Status: active.



"What's going on today?" I asked Taylor as I skipped downstairs. I was weirdly happy lately..

Shut up. I know what you're thinking.

"Not alot, but there's an interview with MuchMusic tomorrow in Toronto. I think it's for Eclipse." he replied, pouring milk into a bowl of cherrios.

"Oh," I replied simply, feeling an unfamilliar sinking feeling in my stomach.

Shut up, again.

"You can come, Hailey. Do you think I'm going to leave you randomly all the time? No.."

Warmth flew across my cheeks like wildfire. I had to look away.

"Sure," I replied quietly, sitting at the kitchen table. I pretended to be interested in the tile floor.

"Okay, Rob's jet-"

"Jet, as in private jet?" I blurted, not thinking. I wanted to slap myself in the face. I got up from the table, and leaned on the granite island. "Sorry,"

He chuckled. "Well," he began, speaking in a falsetto deep voice, "the amazing stars of the world-wide Twilight movies need to travel in style.."

"Hey, hey," I laughed. "No need to be conceited!"

"I ordered a new oven," he chuckled. He brought the milk back to the fridge. I giggled.

"That's probably a good thing. We need to use the oven at some point, you know."


"So you're up for Toronto?"

"Sure, except for the fact that I'm totally afraid of planes." I looked down at the designs on the counter.

"Nah, don't worry. Rob's pilot is really friendly, and you won't notice you're even on a plane."

"Well, I'm just gonna-"

I was cut off by the loud, obnoxious sound of my cell phone's ringtone.

"Crap," I said quickly, running upstairs.

I jogged to my room, and found my phone.

Incoming Call: Mom.., the screen read. I sighed.

I answered it, saying a quick hello.

"Do you know how much it costs to get carpet cleaned?!"

I had to hold in my giggle. I felt childish, but who cared.

"What? Huh?" I decided to play the dumb-clueless card.

"Hailey, I know you're angry, but it would be nice if you'd call at least once,"

"Mhm," I replied, a rush of anger flooding in.

"So, how are things?" she asked.

"Well," Great, perfect. Just freaking peachy. Wonderful. Not. "Fine,"

"That's not very descriptive.."

"This is still ridiculous," I grumbled.

Ignoring my words, Anne kept talking.

"Deborah said you're going to Toronto," she exclaimed fakely. It took me a second to figure out who 'Deborah' was. Then I realized. Taylor's mom.

I grunted, and looked around my room. The window was open a little, and I could hear Taylor moving about downstairs.

"I gotta go," I said, impatient. I wasn't in the mood to talk to her.


"There's someone on the other line." I lied, rolling my eyes.

"Okay, I'll call you later," she grumbled.

"Bye," I said, not commiting to anything. I hung up quickly, and looked in the mirror.

My auburn hair was falling into loose waves around my shoulders. My light cardigan was fitted, yet flowy. My eyelashes were carefully curled and mascara-ed, and my eyes looked bigger than usual. My cheeks were flushed with natural colour, thanks to what had happened a few minutes ago. I brushed through my hair carefully, and walked back downstairs.

"Well, we can head to the airport in a few hours. Rob'll call me after to let me know when he'll be here," Taylor explained, walking to the living room, a bowl of cereal in hand.

"Okay, my mom just called.."

"Oh really, what was she saying?"

"The usual. Little-Miss-Perfect-Mother act is still going strong."

"The what?" He asked, turning on the T.V.

"Never mind. She's just really annoy-"

I was interupted by the sound of the doorbell. Taylor began to get up, but I stopped him.

"I'll get it," I jogged to the front door, to see a brunette girl standing behind the glass. I opened the door slowly, and recognized her immediately.

"Hey Hail!" Karley exclaimed, and my eyes widened.


I pulled on a pair of flip-flops, and walked outside.

"Um, hey," I replied nervously. I wrapped my cardigan around me, as a cold breeze flew by. "How did you get here?"

"Your mom told me you got a new place. This is awesome!"

Mom. Oh my God. Did she tell her?

"Oh, well, yeah.. I've been saving up for a while?" I winced, knowing it was a horrible lie.

"Wow," she said, glancing around. "So, when am I getting the big tour?" She laughed, and I felt bad.

"Not right now!" I joked, poking her in the side nervously.

"Hailey?" Taylor called from inside. Crap.

"I'm out here, I'm fine!" I yelled back, folding my arms. Oh god.. She's gonna recogniz-

"Who's that?!" Karley asked curiously, looking behind my head. I spun around, but Taylor wasn't there.

"My.. cousin. He came over for a little while to have a look at the house," I lied. This was horrible. I couldn't believe I was lying to the best friend I'd been with for nine years.

"Cousin? Why haven't I heard of him?"

"He lives pretty far away."

"He sounds like .. somebody.. but I can't put my finger on who."

My breath caught in my throat.

"Weird," I replied nervously, giggling. Giggling was something I did when I was nervous.

"Wait, I think I know! He sounds kind-of like Taylor Lautner."

I burst out into a big guffaw. I laughed for a few seconds.

"Wow, I think he gets that alot,"

"It's strange. He sounds just like him."


"Anyways," Karley said, taking a deep breath. "I came over to see if you wanted to take a trip to that new spa next to the mall."

"Oh!" I forgot. We'd planned on going there for a while now. "Sure,"

"Okay. Do you need to get anything? We can go now."

"Um, yeah. I'll just go tell .." I searched for a name. "... Andrew that I'll be back soon."

"I would say he could come too, but," she laughed. "y'know. Spa and all."

"I'll be back in a second, just stay here."

I jogged to the living room.

"Listen," I said quickly. "Karley's here. We're going to the spa for a few hours. I'll be back later, in time for us to.. go." I finished, grabbing my bag.

"That's fine," Taylor replied, smirking. "I was gonna go for a run anyway,"

"Good, see-you," I waved quickly, then jogged back to the front door. I grabbed my purse, adjusted my blue jeans, and sighed.

"Ready?" Karley asked, a hand on one hip.

♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, okay.

Don't yell at me.

I have a real excuse! Well, sorta.

First of all, I didn't get 5 comments, sadly D: . Most of my usual commenters decided not to, this update.

Second! I started school a few weeks ago. It sucks, and there were a few huge class dilemmas, and I changed which class I was in to be with my friends :)

Third! This is the second last chapter I have written. Updates may come a bit slower than usual, but NOT AS SLOW AS THIS! This was terrible.

Lastly! COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT. This is your only 'get out of melissa's non commenting jail' card! Comment, even if you don't have alot to say. Just let me know what you think! Comments = Updates!

... :)