Status: So, once a week and comments make me giggle with whip creamish glee!




-That was officially the best dinner I have ever had. – I sighed contentedly as I placed my fork down on my napkin and sat back into my chair relaxing. Sofia smiled sweetly as Cornelia chuckled and Caleb wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

-I am glad you enjoyed it.-Said Sofia as Anthony stood to clear the empty plates from the table. –It is not often that I get to go all out on a dinner menu.-

-I would imagine so. – I replied as I nodded my head.

Vampires probably lived more on blood than they did on food. I hardly ever saw Cornelia or Caleb eat. Anthony looked at me quickly and tilted his head to the side in warning. I froze and stumbled for an explanation. Anthony suspected that I knew their secret but the rest of the McClellan clan did not.

-I mean. I remember cooking for my brother. Coming home at odd hours and not really caring what he ate. Kind of took the fun out of making a fancy meal.- I mumbled quickly.

Not waiting for a reply I stood quickly to help Anthony clear the table. Sofia soon stood and started carving the delicious looking chocolate cake she had baked. Cornelia was helping her set out plates and spoons. Caleb came towards me and after much protest managed to pry the dirty dishes from my hands and started washing them himself. Anthony shooed me away from the kitchen and led me to the living room, he turned to leave but I quickly grabbed his hand. An idea had formed. Why not borrow instead of steal?

-I know- I said simply. He looked at me curiously before motioning for me to wait.

I let go of his hand and he moved to retrieve a pencil and a piece of paper form his briefcase. I looked at him curiously before reading

Winter, it is important that you tell me exactly what it is you think you know.

I suppose it was true that vampires have above average hearing. It was now clear that he wanted to keep this conversation private. I reached for the pencil, writing quickly.

You and your family are protecting Caleb from something. He needs to be protected. I do not know from what but I know it is dangerous. He is important. And none of you are human.

Anthony tensed slightly as he read and eyed me suspiciously before replying.

If we are not human, then what are we?

I looked up at him, my gaze not wavering from his. I wanted him to know that I am on his side. I would never betray Caleb or his loved ones. I wrote quickly.

Vampires, Mr. McClellan. You are all vampires. I have seen Caleb and Cornelia feed. They do not know that I am aware of your secret though. But you are safe with me. To lose Caleb would be to lose myself.

His fists clenched tight around the paper as he read and when he looked back at me I could see fear, disbelief and uncertainty in his eyes. He scribbled his reply faster than my eyes could follow. The first time he had ever let me see any hint of being more than human.

How do you know? Why should I trust you with this secret when it could cost the life of my family? It could cost our world more than you could ever understand.

I sighed as I wrote back. I had obviously not thought this through. This is going to be much harder than I thought. But answers are needed. Trust is needed. Caleb is worth it.

I have my own secrets. If you cannot trust me then kill me. Losing Caleb would be worst anyway. I have chosen to trust you now, knowing you could end me should you choose not to return that trust. I have not told Caleb because I know he is not ready yet. But there are certain things I need answers too.

Anthony read slowly and looked at me. His eyes searching mine as if trying to see my soul and find its true intentions. He seemed to come to a decision and wrote.

Share your secret with me. Tell me how you know. A secret for a secret and we will see if we can trust each other.

I read the note twice as I thought about his proposition. It is only fair, a secret for a secret. I could be the end of his life as well as of his family, and he could end mine, in more ways than one. He could choke the life out of me or he could use my abilities to serve his purpose. A life for a life. I wrote carefully my answer.

I can read minds. I can hear other’s peoples thoughts. With you and your family it is a bit different though. I suppose because you are not human. When it comes to Caleb, I can not only hear him but at times I have visions of him. Not the future but what is occurring at the present time when he is away from me. Unlike hearing thoughts I do not know how to control the visions though.

Anthony read my reply and I did not have to use my ability to sense the incredulity and skepticism washing over his tense form towards me. He looked up angered and quickly wrote, his hand trembling as he struggled to control his emotions.

Do not lie to me child. No such thing exists. I should know after 700 years of life.

I looked up at him saddened before slowly writing my reply.

That is not a fair answer Anthony McClellan. I come from a world where for thousands of years vampires have been nothing but a myth, an impossible creature, a childish story to capture the imagination. Yet here I sit, speaking to one and in love with another. If vampires can exist in my world, then who are you to deny the existence of mind readers in yours?

Anthony looked up at me as he read. He was no longer angry but he did not seem to believe me yet. He seemed to be calculating the odds. He looked at me as if seeing me for the first time.

