Status: So, once a week and comments make me giggle with whip creamish glee!


A First


I frowned as I looked at the girl next to me. She was tiny but strangely beautiful, and her eyes were something a man could get lost in. Not that I would admit that out loud. She was trying too hard to concentrate on anything but me, it was…weird. The rest of the girls were all talking about me now that they had permission to speak, though they were supposed to be working, not gossiping. Sometimes having such good hearing just sucked. I really did not need to hear those girls speculations about me, or the guy’s for that matter. One side turned me into a god and the other tore me down to shreds. Who ever invented the modern day schooling system really should be in hell, I had endured too many centuries of this crap and modern day high school does not help.

Suddenly the girl, whose name escaped me, groaned and started gasping for air. Her eyes rolled up and she fell out of her chair. What the hell? She was fine. I could tell by her steady breathing and heart beat. Did she just pretend to faint? Great! Just what I needed, another girl crying for my attention, no wonder she was trying to avoid me before, she had a different plan. I sighed disappointed, and here I was thinking she was different. Several people in the room looked over and gasped but no one seemed worried in the least. The black girl, Julia rushed to her friend’s side but I caught the smile she was trying to hide. The boy beside me looked confused and very worried but when he stood to grab the girl on the floor, Julia waved him off.

-Oh my pearls! Mr. Hynes! Wi…She just fainted. May I take her to the infirmary? - Julia cried as she kneeled down beside her friend. I noticed that she had cut herself off when about to say her friend’s name. She was keeping it from me, I could tell because she had glanced up at me panicked before correcting herself. I frowned as I looked down at the both of them.

-Oh my! Yes Julia, please do! But I don’t think you can carry her…- Mr. Hynes replied with a shocked expression. Julia winced and bit her lip; she tapped her friends head with her finger lightly so that no one would notice.

-I can carry her there, Professor. Julia can point me in the right direction. - I replied smoothly. If the green eyed girl wanted my attention then she would get it but I would make sure she didn’t like it. And she better have a good answer as to how she knew my name.

I was taken aback when I saw both Julia and the girl cringe. The girl…damn, I really needed to find out her name, it was kind of rude calling her “girl”. Anyway, I shook myself mentally, her heart beat had gone up, but it seemed to be in panic. She did not want my help. Now I was officially confused. A girl I did not know had pretended to faint to…get away from me? Well that was a first…

-Oh! She is starting to wake! - Julia exclaimed as she helped her friend up. She pulled her friend’s arm around her shoulder to support her weight, which must have been uncomfortable since she was so much taller than the girl, and made her way to the front of the classroom. She turned for a moment and looked at me. - No need, I can take her like this. It would not be good for you to miss your first day of class, thank you for your offer though.-

Wow, really couldn’t get away fast enough, could they? I shrugged and went back to my notes as they left the classroom. Michael looked relieved that she had woken and the class went back to its work as if nothing had happened. I might as well use my time to get some information. There is something weird about that girl.

-Caleb McClellan- I stated as I extended my hand.

- So what was up with that girl? - I asked as if bored. Michael eyed me suspiciously as if making up his mind about me but soon shook my hand with a smile.

-Michael Canes- He answered- And as for what that was…I have no idea. I’ve known that midget since the day she was born and it is the first time I have ever seen her even close to fainting. But then again she has been acting all sorts of weird today. She has not put on a dress in years; well I guess the “Carrie” incident does not count…-

-The “Carrie” incident? - I asked curious as I raised an eyebrow. Michael went on to explain her appearance at the town Halloween party the previous year. We soon found ourselves chuckling and swapping stories. Michael out did me though, he seemed to get into a lot of trouble with his cousin Reese.

By the end of the class I was even more confused about the girl, but I would be eating lunch with them thanks to Michael’s invitation. The girls never came back for their things but Michael said he would take them with him since they had their next class together too. Unfortunately I would not see any of them until lunch. I did learn her name though; I had gotten a peak at her notebook when helping put her stuff away. Winter Evalise Fallen. You had some answering to do…
♠ ♠ ♠
By the way, this chapter and the previous one go to Violetriddle, for taking my comment virginity.

So, like always. Read, Comment, and tell your friends hehehe.

Should I keep or kill the story?