Status: So, once a week and comments make me giggle with whip creamish glee!




I skipped away from the locker room happy to finally be out of my dress. I was twirling my way into the gym excitedly as I celebrated my shorts and shirt. Hurray for Gym! I spotted Julia and ran to her side. The first thing I saw was her pained expression. It seemed to be her reflexive expression for gym.

-Julia? Is everything ok? - I asked nervously. She shook her head and shakily pointed to the middle of the gym. I followed her finger with my eyes and saw what she was looking at. I burst out laughing.

There, in the middle of the court, lay a pile of footballs. Coach Robins was a firm believer that all students should have a taste of all sports at least once. Today apparently was the beginning of Football week. Our coach may be a woman but she loved and excelled at Football, hell, she had been hired as the Football coach before she agreed to take on regular gym class as well. And I was proud to say that under her firm hand we had yet to lose a game. She may sound nice and soft calling us all “Sweeties” but she was bad ass and worked us in Gym like a slave driver. Everyone respected her for it though. It was not easy being a hot female Football coach for a team of horny teenagers.

I was not worried though. Jethro had been quarter back in High school and he had taught me all he knew about the game. We had spent many summers learning plays and refining our passes at our old house. He had also been very careful to teach me how to use my small stature to my advantage when tackling. I kicked ass and he was proud of me for it. But it was not something that people knew. The only people who had seen me play were my family and friends. This week would be so much fun.

-Hell yeah! Coach, I call Reese and Winter on my team! - Yelled Michael as he entered the gym, Reese and Caleb in tow. Coach Robins chuckled.

-I appreciate your enthusiasm Michael but I was not planning on making the teams mixed. - She replied as the rest of the class made its way into to Gym. Michael and I both whined as she continued speaking. - Ok! We are going out to the field. Girls on one side, boys on the other. Girls will be working with me. We will be going over rules and general information and then we will teach you how to actually throw the ball.-

Several girls rolled their eyes, others groaned but most of them were just relieved that they did not have to get too close to an actual game.

-Boys, make teams. You know what to do. But I don’t want any of my players getting hurt! - She finished.

-But coach! –Michael and I complained together. She looked at us and rolled her eyes.

-Fine. But I don’t want you whining if you get hurt, Fallen! - She replied as she practically dragged the girls out to the side of the Football field.

Michael and I high-fived. The boys looked at me like I was crazy but I ignored them and jumped on Michael's back.

-Giddy up, horsey!!!- I yelled as he laughed and we ran to the field.

All the boys were on the field already. Michael dropped me on to the grass ungraciously as he stepped forward.

-Skylar and I will make teams. Someone give me a quarter to see who takes first pick- Said Michael as I stood up.

Caleb produced a coin and flipped it. Skylar called heads and I smirked as we all looked at the coin facing tails.

-Yes! Winter, baby, make me proud! - Yelled Michael and the boys snickered as I made my way to his side. Boy, were they in for a surprise…specially Caleb who was smirking at me, yet again. I blew him a kiss and grinned evilly showing my teeth menacingly.

After the teams were made I was happy to see that we had Reese, and that Caleb was on the opposing side. We lined up and I took my place behind the boys as quarterback. The team had fought to keep me out of the game but Michael had promised that if we lost the game he and I would run across the field after class, in our underwear. That had seemed to amuse the boys and they shook hands on it. I would have been mad at Michael but it was kind of sweet to know that he had enough faith in my abilities to make such a bet. I was not worried about running across the field; there was no way I was losing.

I took my stance, called the play and felt a rush of adrenalin as I caught the ball and took a few steps back. I saw Michael tackle someone letting Reese through. I took a deep breath aimed and let the ball fly. It went straight towards its target and I was looking to see if Reese had caught it when I was tackled to the ground. The wind was knocked out me and I gasped as I looked up to see a very smug looking Skylar on top of me.

-Football ain’t for girls- He said with a smirk. I laughed and pushed him off me.

-Then how is it that you made the team?- I replied as I walked away from him. We were only playing on three quarters the field so I was not surprised to see that Reese had caught the ball, ran and been cut down only 20 yards from a touchdown.

The opposing team was seething but I was getting several pats on the back, and a few on the ass, from my team.

-I told you she was good- Said Michael proudly as he swung his arm around my shoulder. -Girl learned all she knows from Jethro.-

The boys nodded appreciatively and ran to set up for the next play. Now confident in my ability they concentrated on the game, treating me like an equal. By the end of the hour we were all sweaty, bruised and dirty. And the game was tied, 21-21. The girls and the coach had stopped to watch the intense game. It was the last play. We had the ball and were close to a touchdown. We huddled quickly and I decided it was time to take my revenge.

