Status: So, once a week and comments make me giggle with whip creamish glee!


Video And The Bet


-Do I have to? – I whined as Cornelia and Caleb dragged me through the parking lot to the car.

I change my mind! I don’t want to date the vampire anymore. Not that I was afraid of his guardians, the McClellan family is really sweet and I sort of have already met them so there is nothing to be worried about. I was worried about getting caught stealing their books. Vampires bite you know, and I am pretty sure they can make it hurt when they are angry.

-Why does Michael get to stay behind? Michael! Don’t leave me!- I whined as reached for Michael pleadingly.

-Sorry, Winnie, I am not invited. – He replied teasingly as he made his way to his own car. Julia and Reese had bailed on me long ago. Michael was my last hope.

-But you are dating Cornelia! You have to meet the parents too! – Michael snickered.

Caleb tugged a little harder on my arm, I know he wasn’t using his full strength, neither was Cornelia, but he was getting frustrated. He was fighting the urge to fling me into the car like a potato sack; he hadn’t done it because he was afraid of hurting me.

-And don’t call me Winnie! I will cut you in the night with a spoon if you call me that again!- I growled menacingly.

-Don’t worry, Winter. – Interrupted Cornelia as she kissed Michael quickly while still keeping a firm grasp on my wrist. Michael started walking towards his car only to freeze at Cornelia’s next words. –Mom and Dad asked him to come over in a couple of weekends or something.-

-What? – Replied a now terrified looking Michael-But, It’s been like not even a week and…and parents are scary!-

-Yay! – I replied as I did a happy dance that ended up having me and my captors flailing around like idiots.

Hurray for Karma. Michael had never been the type to meet the parents. He was more of the “oh parents are home, quick, jump out the window” kind of guy. After the first half naked escape he learned to keep an extra set of clothes in his car.

-Be afraid, Michael. The parents know what you did last summer…- I cackled.

-No! How could they know? – Michael was now easing his way to the car as Caleb and Cornelia looked at him curiously. It seemed like he was attempting to make himself disappear. –You said you erased the video! I didn’t do anything with her…well, we didn’t finish anything at least! It was a just a stupid mistake.-

-They will know because I still have the video on my phone…You should have helped me Michael. – I whispered darkly as I flitted into the car pulling Caleb and Cornelia with me. As I threw myself in to the car and closed the door I could still hear Michael screaming at me.

-Don’t you dare Winter Evalise Fallen!- I turned to see him wave his fist at me as Caleb started the car and pulled away.- I am going to make you pay for this!-

Due to our hasty escape Cornelia and I were awkwardly sprawled out in the back seat while Caleb drove. Our book bags were strewn over us and Caleb’s shirt had twisted and lifted around his chest when he had crawled from the back to the driver’s seat. Cornelia and I shifted around the back seat until we managed to sit up and set the bags on the floor.

-Goodness! That was so random! – Said Cornelia complaining about the previous exchange. – And what is he so afraid of?-

-Well, remember how Julia said Reese had a reputation? – I started and Cornelia nodded her head. – Well, they are cousins….-

-I already knew he was a man-whore! – She huffed looking confused. – And so do my parents. We have all heard about the parties.-

-Of course. He probably doesn’t know that you know. But I knew that you did. – I said but frowned confused at my own reply. – I mean. I know that you and Caleb know about the parties here, you would have gotten invitations faster than your school schedule. I just made him think that I would tell you and your parents.-

-Oh! – She replied understanding why he had freaked. – But that doesn’t explain the video you guys mentioned.-

-About that…-I started sheepishly as I pulled out my phone and searched for the video before handing it to her.

The video started starring a completely naked Michael running out of the woods and towards the camera yelling something unintelligible. A few seconds later a mean looking dog whips out of the woods barking its little head off. You can hear me laughing as my arm comes into view opening a door for Michael before quickly closing and locking it after he dives in. The dog barks for a few moments before whining and trotting off into the woods once more. The view switches back to Michael who is sprawled face up on the floor, one hand covering his “important parts” as the other rests over his heart as he tries to catch his breath. I am still laughing hysterically when he finally looks up and glares at me.

