Status: So, once a week and comments make me giggle with whip creamish glee!


Bad Picture


I trudged into the cafeteria and clunked into the bench. Today had sucked eggs! First my hasty almost thwarted escape from Caleb, thank the Goddess above for Julia again. She had tapped me so I would know to read her thoughts and she had come up with the alternate plan to keep me from being taken by Caleb. And Michael, bless his soul, had brought us our things. Unfortunately the rest of my classes had been spent dodging questions about Caleb along with an equal amount of annoying glares from girls who thought I was moving in on their prey. Word about the new hot guy had spread like wild fire, as had my apparent connection to him. And the worst part is that Julia and I had not come up with a plan or a lie or even remembered that we were supposed to be talking about Caleb and my vision. We had ended up in the library browsing the internet for cars.

Michael and Julia were at the table already, having come from their previous class together, and were in deep conversation about the woes of Shakespeare, it seemed they had been teamed up for a project.

-Julia, my love! Did you miss me? - I heard Reese say from behind me. I looked up to see Julia and Michael roll their eyes before she got her poker face on.

-Yes Reese, lying in bed at night alone thinking about you is just so painful…I need you...- Julia replied and I muffled a laugh as I saw Reese’s eyes open in shock.

-You…you n-need me? - He asked as he turned red yet again. My oh my! This was just too much fun. Julia had turned the tables! Reese was now the stuttering and tomato turning fool. I had to give it to her, she was good. Who would have though a quiet Mormon girl could be such a tease?

-Yes baby- She cooed seductively –I need you…to get a clue and stop bugging me- She snapped. Reese blushed hard but ever faithful to his cocky demeanor he answered back.

-Julia, honey, there is no need to be embarrassed. I know you really do want me…-

Julia just rolled her eyes and was about to answer when I heard a familiar voice. I cringed but at the same time I felt like I was melting, that voice was just too damn sexy! I smacked myself internally. Bad Winter! Bad! No thinking the new hot boy is sexy! Damn! Double bad Winter! This is so unfair. How am I supposed to concentrate when he can make me melt with just his voice?

-You were right Michael that was about one of the funniest attempts at flirting I have ever seen! - said Caleb as he sat in front of me. Reese, who had sat by me, was glaring at him.

Caleb noticed the glare and bent over to whisper something to Reese. I don’t know what he said but Reese had stopped glaring, in fact he had a giant smile on his face as he leaned back and did a guy fist bump thing with Caleb. Michael went back to his discussion with Julia while Caleb and Reese joined in. Great! Now he was stealing my friends!

I sat on the bench pouting like a five year old when I felt my cell phone vibrate. I shifted uncomfortably and pulled it out of my bra. Damn dress didn’t have pockets! Michael and Reese were shaking their heads; they were used to me stuffing items in random places when I did not have pockets. Julia blushed slightly, no doubt ashamed of my actions. I stuck my tongue out at her and she pretended to bite it from across the table. I was chuckling when I saw Caleb snicker.

-Interesting hiding place- He said as he looked at my chest. The dress didn’t really show any cleavage but it did not hide that I am…very well proportioned. I rolled my eyes as I flipped my phone open.

- A very interesting place…don’t you wish you knew just how interesting it really is? - I replied saucily.

Everyone’s eyes flew open like saucers as they looked at me and Caleb, who was now chocking on a French fry. I usually did not talk to anyone other than my small circle of friends so I could see how they were shocked by my remark. I shrugged and looked down at my phone. What? I was not the pervert looking at my breasts! I groaned as I read the text.

From: Jethro

I have not gotten that picture yet! You better be wearing that dress Winnie! Are you really going to break your poor brother’s heart? Kayla chose it especially for you! You know she loves you!

God! The man really needed to learn how to write his texts in short hand. I sighed. Kayla was his girlfriend and I had it on good authority that he would be proposing soon. And by good authority I meant me and my Goddess given right to snoop in my brother’s brain. She was really sweet, pretty and understanding, they had been dating since before my parents died, and she had just about kept him from falling apart with grief. I love Kayla like a sister.