-I want to take Caleb out- I stated. Everyone snapped their heads around to look at me confused. –We can win this easy. Let Reese run the ball. Caleb pissed me off today, he is on my list. I am taking him down, put me on the line.-

-Are you sure you can take him? I mean, he is a lot bigger than you.- Asked Michael as he looked at me concerned.

-I wouldn’t try it Winter. I mean, it felt like hitting a damn wall when I tried to tackle him a while ago, and you saw how he took out Benji. - Stated Steve as he looked down at me. Steve was big and mean looking but was a teddy bear, which is why he had not made the school team.

-It is not about size or strength, it is about brains. I got this.- I answered seriously. They looked at me and a few were shaking their heads. I sighed and looked up at Michael- If I don’t take him down I will still run across the field in my underwear, even if we win. Michael, remember two summers ago? By the lake?-

Michael grimaced then smiled wide and nodded. He remembered well how he had dared me to tackle him and had ended up flat on his back, unable to walk straight for a week. The boys looked at him questioningly but let it go. They probably did not think I could take Caleb but they figured they would get a free show anyway.

-Pay close attention boys, this is going to be epic!- Michael stated.

We all took our places and I saw the confused look on the opposing team, but Caleb’s face was priceless. I was right in front of him and I could hear Reese shuffling behind me.

-Julia, baby! Grab my phone. I want you to film this! Keep it on Winter.- Yelled Reese.
I looked to the side to see Julia’s face, she was grinning wide. She had seen me play before and had heard all the stories too. She quickly ruffled through Reese’s things and pulled out his phone, setting it up as she made her way to the sidelines.

Reese called the play, the ball snapped and I rushed forward. Caleb looked serious as he moved his arms forward to grab my shoulders and push me back. Before he reached his target I kneeled down, my forearms crossed in front of my face and caught him in the stomach. I heard him grunt as we made contact and I immediately pushed my body up and back causing him to flip over me and land flat on his back with a groan. Caleb’s own speed had given me the momentum I needed to make up for my lack of strength. I stood and watched as Steve caught Reese’s pass and made the final touchdown making us win the game. I looked behind me to see Caleb still groaning on the ground. My team stood around me, too shocked to cheer.

-I told you I could take him- I said as I shrugged and walked off the field. I made my way to Julia who was laughing as she sent herself a copy of the video.

-Girl! That was awesome!!!!!!!- She cried as she hugged me. I laughed and hugged her back.

-Well well well, Fallen. I never would have thought! You are small but you play smart. Too bad I can’t put you on the team!- Said Coach Robins as she made her way to me.

-Haha, it’s all good, I only play for fun though. And I just really wanted to get back at Caleb.- I replied happily, ignoring the glares I got from the girls. It’s not like it was my fault Caleb couldn’t take a hit, I thought as I rolled my eyes at them.

-I would not want to be on your bad side- She chuckled before turning to the boys that were still on the field gaping at either me or Caleb who was slowly getting off the ground with Michael’s help. Reese was no help since he was too busy laughing at Caleb’s pained and surprised expression. Coach Robins shook her head as she yelled. –Get moving Sweeties. It is already late. Shower and get out of here.-

The boys seemed to snap out of their daze and my team started to cheer and taunt the others as they made their way to the locker rooms. I smiled and hooked my arm through Julia’s as we waited for the boys to pass. I smirked as Caleb finally reached us.

-I warned you that you had made my list Caleb- I taunted as he walked by. Michael just shook his head as Reese continued to laugh. Caleb looked up at me and even though his face looked pained his eyes sparkled as if he was holding back laughter. He lifted his hand slowly and blew me a kiss.

I wrinkled my nose in confusion and decided to let it slide. Julia and I looked at each other and shrugged as we started to walk to the showers. My day had vastly improved now that I had gotten Caleb back. I stepped into the shower and relaxed, at least until I remembered that there was something weird about him and I was supposed to be avoiding him, not befriending him. And that I still had detention.

-Well fuck!- I said out loud as I contemplated my dilemma. Not soon after I felt a bottle of shampoo clunk against my head.

-Language, young lady!- I heard Julia yell from her shower stall. I rubbed my head and proceeded to mumble childishly under my breath for the rest of the shower.
♠ ♠ ♠
Huh, does this count as a filler?...I dont think so, imma be referencing this later.

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