-What the hell, Winter?-He growls not bothering to move.-Get that camera out of my face-.

-I can’t, this is just too good not to document. – I say between laughs as the shot moves around Michael’s body for full effect. –One day your children are going to want to know what their father was like. And Auntie Winter will be there to enlighten them.-

-You are sick Winter! I am going to hurt you!- He reached for something out of view before he remembered his attire, or lack there off, and quickly moved his hands back south, not before showing the world his previously exposed attributes. Blushing he asks through clenched teeth. –How did you even know I would be coming here?-

-Oh…just had a feeling. Besides, it wasn’t hard to figure out from your less than manly screaming. – I replied slyly.

That had been a lie. He was so desperate that his thoughts had broadcasted louder than his screams; I had heard his thoughts all the way from the girl’s house. Like I said, he was a man whore, who was really afraid of dogs.

-And instead of being worried you pulled out a camera? – He asked glaring at me before chuckling lightly. –What kind of a friend are you?-

-The best kind!- I replied as he looked at me skeptically.- Because I am about to give you a pair my brother’s pants and get half naked so you have a credible alibi when that girl’s father shows up at my door with his dog and rifle in about five minutes.-

-Oh my god!-Michael exclaimed panicked, he stood up quickly, forgetting he was naked and ran his hands through his hair.- You don’t think he will come after me, do you?-

Michael turned his head to the door and the sound of barking carried in once more. He whipped back around looking at the camera terrified before reaching towards it.

-Dammit Winter! – He cried as I started laughing, making the camera wobble. – Get your damn clothes off already!-

The video ended and Cornelia was laughing so hard she had fallen onto her side with her head now in my lap. Caleb was trying to turn around and drive at the same time so he could figure out what had happened. I had started laughing too and I shakily reached for the phone out of Cornelia’s grasp.

-How did you get a video that long on a phone? – She asked when she had calmed down a bit.

-I didn’t, it was an actual video camera, and I just transferred a copy to my phone afterwards. – I replied wiggling my eyebrows as if to show how cunning I was.

-That has to be the funniest thing I have ever seen! – Cornelia stated as she crumbled back into a giggling fit. – But what happened after that?-

-Honey, remember that kiss I told you about? The almost orgasmic one? – I asked and she nodded, her eyes widening.

-I want the whole story, start from when the video ended. – She ordered as she sat up and looked at me expectantly. I felt Caleb stop the car, having arrived at his house, and I passed him the phone to watch the video as I finished the story for Cornelia.

-Well, the dog wasn’t alone. Turned out I was right. The dog was accompanied by a big, angry mother-lover with about the scariest hunting rifle I have ever seen- I shuddered then giggled at the memory. –Michael was so desperate he had forgotten he was naked, he came at me and whipped my jeans and shirt off so fast it wasn’t even funny.-

-I heard the boys had a contest at this party last year to see who could undress a girl faster. - Interrupted Cornelia. – I guess he really did win.-

-Are you kidding? It wasn’t even a competition! He had her in nothing but panties in like seconds! – I exclaimed before continuing my story. –Any who, there I am, in my underwear and we can hear this guy coming up to the door. He pushes me onto the counter and we start making out. It was, until Caleb, the best damn kiss I have ever had. I totally forgot it was supposed to be an act. So there I am with my hands in Michael’s hair and my legs around his waist when the previously mentioned very pissed off father bursts into my kitchen ready to shoot some heads off.-

-Oh my goodness! – Cornelia exclaimed her hands covering her mouth in shock. – Then what happened?-

-Michael jumps back and I scream like an idiot trying to cover myself with my hands. So there we are looking at each other like in a bad cowboy movie. Michael was struggling to cover his…little friend, which by this point was no longer exactly “little” if you know what I mean. So I finally catch my voice and start yelling at the guy with the gun to get out or I will call the cops. I can’t even remember exactly what I yelled.-

-I am not sure I like knowing that my girlfriend made out with her naked and horny best friend who is now dating my sister. – Said Caleb frowning from the front seat.

