

-Does that mean I am not getting lucky again today?- He asked as he made sad puppy eyes at me. Jethro chuckled. I glared at him. What kind of brother chuckles when his little sister is discussing sex? They were both going down!

-How about you are not ever getting lucky ever again?- I asked dryly.

-Aw, honey! That is not what you said last night.- He finished sexily.

-Why you little…!- I started sputtering, only to be cut off by Caleb. He had pulled me against him and had kissed me. I was shocked at first, but soon melted into the kiss. It was over as soon as it began. I was still trying to figure out how we hand ended up that way when I heard Caleb whisper in my ear.

-Let’s just say that was revenge for the little football attack during gym- He said and I could hear the smile in his voice. –And by the way, you said “ever again”. You just confirmed that we are indeed having sex to your brother.-

I cringed and pushed him away. I raised my arms in frustration knowing that he was right; I had fallen into his little trap. Now I am going to get all the grief but none of the satisfaction. I am going to have to listen to Jethro’s rants but without being able to let out my frustration during sex. Life is not fair! I frowned, looking at Caleb’s smirk but was sidetracked by his lips…they are so soft. Damn him for playing with me. Damn my hormones for loving it. I huffed exasperated.

-Men are idiots!- I stated.

-Amen, sister.- Finished Kayla as she glared once more at Jethro. Both boys still had the gall to look at us as if asking what they had done wrong.

I walked across the kitchen to get the plates and utensils, deciding that it would be best to ignore them. I looked out the kitchen window and caught a glimpse of something yellow moving across the trees. I stopped and scanned the woods quickly but shrugged when I did not see anything out of the ordinary. When I walked back to the counter I found Caleb and Jethro deep in conversation while Kayla rummaged through the fridge for drinks. I checked the time and quickly pulled the lasagna out of the oven.

The rest of the evening went by without a hitch. Well, there was more bickering and teasing but other than that we all had fun. Caleb had finally relaxed and so did I. He left around midnight, but unfortunately I had not gotten rid of him yet. My brother had decided to invite him swimming with us in the lake the next day. I had tried to get Caleb to decline but he had only kissed my cheek and left.

I quickly texted an invitation to Michael, Reese and Julia before passing out for the night. There is no way in Hell, Heaven or Summerland that I will be alone with Him and my family again. One day had been enough to last me a couple of lifetimes, thank you very much!
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my goodnesssss!!!!!!
I am so happy and excited!
I gots me some sexy new subscribers!
I Brain you long time!
And Thank you so so much for the comments!
They made me so disgustingly happy its not even funny!

-Lexizilla- Yay! I fear the cookie monster...I shall write! I oreo you for oreo-ing my story.
-boredom77- I cant stop even if I wanted to, if I do Violetriddle will hurt me. :P
-xT.Hxx- Thank you! Subscibers make me happy dance.
-violetriddle- You are my cookie!
-LaikaM2- Biotch!!! Screw the blue staff Jimmy, we are going for the epics...EPICS!! Buahaha, we are getting closer to what you have not read yet...excited? Brain you Julez!

Now, you know the drill, Read, comment, subscribe and whore out to family, friends and multiple personalities!