-Shit! Michael, can you take a picture of me in this stupid dress? - I asked. They all looked up at me questioningly. -Kayla and Jethro sent it, and they want proof that I am not an ungrateful little brat.-

Julia, Michael and Reese all chuckled, finally understanding why I had shown up in school in this damnable piece of cloth. Caleb still looked confused.

-Jethro is her older brother; Kayla is his girlfriend and Winter here hates dresses. - Explained Michael as he took my phone from me. Caleb made and “oh” sound and shrugged. He was really starting to annoy me. I mean, was it impossible for him to have a real conversation? Damn him and his mysterious ways!

Michael leaned over and whispered something to Reese and Caleb who both nodded grinning. Reese slid out of the bench so that I could sit on it sideways. Michael stood up and came to my side of the table so that my whole body came out in the picture, he knew that Jethro would want proof that I had not cheated by putting on jeans under my dress. Stupid Jethro. Next thing I knew I was being picked up and held bridal style. I instinctively wrapped my arms around the neck of whoever grabbed me to keep from falling. As I looked up to see in whose arms I was I heard the distinctive click of a picture being taken. Well shit! I was in Caleb’s arms and my friends were chuckling as they sent the picture. I was seething, even Julia was giggling! Oh the betrayal!

-You have two seconds to put me down nicely before I hurt you- I whispered menacingly. -And Michael, you are on my list.-

Michael turned white and he hastily sat down cowering behind Julia. My friends knew of the list. I was a big fan of revenge. Last time Michael had made it to the list he had found himself waking up with his hands super glued to his butt cheeks. It had been a bitch climbing up the side of his house to sneak into his room but it had been totally worth it. I kept a scrap book with pictures of all my victims. My most prized possession. More good times I tell you, Julia had helped me with a few of those pranks.

-Why am I not on the floor yet? - I asked angrily when I noticed he had not moved.

-I’ll put you down nicely if you ask nicely- Caleb answered seductively.

My heart started to beat faster and against all odds he seemed to notice because he was suddenly smirking. Julia was chuckling but Reese and Michael stared wide eyed. They had learned over the years that you did not mess around with me when I was mad. And I was definitely mad. I heard my cell phone vibrate and chose to ignore it but when It didn’t stop I cringed.

-Fuck me dead! Michael, my phone- I ordered. He stood up and handed it to me, making sure not to get within hitting range. I flipped it open and answered the phone.

-Yes Jethro?-

-Who the hell is that? And what the hell is he doing touching my little sister?-

-That would be Caleb. He is new here. A friend of Michael and Reese. And he is touching your little sister cuz I am like totally a bodacious babe- I retorted in a fake bimbo voice. I was not in the mood for Jethro to play over protective brother from 300 miles away. I heard my friends laugh and felt Caleb’s chest vibrate as he chuckled. Damn him and his ability to make my heart beat faster.

-Well I don’t want him touching you!-He replied but the anger was seeping out of his voice. –You promised no crazy sex parties if I was not invited!-

-Well it is not really a sex party if it just me and him, now is it? - I replied as I chuckled. I heard gasping and groaned as I realized how that must have sounded to my friends…and worst, how that sounded to Caleb.

-Well, you are seventeen so I guess I can’t do much about that. - He chuckled.

He had made me promise when I was little that there would be no nookie until I was at least seventeen. I had not understood at the time but he had been a man whore in his high school years and wanted to save me from the man whores of my generation. Like I said, over protective brother.

–Just make sure he is being safe. I’ll bring Kayla over next weekend in case you need to talk or something. She can probably help you get on the pill or…-

-Oh hell no! We are so not having a sex talk right now!- By this point Caleb was trying really hard not to burst out laughing but that all went downhill when my friends heard my last comment and started cracking up. Caleb seemed to have heard the whole thing, which made sense since he was still holding me in his arms. Damn the boy was strong! He did not seem to even notice that he still held me.

-I can hear him laughing, put him on the phone Winnie- Demanded Jethro. Shit! This was not happening. Well, I wish it wasn’t happening. Caleb looked down at me and cocked his head to the side so I could lift the phone to his ear.