-Oh hush!-Chided Cornelia. – You slept with my two best friends…at the same time. So you do not get to criticize!-

-Cornelia! – Cried Caleb blushing before turning to me with a mortified and slightly panicked look.

He probably did not want me to know that he is a sexual deviant. Insert evil chuckle, poor man doesn’t know that I already figured out he is and I plan on taking advantage of that. I may be a virgin but I have plans for a certain sexy looking vampire.

-Caleb, you sly dog you! – I said with an ostentatious wiggle of the eyebrows- Threesome, nice!-

-Oh yes. And that is not even the beginning of it- Whispered Cornelia conspiratorially. – But those are stories for a time when Caleb can’t keep me from saying anything. So did the guy leave?-

-Yeah- I laughed as we continued the story completely ignoring Caleb’s horrified face. – He stuttered and apology then asked if we had seen anyone. We assured him we hadn’t and he left muttering apologies and something about killing a certain horny teenager.-

-I can’t believe you got away with that! – Cornelia laughed.

-I know! But that is not the worst part. You have no idea how big of a bullet Michael dodged that night!- We giggled at the pun before I continued.- About a week later the dad with the questionable gun permit packed up his family including his loose daughter and moved into the city, not before shipping said daughter off to an all girl boarding school. Turned out to be a mistake, six months later she was pregnant with her Biology teacher’s baby.-

-No! – Cornelia gasped out shocked.

- Oh yeah. Michael came over when the news reached town and we had a sleepover with Reese and Julia to celebrate what had not come to pass. Good night I tell you. – I finished.

I sighed dreamily remembering how that had gone down. It had been awesome. Hurray for tequila, which Julia had frowned upon, and midnight dips in the lake, which, in hind sight, really was not a safe idea. Do not try at home children. Reese almost drowned. It was kind of funny actually. Tee hee.

-Oh the stories we could share woman. – Said Cornelia dramatically as we finally stepped out of the car and linked our arms together, heading towards the house. -I feel you and I are going to be good friends for a very long time.-

-Why Cornelia, I was just thinking the same thing! – I replied with a smile.

Caleb muttered something under his breath, I couldn’t hear but Cornelia did and I was able to pick it up through her thoughts. It was something about being joined to me in Blood Oath maybe being dangerous if I become good friends with Cornelia. She was shocked at the mention of Blood Oath, as was I, but since I was not supposed to know what he had said we just let it slide. Ignorance, or at least pretend ignorance, is my safest bet right now.

Walking into the house a heavenly smell greeted us. I rushed towards the kitchen to figure out what it was. Cornelia was chuckling at my enthusiasm but Caleb was still sulking in the background. Anthony was nowhere to be found but Sofia was wearing a cute soft pink apron and cooking something I have never seen before. I skipped over giving her a quick hug and hello before dipping my finger in a pot of something that looked like sauce. I sucked the concoction of my finger and moaned dramatically. It was delicious…like looking at sexy muscled men under the sun at the beach.

-I am sorry Caleb. I am over you. – I stated before dropping down to one knee and grabbing Sofia’s free hand. They all looked at me confused.-Sofia McClellan, all my life I have searched for a woman who could cook like you. Will you marry me?-

-I am sorry but she is already taken Winter. – I heard Anthony say from behind me as he set down a briefcase and walked into the kitchen to kiss his wife. Cornelia and Sofia were laughing while Caleb was trying to look offended even though a smile was threatening his lips.- But Caleb cooks just as well so he should be enough. I am sorry you have to settle for second best though.-

-I guess he will have to do. – I stood from the floor and kissed Sofia’s hand before turning to Caleb. –Come here lover boy. Your woman requires a kiss to mend her broken heart.-

