Status: One Shot for Heartagrams one liner contest. Completed!

Emerald Eyes

Emerald Eyes

It was a night like most nights in Portland; dark, cold, and rainy. Cassandra smiled as she walked down the deserted street of downtown Portland. These were the nights she lived for. She walked around the corner and was met with the bright red door of the club she called she second home. Her heels clicked loudly on the wet concrete as she walked towards the door. A large bouncer stood from his barstool, crossing his arms as she approached. She dipped her shades from her eyes, slightly revealing the emerald orbs hidden behind the tinted glass. The bouncer smirked and opened the door for her. She smiled, pushing the shades back across her eyes as she walked into the club. "Thanks, Jack." she purred, brushing past him. He chuckled lightly as he closed the door behind her. The smell of smoke and the low lights mixed with the pulsing of the nightclub; it annoyed her. She watched as girls in short skirts paraded around, trying to seduce the men with their gyrating hips. Trying being the keyword. Cassandra laughed lightly as she made her way across the club, ignoring the looks she was getting. Every man she passed turned and stared at her as she strutted passed. Every girl turned and glared, envious that she brought all the attention away from them and onto her. She could care less. The loud dance club wasn't her destination tonight or any night for that matter. No, Cassandra was focused on the nightlife that happened underneath the club. She opened a door that led down a hallway and to some stairs. At the top of the stairs sat another bouncer. This one was much scrawnier and pale, not what you would expect for security detail. Cassandra pulled down her hood from her jacket and shook out her wavy auburn hair.

"You're late." The smaller bouncer sighed. Cassandra laughed light as she ran her hand through her hair to make sure that the life and volume hadn't died in the rain outside. "Daemon isn't happy." he told her.

"Calm down, Wes. I'm here now. That's what matters." she replied, pulling out her ID card. Wes took it, examining it just like every time she showed up.

"There are special clients tonight. Daemon is pretty stressed out about it." he replied, handing her the ID card back. Cassandra rolled her eyes as she tucked the card back into her purse. "Don't complain, just go." he ordered. Cassandra smiled and winked at him.

"Meet you for a drink after my shift?" she asked as she descended the stairs.

"Yeah, if Daemon decides to actually end your shift!" he yelled down to her. Cassandra laughed, waving her hand up as she entered the club below. She smiled and waved to her friends as she made her way over to the locker room. Right as she put her hand against the door, a pair of calloused hands grabbed her shoulders and pulled her away from the door.

"Shit." she cursed. as she slammed her back against the wall next to the locker room door.

"How nice of you to show up, Cass." Daemon growled, staring into her eyes. Cassandra sighed and looked at him innocently.

"Now, when have I not ever shown up?" she asked. He rolled his eyes, tightening his grip on her. On the inside she winced with pain, but she had learned to keep her emotions on the inside.

"Now is not the time for your smart mouth." he growled. "There are special clients here tonight and you were supposed to here an hour ago." he barked at her.

"Then shouldn't you let me go get changed so I don't keep them waiting any longer?" she dared, staring defiantly into his dark eyes. He boiled with anger, knowing deep down that she was right.

"Go, but because of your tardiness and your smart mouth; I get half your tips." Cassandra gasped, pushing him away from her.

"Daemon! You can't do that! You know that I need that money!" she yelled. He narrowed his eyes at her, holding a finger up to her.

"Keep up this attitude, Cassandra and you will get nothing. Got it?" She groaned, folding her arms and looking away from him. She knew that when he used her full first name, he wasn't messing around. "Go get dressed. They're waiting for you in section 3." he ordered.

Cassandra huffed away and into the locker room. She walked to her station, chucking her bag in frustration. She angrily began pulling out all of her make-up and clothes. She stripped off her jacket and began changing. She was so pissed off that she didn't see her best friend Lexi sneak up behind her.

"Boo!" she yelled. Cassandra jumped in surprise, falling onto her ass as she was pulling up her skirt. "Oh shit!" Lexi exclaimed, leaning down and helping her up.

"Dammit, Lex!" Cassandra groaned as she stood up. "How many times do I have to tell you not to fucking sneak up on me?" Lexi laughed as she watched her get dressed.

