Status: So, once a week and comments make me giggle with whip creamish glee!




I was late! And what pissed me off the most was that it was entirely my fault. I just had to cheat! After reading the note left by Kayla and Jethro I had ransacked my room and found the new alarm clock, setting in on the small table by my bed. The tiny contraption started its annoying beeping in the morning so I had hit the “off” button and happily gone back to sleep. Big mistake! I was now running into the class room half way through 2nd period and the teacher was glaring at me annoyed. I was breathing hard when I slumped into my seat only to find I had missed a pop quiz and forgotten my homework. Well crap! Hopefully I could do some extra work to make up for it. Yay, just what I needed, more homework! Note the sarcasm dripping off every word. I had chosen the wrong adjective last night, this weekend would not be interesting, it would be hell.

I was dragging my sorry self into the cafeteria when I spotted Julia. Walking over to our usual table I let myself fall face down onto the table without even bothering to buy lunch. Julia had barely managed to snatch her macaroni and cheese away before I stretched out and put a sweater under my head as a pillow.

-Someone has not been having a good morning. - She said sarcastically as she resumed eating. I raised a hand and waived it lazily without even looking up.

-Julia, I didn’t know you had resorted to cannibalism. Isn’t there something in that Mormon doctrine of yours that says you should not eat your friends? - Asked Reese as he walked up to the table.

I couldn’t see Julia’s expression but I was pretty sure we were doing a twin eye roll. It is all we ever did with Reese, roll our eyes. They were probably going to get stuck just like I had told Caleb they would. That would be sad. My green eyes were the sexiest thing about me. I smiled at my own modesty.

-No Reese, there isn’t. And you are just jealous that I am not eating you. - I heard Julia say. Behind me I could hear Michael and Caleb chuckling as they sat down with us.

-Good morning, Winter! - Greeted Michael way too cheerfully. I grunted in disgust making them all laugh. I felt someone set their food tray on my back but I was too tired to care.

-Thought you weren’t coming today. - Said Caleb.

-And miss an opportunity to make your day miserable? - I exclaimed in fake shock though my voice was muffled by my make shift pillow. –Never! I am too dedicated to my fans to miss out on work-

They all chuckled and I finally turned to look at Julia who was trying to keep Reese from stealing her lunch. I chuckled as she held out her arms with the cheesy goodness; Reese was trying to reach around her as she poked him with her fork. The show was interrupted when Caleb reached for something that was on the tray that still wobbled precariously on my back. His hand brushed lightly against the small of my back that had been exposed to the cool cafeteria air. I shivered, not from his touch but from his thoughts.

...Damn, she looks sexy like that. Mmmmm nice ass… God, this woman will be the death of me! How am I supposed to keep my hands to myself when she is lying on the table like that? She smells so good…

His hand finally moved away from my body and I smiled at the ego boost he had given me. I smacked myself mentally. You know you have problems when you feel good about smelling nice to a vampire. It’s like a cow celebrating that the farmer thinks she is meaty. I groaned and started to roll off the table. I felt someone quickly grab the tray as I fell onto Michael and Caleb’s lap. Michael huffed with my weight but Caleb remained unfazed. Stupid vampire strength. I slowly sat up and ended up sitting in Caleb’s lap while he smirked at me. Ok, so maybe I had not thought this through. I wiggled out of his lap and had to fight back a chuckle.

...Sweet Lilith! Please make her stop wiggling like that. Why did I have to be stuck in a teenager’s body? Just make her get off!...

Feeling especially evil I wiggled once more before jumping off his lap. His face looked neutral but I knew better and I smirked as I went to sit next to Julia. She was still holding her lunch away from Reese who was now trying to snatch the offending fork away from her. Sitting down I grabbed Michael’s spoon and started eating the macaroni and cheese without Julia even noticing. Michael and Caleb were fighting back laughter as I finished my lunch and returned the spoon. Reese had finally given up and was pouting as Julia turned satisfied back to her food.

-Hey! What the…? - She cried as she looked down at her empty bowl. She looked up at the now laughing boys and then looked back at me and whined. –That was mine!-

-Caleb! She ate my lunch! - She complained.

-Nope, you don’t get to complain. Consider it good Mormon charity. Brownie points to heaven and all that. - I replied before Caleb could say anything.

-But it was gooey and cheesy and I didn’t want to be a good Mormon today! - She huffed.

-See, all the more reason to thank me. I am such a good friend that I forced you to do something good and Christian! - I snapped back.

-She sort of has a point you know- Said Caleb pensively.

-Don’t make me throw a head of garlic at you! - She threatened before turning pale as she realized her mistake. Caleb just looked confused and I was trying not to look like I was having a heart attack.

-To the secret lair! - I blurted out and ran out of the cafeteria with Julia dragging behind me.

We ran through the halls and soon found ourselves in the dark corners of the library. We were crouched down behind a file cabinet gasping for breath. We looked at each other and started laughing. Talk about a close call and a major over reaction. This trying to keep the vampire secret was going to be harder than we thought. After we regained our composure we settled comfortably into our little cave of books.