-Why should I kiss you when you tried to leave me for Sofia? – He huffed, still trying to hide his smile. – And you were gossiping about me with Cornelia.-

-Cornelia and I have a deep connection, you can’t fight the sister bond. – I replied as I slid onto a chair by the counter. – And you will kiss me or I won’t forgive you for accepting those condoms the boys gave you on Tuesday when you were rudely eaves dropping on Julia and me.-

-What sister bond? – Asked Caleb confused before frowning. –And how do you know about the condoms?-

-Cornelia and I are dating each other’s adoptive bother, there for we are double adopted sister-in-laws. Obviously!- I replied matter-of-factly. I looked over at Cornelia who nodded at me in approval and we smiled at Caleb.

- As for the condoms, well, I know all. For example: the condoms are on your night table, you were not wearing underwear yesterday because you could not find your boxers after gym and Sterling grabbed your ass today after math class when you bent over to pick up a pencil. Why you would allow yourself to get caught alone in a classroom with her alone is beyond me though.- I wrinkled my nose at the thought of Sterling manhandling my vampire.

-But…how…I mean…I was alone…-Stuttered Caleb as his family looked at us with their mouth hanging open.

-I am not telling you how I know.-I said before adding with a wicked half grin.- We all have our own bloody little secrets Caleb. And I won’t tell you mine until you tell me yours…-

Caleb, Sofia and Cornelia looked at me confused then broke into laughter which I happily joined. They must have thought I was joking, which is just as well, I know Caleb is not ready yet. Anthony looked at me once more, sensing my comment was more than what I had implied, and raised an eyebrow questioningly. I smiled reassuringly and he nodded tightly. We both knew that the other would remain silent until the time was right.

-Fine-Said Caleb when the laughter had died down. He leaned against the refrigerator with his hands crossed over his chest and demanded. – If you are so “all knowing” then tell me where my boxers are.-

-You are not going to like the answer…- I replied cryptically. He snorted and motioned with his hand for me to proceed. I smiled wide and answered. –I am sure you know that there has been a bet going around about which girl will get to um…sleep with you first…-

-I was hoping you hadn’t heard about that…- He replied nervously before glancing over at Sophia who was blushing while Cornelia just rolled her eyes.

-Of course I know about that. The whole school knows. Probably the whole town. Actually there are some teachers and single older woman in the running too. – I answered simply.

-What? – Cried Caleb. Cornelia was snickering in the back ground and Anthony was just nodding his head.

-Yes, actually, today most of the elementary teaches joined in the bet too. – Replied Anthony coolly. – I believe most of them are supporting Miss Raven, the Art Teacher. Quit an attractive young girl. She just returned from finishing school in New York.-

-Oh God. – Cried Caleb once more as he walked over to a chair, slouched into it and started massaging his temples.

-Oh get over it!-Chided Cornelia. –We all know Winter is going to win any way, which is why I bet 100 bucks on her. She doesn’t have much following, mostly because they are jealous, so the odds are like 300 to 1. I am going to go shopping after I win this.-

-Hey! – I exclaimed outraged as I turned to Cornelia. –That is no fair! I can’t bet on myself!-

-That is why I placed a bet for you! – She replied happily. – Fifty dollars each!-

-Yay! – I clapped happily. – I knew you and I were meant to have a special friendship Cornelia.-

Sophia was shaking her head by this point but hid a small smile as she concentrated on her cooking. Anthony was chuckling softly and Caleb seemed to be dying slowly with each new revelation. Caleb finally stood up in the chair and sighed before asking.

-And what does any of this have to do with my underwear?-

-Quit simple, my good man. – I replied cheerily. – Sterling was getting nervous that she would lose so she decided to just make everyone think that she slept with you so that she wins the bet.-

-Ok…? – Replied Caleb confused. He frowned and looked up at me for an answer. –I don’t get it-

-Well if she has you underwear and “accidentally” mentions in front of a large crowd that you left them at her house…- I said hoping that he would catch my drift. Cornelia was faster than Caleb.

