Zombie Story

About a zombie

About A Zombie

It seem that the other zombies need the freshest blood. For me, actually, any blood will do.

I do get drunk from alcohol, and I will drink water when I need it. Most of the time I don't bother. I
can also recieve my hydation by immersion, but I have to be careful, because if i let myself soak
for too long in water, I get bloated, and then, of course I walk around like something dredged from
a river, with all the stink of it to boot. For that reason, I don't do as some suggest, and personally
investigate shipwrecks. I tried that for a while. It was not pleasant, especially when there are
sharks. I attract predatory fish, probably because I smeall like dead meat.

As for food, I do not require it, but it is a comfort and a pleasure, and though I will never die from
starvation, I do hunger. Sometimes, especially after a few years without food, I will lapse into a
frenzy, where I go about eating anything that even hints of rot. In a state like that, my higher
functions are supressed, so I tend to avoid starvation. Fortunately, there is almost always
oppertunity to eat. I am not like humans, who require fresh food. Anything dead will do.

I cannot eat plant matter and I cannot eat cooked flesh. That means no cereal grains, no
vegetables, no fruits, no seasonings other than salt, and that eating out is really not convenient.
It really doesn't matter. I have lost all of my normal sense of taste. What really tastes good is the
individual flavors of the bacteria and insect larvae that grows in carrion. It is indescribable to the
human pallate. I know it is nasty to you, but the mere scent of decayed flesh piques my interest.
Decayed human is no differnt from decayed animal,really. It is fresh human that has distinction.
Fresh human flesh is an addiction that I have to exist with because it is a vital medicinal tonic to
my body. I have to be careful, however, because I cannot throw up. I have never once filled up
on raw meat, but if I get cooked meat or plant matter, it sits in my stomach until I cut open my
belly and physically extract it.

At home, my refridgerator contains my sealed gallons of blood, much the way that the living
keeps milk, which is also there, along with yogurt, cheeses, sour cream and fish. I tend to get the
stuff thats almost expired, and leave the fresher groceries to humans. I also keep eggs in there.
I eat those raw as well. I have an ice chest, but I never keep it cold. That is where I keep my
meat. Because it is sealed, I can avoid disturbing my neighbors, but the way I like my meat
would have the cops over here regularly to investigate suspicious smells.

Climate: I enjoy the same temperature that the living enjoy, though my tolerable range is a bit
higher than average. I can stand heat to 145 degrees farenheit, but after that, I am more likely to
cook, which is never good. Cooking me, I believe, is one way I could die. Cooked parts just stop
working untill I can find someone to eat and so replace the part. I avoid anything below freezing,
becaue I freeze as well.I cannot die from freezing solid, but it is inconvenient.As the temperature
drops, I move slower as well, just like any exothermic creature. I prefer to migrate to the tropics
during the winter. Most undead do, given the chance.

WInters are incredibly dificult for me. Once, in '77, I was jumped by a mugger and fell into a pond
I was so cold that I could not move quickly enough to escape the water before it refroze. I was a
zombe popsicle until spring. Someone found me befor I regained conciousness and the coroner
at the morgue I was taken to laid me out for an autopsy and let me thaw. I had to explain myself
to him once he got over the shock of seeing a corpse rise up. In the case that I have to survive a
winter where it freezes, I blow my budget on those chem heat packs just so that I do not go
That brings me to sleep. I do not sleep, naturally. The only thing that comes close is being
frozen. I do dream when I am frozen. It is akin to the same sort of sleep vampires get during the
WEll, that's about it for my lifestyle, I hope you understand better or how much of a pain in the ass it
is to be undead. I personally hope none of the living reading my post get to being in my state, or
something similar.