-So, have you thought about it? - Julia asked breaking the silence. I crinkled my nose in confusion.

-Thought about what? - I replied.

-About how you are going to handle the whole blood sucking thing? I mean, are you going to try to get him to open up to you or something? I mean, it’s something you should probably talk about before things get serious or whatever. - She explained.

-Huh…I really haven’t thought about how to do it. - I mused. She was tapping her nose. -Maybe I should just wait until he is ready. It’s not like it is a pressing matter. I mean we made out kind of randomly and we really haven’t talked about it or anything, I’d rather get that settled before worrying about him looking at me like a hamburger.-

Julia was nodding her head understandingly when her eyes widened. –Oh my Strawberry short cake!-

-What? - I asked startled. Hmm…I kind of want cake now.

-He is a vampire! - She stated. I rolled my eyes.

-Yes Julia. We have been over this before. We accepted it, we embraced it, we joked about it, we have moved on. - I replied as if soothing a psychopath.

-No, no, no! I mean. What are the odds that he is really a seventeen year old vampire? He must be important if he is hiding from something. And I am pretty sure that in the vampire world you have to be OLD to be important. Like really old…- She whispered conspiratorially.

My eyes had widened during her little speech finally understanding what she was getting at. He was probably decades old! Who is to say he had not passed the BIG One zero zero? Julia and I stared at each other for what felt like an eternity.

-Oh my flying pink underwear! - I yelled as I finally remembered that I had the ability to speak.

-I should have known you would be wearing pink underwear. - I heard a voice from behind me say in an amused tone. I nearly died right then and there when I recognized it. –But I don’t see how it would be flying.-

-How long have you been there? - I asked Caleb shakily, assuming the worst. Julia was frozen pale which was quite a feat.

Reese and Michael were chuckling as they made their way around the cabinet and sat down with us. Damn! Could we not get away from the modern day version of three musketeers? The blasted trio was inseparable now.

-Only long enough to hear about your pink panties. - He chuckled.

I let out a sigh and I could almost hear as Julia’s heart started beating again. I straightened my face as I remembered I had a personality and that it is an awesome one.

-How do you know they are panties? For all you know I prefer lacy thongs…- I replied saucily with a wink. I saw everyone, but Caleb’s, jaw drop and I snickered. Caleb just raised an eyebrow.

-That would make more sense considering you weren’t wearing a bra at my house…- He said slyly. I felt myself blush hard.

-That is not my fault! I didn’t have any underwear to put on after the shower! - I replied in defense. It’s not like I was about to put on someone else’s underwear! That was gross. Just really wrong.

-So you are saying you didn’t have panties on either? - He asked seductively. He looked me over slowly as if trying to see if that statement was true for today as well.

-Damn girl! I always thought you were kinky but that is just hot! - Exclaimed Michael.

Reese was wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at Julia when she smacked him on the head. It seemed to be her favorite target. I crinkled my nose as I always did when I was confused. What? How was I kinky? I replayed the conversation in my head and blushed. Caleb + shower + no bra = really dirty thoughts. Well shit!

-It is not what you think! Nothing happened! - I cried defensively. Julia giggled in a suspicious way.

-Well, that is not entirely true. - She said betraying me as she turned to her captive audience, Michel and Reese. –They did make out in his room.-

The boy’s eyes widened and Caleb was just grinning at me amused. I was sputtering uselessly in the background as Julia laughed. Reese bowed to the floor.

-Master, show me the ways! - Reese cried as he kowtowed. Michael held out his fist to Caleb.

-Dude! You are so pro! - He said reverently. Caleb bumped fists with him and I stiffened offended.

-You are all going to hell! - I whispered menacingly at them. They were still ignoring me. Caleb finally looked up from the stream of praises his boy fan club was spewing and smiled at me.

-No need to get mad, love. Its true and it’s not your fault that you can’t keep your hands off of me- He said as if stating a fact.

-Can’t keep my hands off you? - I asked through clenched teeth.

I was about ready to beat him to death with the copy of “Pride and Prejudice” that lay on the shelf beside us. Well, not really to death. He was already dead, wasn’t he? So…probably just beat him with it until I got tired. Dumb vampires and their undeadness! And I don’t care if that is not really a word! I pointed my finger menacingly at him.

- Well you know what? Just watch me! You…you…pedophile!- I hissed angrily.

My friends looked at me confused until Julia remembered our conversation and started having a laughing fit. Caleb cocked his head and gave me a sad puppy face look. I smacked myself mentally for wanting to smile back. Maybe I should stop with the mental smacks, I mean, there could be permanent damage here. I refuse to cave in though! The brain damage hasn’t gotten that bad yet! I crossed my arms and looked away from him.

-Winter, don’t be mad. - Caleb cooed as he shuffled closer to me and placed his head on my shoulder.