-Show me- He whispered simply. I extended my hand slowly and closed it around his.

-Think of something I could not possibly know about. It does not have to be important. Just something that would be impossible for anyone but you and your family to know. – I asked in a soft whisper.

We both closed our eyes and I could not help but smile as his emotions rushed through me.

-Dammit Anthony! – Yelled Sofia angrily. –We are not leaving that poor child like that. You are going to turn her while I hunt those bastards down. And so help me Anthony, if she is not better by the time I get back you are going to join them in their graves!-

Anthony let go of my hand quickly and looked up at me expectantly. I chuckled as I sat back on the sofa tucking my legs under me.

-I never would have thought Sofia could have such a temper. She is always so soft spoken. What was she so mad about? – I asked. Anthony’s jaw dropped and he sat down beside me running his hands through his hair anxiously.

-You really can…I mean…you were not lying. – He sputtered, before answering my question. –It was the night we found Cornelia. She had been…attacked. The details are not mine to share, perhaps Cornelia will tell you herself one day, but Sofia could not leave her to die. That is one of the few times I have ever seen Sofia truly mad.-

I nodded letting the subject go. He looked at me and sighed once more.

-A secret for a secret, a life for a life. I understand your hesitation now. A rare ability such as yours would be taken advantage of by the wrong person. You have risked much by confiding in me. Trust in each other is possible. You are truly a remarkable person Winter.-

A small smile touched his lips and I returned the smile shyly. Anthony opened his mouth to speak once more but soon closed it as Caleb walked into the room. In each hand he held a plate with a slice of the decadent looking dessert, he hesitated as he noticed the now awkward silence but soon handed me a plate. Caleb stood for a moment looking at me and Anthony with a curious expression before shrugging it off and sitting down on the floor in front of me. Resting his head against my legs he made himself comfortable and began to eat. Anthony and I were quick to follow his actions.

Cornelia and Sofia soon joined us. Anthony had quickly taken our written conversation and hidden it from view. We both knew that the time was not right; the McClellan family had much to fear. Caleb had peace to make with his own mind before confiding in me his secret. Anthony trusted me and I would wait patiently for the time when Caleb did so also.

Dessert turned into hours of talking, joking and laughing. The day grew dark and the stars finally lit up against the sky. I was tired. School, stress, long family dinners and almost pissing off a very old vampire is a lot to take in on one day. Caleb offered to drive me home soon after he noticed my head lolling onto his shoulder. At the door both Cornelia and Sofia hugged me tight. I turned to Anthony and he pulled me into a tight hug as well. I was a bit confused at his actions until I caught on and slipped into his thoughts.

Cornelia, Caleb and Sofia leave to feed at midnight. I will stay home. They will not be back until dawn. I will come to you when they leave. We shall talk.

I nodded my head against his chest and he let me go with a small smile. I was tired but this was more important than rest. Setting the coffee machine when I got home was now my first priority. Caleb and I drove in silence, he seemed deep in thought. Curious, I reached my hand to his and held him tight. I sighed when I heard his thoughts. He was thinking of his secret once more. The fear of how I might react was eating at him. The car soon stopped and I pulled out my house keys from my book bag. I turned to Caleb who was still serious and I touched his cheek gently.

-I will love you always. - I said simply, kissing his forehead softly before brushing my lips against his lovingly. I looked deep into his eyes; the ones that had once scared me. The ones I now loved and could not see myself living without. –No matter what.-

I stepped out into the cold night air and watched as he drove away, a small smile on his lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
You all probably hate me right now and i am sorry, I know it is short and it is late but I have my reasons dammit!

Besides...I know you are now all curious as to what answers she may or may not be getting next chapter...BUAHAHAHAHAHA

-Tyrone_Swift- No hella long message for you cuz you know better than anyone how I feel about this chapter :P But you know I brain you long time!

-lil_angel666- She is evil! And creepy...I mean she stole some dudes underwear...

-blackrule- Teehee...I already know how that is gonna play out though it has not been written yet...I feel evil. In know y'all will like it though.

-LaikaM2- I dont remember what evil plans I had...o.O But it doenst matter! Cuz I know have eviler plans! One word: Idaho. You know what I am talking bout biotch!

-violetriddle- Randy! I LOVE YOU TOO! Even when you break my heart... I want a pop tart now. sad face. GAsp! And now! I cant make squeaky sounds with my mouth! But Eve can whistle! Like King Julian! He is a professional whistler!

-Lexizilla- Long time no see! You are back! But gasp! You killed it! Anger management classes for you now! And here is the update! Please all the really weird stuff you threatened me with... o.O