Chapter Two

Gerard owns your ASS! says:
dude…….. im bored out of my brains…

Frankfurter says:
me too..
im adding bob

Bobble head has been added to the conversation.

Bobble head says:
lets give mikey’s number to the fangirls

Gerard owns your ASS! says:

Bobble head says:

Frankfurter says:
awww but im gunna get blamed for it!!!!

Bobble head says:
hahaha even better!
payback time my dear friend...

Frankfurter says:
FOR WUT??!?!

Bobble head says:
i don’t know yet….
sumthing ur gna do

Gerard owns your ASS! says:

Frankfurter says:

Bobble head says:
-insert evil smirk here-

Frankfurter says:
hey some one is asking me if im jake....

||Bethany!| I lost my fear of falling has been added to the conversation.

|Bethany!| I lost my fear of falling says:
hey is this jake?

Gerard owns your ASS! says:
ummmm……….. NO

Frankfurter says:
nope sorry this is frank, gerard and bob ^_^

|Bethany!| I lost my fear of falling says:
O.O OMFF!!!!!!!!!!
As in frank iero, gerard way, and bob bryar!?!?!?!?!

Bobble head says:
uh yeah…..

Gerard owns your ASS! says:
are you a fan?

|Bethany!| I lost my fear of falling says:
YES!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!

Frankfurter says:
o rly?

|Bethany!| I lost my fear of falling says:
yea rly!

Bobble head says:
o rly?

|Bethany!| I lost my fear of falling says:
yea rly!

Gerard owns your ASS! says:
o rly?

|Bethany!| I lost my fear of falling says:
yea rly! hahaha…

Frankfurter says:

|Bethany!| I lost my fear of falling says:

Bobble head says:
oh no, the female frank
you are a chick right?????

|Bethany!| I lost my fear of falling says:
yeah tehee

Bobble head says:
k just had to be sure….

|Bethany!| I lost my fear of falling says:

Frankfurter says:
do you like Skittles Littles??????

|Bethany!| I lost my fear of falling says:
ARE YOU FUCKIN KIDDING ME???!?!?!?!! i love them!! ^_^

Gerard owns your ASS! says:
oh bother, I cant stand 2 Franks….

Gerard owns your ASS! has signed out. All messages will be delivered when this contact signs in.

Bobble head says:
me neither…..

Bobble Head has signed out. All messages will be delivered when this contact signs in.

Frankfurter says:
aww they left…..
aww shit I g2g 2 sry!

Frankfurter has signed out. All messages will be delivered when this contact signs in.

|Bethany!| I lost my fear of falling says:
okies!! bye!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

|Bethany!| I lost my fear of falling has signed out. All messages will be delivered when this contact signs in.