-No! Really? – She exclaimed as she covered her mouth in shock. She turned to Caleb and glared. – How could you be so careless? I am going to lose the bet now.-

-Hey! This is not my fault- He replied defensively. –I am the victim here! Now everyone will think that I slept with that…that…thing!-

-Oh don’t worry- I replied as I hoped off the stool and made my way to the pitcher of ice water that stood by the fridge. Cornelia and Caleb both looked around and glared at me.

-Winter, you might want to share why you are so calm before they jump over the counter and hurt you.- Chuckled Anthony who was enjoying a glass of red wine and seemed very amused by the exchange. At least I hope it was red wine…he wouldn’t risk drinking blood in front of me, would he?

-Because today before gym I broke into her locker and exchanged the boxers for a similar pair that will be much too small for Caleb. When she tries to make people think that they are his all Julia, Cornelia or I have to do is declare that they are much too small for him. – I explained. – Of course there will be the idiot who is not afraid to ask Caleb for his boxer size and all he has to do is tell the truth.-

-Woman, - Caleb started as he kneeled before me and hugged me close to him. – Have I told you how much I love you?-

-Actually, you have not done so today.-I replied coyly. – But feel free to start now and shower me with compliments. And I would not say no to a foot rub as we wait for dinner. Coach Robins made me run 20 laps for being late t class, you know!-

Caleb laughed and stood to kiss me quickly before lifting me up and placing me on a stool beside him. He massaged my feet as we waited for dinner while Cornelia and I discussed what we would do with our money once we won the bet. Sophia would comment on our plans every now and then while Anthony and Caleb talked about something I could not quite hear. I was tempted to listen in on Caleb’s thoughts but decided against it. When Caleb was ready he would tell me. Besides, I have other things I need to concentrate on right now. Like finding and smuggling those vampire books out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Five is my father's favorite number...just thought I would share that with y'all.

And thank you to all my lovlies who commented last chapter! It is the most comments I have gotten per chapter yet AND they got me that new sexy star!

This I think is the longest chapter I have posted so far so I am hoping for lots of loving!
Your comments make my weeks! They really do!

-Tyrone_Swift- Eve! I love your gangsta comment! I hope you are not disappointed with this chapter. It makes me giggle...and remember Guanajuato. I really did go to a party where the boys tried to see who could undress a girl faster. How ironic is it that the one who was being teased for being a virgin won?

-jazzy512- Yay! We already have discussed our love for House of night, Stevie Ray and Rephaim so this wont be a long comment. But I love you for your comments! Dude, how weird is it that I have a really big crush on a mock Raven? I'd be shamed but I cant. I just cant resist a bad boy with a heart.

-Dreamwriter- I LOVE when new readers comment! makes me feel like I did something write! I hope you keep on enjoying this!

-lil_angel666- True! but you cant keep a girl from hoping...:P Though I hide my baby pictures. I let NO ONE see them! Over my cold, lifeless corpse I tell you!

-Burned- Yes, I read, write and speak Spanish. I lived in Mexico for 11 years and did most of my schooling there. Even though English is my first language, Spanish is my forte. Though I dont think my English is too bad...I hope. As for the assignment...I made it up. I was remembering when me and my Friend Ximena made up our own writing system in like the 4th grade. Se we could send notes across the classroom without other idiots reading it. And by idiots I mean dumb boys. :P

-blackrule- Wait no longer, my sweet! It has arrived with sprinkled and nudity for all!

-violetriddle-Your comments DO make me feel loved!
So loved! The way I love you! In all those creepy and yummy previously mentioned ways! And now...I must go answer the LONG ass post you left on my profile...that is gonna take a while...I may take a shower first and then get to it so that my mind is crisp!

-LaikaM2- Da Julez! My favorite hoe! I WILL die your hair blond. Whether you want to or not! Oh wait...we agreed black and purple... The point is! Something shall be done! Something that will make mom want to kill us... Teehee. Are you ready for the awesomeness to come? Are you? ARE YOU