By this point the whole cafeteria seemed to be staring at us. I was in the arms of the school’s new play thing while my friends were laughing their little hearts out on the floor around us. I need new friends. I need a new school. Actually, a whole new life would be nice right now. I sighed. I might as well have fun with this. I glared back at the girls who had death wishes flying at me and I snuggled into Caleb’s arms as I reached up and started placing light feathery kisses on his neck. Caleb shifted nervously and took a deep breath. And then he finally spoke back to my brother who seemed to have stopped lecturing him about Goddess knows what.

-Yes Sir. I will take good care of her. – Stated Caleb quite seriously and was quiet for a moment as he heard my brother’s reply. I slowly started turning the kisses into soft bites and I felt, more than heard, Caleb fight back a moan. He cleared his throat before speaking again. - Of course I would love to meet you and Miss Kayla. Dinner on Friday would be perfect. I am sure Winter is a wonderful cook! Good bye Sir.-

I suddenly froze in his arms and looked up at his smug face. My friends had started a whole new bout of hysterical laughter and I could see Julia crying and gasping for air as she laughed.

-You really did not think that I would let you get away with that little stunt did you? Trying to seduce me while I spoke to your brother? Hmm? Tsk tsk Miss Fallen. I thought you could do better than that. - He said as he looked down at my stunned face.

-Why you little… I can’t…how dare…I mean…- I sputtered uselessly as his smirk just grew wider. I can’t believe this is happening to me! I was still glaring at him when I felt someone slap me on the head causing it to bump against Caleb’s chest.

-What in the name of Smirnoff was that for?!?!- I yelled trying to see who had smacked me. Julia came into view still gasping for air and clutching her sides.

-That…is what…you get…for cussing…- She said between gasps. She smiled wide and started clearing out our lunch table, most of the food left untouched. The bell rang and the boys finally lifted themselves off the floor. I glared at them.

-Dude! That was the funniest shit ever! We are definitely keeping you around! - Said Michael as he made his way to the door with Reese. - Oh! And for your date on Friday, get Winter to make her chicken Lasagna. It is the best thing this side of the Solar System.-

-Hell yeah! Make sure she cooks doubles! I want some. That thing is like orgasmic! - Finished Reese as he dragged off Julia with them.

-Catch you at gym girl! And be good! Don’t make me read you the bible again! - She yelled back on her way out.

I rolled my eyes and for the nth time today I wished I had better friends. I groaned in exasperation when I noticed that I was still in his arms.

-Put me down dammit! - I yelled exasperated! - I have a class to get to, you pervert!-

-Now that is no way for a lady to speak- He admonished jokingly – And I might just have to tell Julia you were cussing again.-

-Ugh! - I stated ungraciously as I started to flail in his arms trying to get down. He chuckled and started walking out of the cafeteria with me.

-I wouldn’t do that if I were you- He chuckled again- We wouldn’t want that pretty dress of yours to ride up, now would we?... Not yet at least.-

I stopped flailing immediately which had him laughing again. It seemed to be all he did, annoy me and laugh at me.

-Just take me to class then- I finally relinquished. Though I was still peeved. - Fourth classroom on the left-

He walked with me through the halls. He had been holding me for over 20 minutes now and he did not seem tired at all. I seethed and tried to ignore all the glares I got form the female half of the school and sighed with relief when he got to the classroom. He put me down gently but did not let me go. I fidgeted in his arms and looked up into his violet eyes.

-You are on my list too, Caleb. I will remember this. - I said menacingly. He chuckled, yet again.

-No, Winter Sweet, you are on mine- He whispered into my ear making me shiver. He quickly kissed me on the forehead and rushed down the hallway to his own class.

I stomped to my desk and sat down, mumbling all the way under my breath. The teacher walked in and I was reaching for my things when I realized I did not have them. They were in my locker where I was supposed to pick them up after lunch. Stupid Caleb! Stupid lunch! Stupid Michael and his stupid pranks! Stupid existence!

-Well shit! - I exclaimed out loud as I banged my head against the table.

-What have I told you about language Miss Fallen? - The teacher asked. –Detention today should help you remember-

-Double shit- I groaned without lifting my head from the table.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! Another chapter!!!

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