His forehead was nestled against my neck and I felt myself giving in. Our audience stared at us and I saw as Julia pull out some crackers from her lunch bag, her stare never wavering, and passed them around. They all began munching, their eyes never leaving us. Maybe we should start charging for this. I could maybe start saving up for a bike. I fought back a smile as I slipped into Caleb’s mind.

...She is so cute when she is mad. He smiled internally. I wish I could kiss her again…but that beautiful smile of hers will do for now…

-Please…- he pleaded as he rubbed his face against me, making his hair tickle me. I started to bite back a smile. –Come on…you know you still love me…

...Oh shit... I heard him think as his body froze. ...Lilith below! I can’t believe I just said that out loud… shit, think fast…um…double shit?...

I chuckled and finally gave in. I turned as he slowly lifted his head and opened his mouth to say something. I placed a finger over his lips, keeping him silent. I leaned towards him so only he would hear what I had to say.

-I do- I whispered in his ear. –But don’t think that means you can just sweet talk and play kitty cuddles to get out of trouble.-

I pulled back and kissed his cheek quickly earning a collective “Awww” from our audience. I looked up at Caleb and found my favorite smile spread across his face. He pulled me into his lap and kissed my forehead softly.

-I love you too. - He whispered so only I could hear and I snuggled happily against his chest.

-That is so cute! - Exclaimed Julia as she set her head on Reese’s arm dreamily.

We all looked at her strangely but she didn’t seem to notice what she was leaning on. I opened my mouth to tell her but decided against it when I saw the goofy grin on Reese’s face. Maybe he did want more than a fling with her. Michael plugged in his earphones and we all sat in silence, enjoying the smell of old books and peace. I don’t know how long we sat there but I loved every second of it.

-What are you all doing here? - Asked someone in a furious whisper.

I turned and saw Michael’s face light up. Oh, so it was probably Cornelia. Michael patted the spot next to him and she sat down with a huff. I looked to Reese and Julia but they had fallen asleep. Her head was now on his thigh, his head hung low and he had an arm wrapped protectively around her shoulders. They looked so sweet together. Caleb was looking at Cornelia expectantly. She looked at him like he was stupid before whispering once more.

-School is almost out. I heard from a friend that you missed all your classes after lunch.-

I started patting myself down frantically looking for my phone to check the time. Caleb found his first. Shit! We only had about a half hour more of class. I was about to stand up and rush to class but decided it wasn’t really worth it. So I just sighed and shifted back comfortably into Caleb’s lap. Hurray for vampires! Their limbs probably don’t go numb even after carrying someone heavy for a while. Not that I was really heavy. I am not fat! The point is that I could really get used to this.

-Just relaxing with my girlfriend and my friends.- Answered Caleb when he saw Cornelia was still waiting for an answer.- We just kind of forgot about the time.-

Cornelia shrugged and took out one of Michael’s earphones so she could listen in. They settled comfortably against each other and continued to listen to music. I was trying hard not to jump around happily. My heart was fluttering. He called me his girlfriend! Yay! My first boyfriend! Don’t judge me…it is kind of hard to date when everyone either thinks you are a freak or they just want to get laid. Caleb is not like that, he is different. I fought back a laugh. Well that was an understatement. He is a vampire in love with his meal. But his meal loved him right back. I know Caleb had noticed my frantic heart beat, because when he did I sensed his happiness. We did not have the same abilities but I wasn’t completely defenseless against him.

We can make this work.
♠ ♠ ♠
So...imma be posting one chapter a week form now on. I am hoping it will give people more time to find the story and comment and all that. So it is more important now than ever that you pimp me out!

I don't know why but this chapter makes me happy. It was fun to write. Yay! I like saying "yay"...

-jazzy512- Super congrats on making state, girl! And you needn't worry, the answers will come in due time.
-Tyrone_Swift- Justin my man! Thank you for still reading and commenting even though Alice works you like a slave. Not that I mind you writing instead of reading cuz zombies make me happy.
-violetriddle- Chica, you are one weird cookie. Your comments make my entire weeks I swear. Fear not! I will not die, I could never disappoint my best friend! I actually kind of like old people. I like their stories...always something to learn from them. You picture is awesome. And for a picture on your story I thing what I did was click on the empty picture box in the story editing page thing... And yes!, I know that way. I love you too, in the "I would so let you fuck me even though we cant cuz we are not lez and both have vags but we cant cuz you are jail bait" kind of way. You know that way? (Side note: I hope this comment does not offend anyone...its a joke between me and violetriddle so please dont like report me or anything. And Dad, if you read this...I am SO sorry)
-LaikaM2- Julie! I think this chapter is new to you. I think from here on you have not read it yet so enjoy!
-bann_sir2000- New commentator! You are awesome for your comment! Thank you!
-lil_angel666- If you parents think you have gone bonkers then I must be doing something right! Yay!

That is all for now, my luscious readers!
READ. COMMENT. know you want to!