"Sorry. You were so distracted, I had to do it." she laughed. Cassandra sighed as she sat down to begin on her make-up. Lexi sat on the floor next to her, stretching out her legs. "So, where were you?" she asked. Cassandra rolled her eyes, too pissed off to go into her whereabouts. Lexi could sense her bad mood instantly. Whenever Cassandra would get really silent, she knew that was a bad sign. "Alright, spill. You need to calm down before you go out there. I refuse to let your bad mood piss off the hot special clients." At the mention of the clients, Cassandra's mood perked.

"What are they like?" she asked, forgetting about her issue with Daemon. Lexi laughed as she sat in a yoga pose with her feet laid on top of her legs.

"There are five of them. They're only here for one night. Something about being on tour or something. Sexy as hell, buff, tattooed, and just plain amazing." she smiled. Cassandra nodded, fluffing her hair up in the mirror. "So, you gonna go out there and wow them?" Lexi smirked. Cassandra laughed, standing up and checking herself over in the mirror once more.

"Depends. How drunk are they?" she asked.

"Wasted!" Lexi laughed as she jumped up from the ground. Cassandra rolled her eyes as she walked out the door, leaving Cassandra behind and becoming Emerald. Every girl had to have a stage name. When Daemon hired her, she noticed her bright green eyes and Emerald was born. She walked over to the VIP area and looked over at the five guys sitting in the section. Lexi was right. The men were indeed buff. They all had their backs to her, watching the dancers above them. Lexi walked in and smacked her ass before rushing over to a tall, lanky guy. He seemed to enjoy her the most. Once she attached herself to him, he completely disregarded the other dancers to pay attention to her. Problem was, she could tell that Lexi was getting attached to him. She always went with the tattooed bad guys. Whenever she did that, she'd always end up with a broken heart. She would play it off like she was alright with it, but deep down she wanted a real relationship; someone to love her. Cassandra felt bad for her. She knew what it was like to want to be loved. Cassandra had spent most of her life looking for the same thing. It was only until recently she gave up for good.

"Get. Over. There." Daemon ordered, pushing her towards the men. Cassandra rolled her eyes as she decided which man she wanted to seduce. The only one who caught her eye was the only man who wasn't paying attention to the dancer on the pole in front of him. She smirked as she sauntered over. She looked to the dancer and motioned for her to go. Once she left, Cassandra slink her way over and onto the man's lap.

"Hello, Mr. Mope." she smirked, tossing her hair over she shoulder. He looked at her from behind his dark glasses. "Isn't it a little dark in here to be wearing sunglasses, honey?" she asked, reaching her hand up and tapping the rim. He sighed and looked away from her.

"Sorry, not really in the mood to be here." he muttered, his snakebites glistening in the spotlights as he spoke. Cassandra smiled lightly and nodded her head.

"Your friends seem to be enjoying themselves." He looked over to his drunken friends and shrugged his shoulders. Cassandra nodded and held out her hand. He looked at it and shook his head.

"Uh, no thank you." She laughed lightly and leaned down to his ear.

"Don't worry. Just getting you out of here, somewhere you can actually hear yourself think." she smiled warmly. He sighed and nodded, taking her hand. She led him out of the exclusive room and into one of the private rooms. Usually these rooms would be for clients to have private dances and sex with the dancers. For Cassandra, it was a place where she would have a place to think. He looked around questionable. Cassandra smiled and sat down on the couch in the room. "Have a seat." she smiled. He nodded, moving over to the chair on the other side of the room. "You don't have to tell me your problems, it would probably help though." she replied as she took off her heels. He watched her intently; studying her long legs that were accentuated by them. "Don't mind me, I have to look like I am doing something for you to the security camera." she replied running her hands down her legs, taking off the fishnets that resided on them. "So, what's your name?" she asked, looking up to him; emerald eyes blazing brightly. He tensed up, shaking himself out of his daze of her.

"Vengeance." he replied huskily, clearing his throat as he tried to fight off his arousal. He shouldn't have been staring at her like he was, considering his situation; he simply couldn't help it. Cassandra smiled brightly.

"Ah, a stage name. Same here. I'm Emerald." He smiled lightly and nodded.

"Like your eyes I imagine." he laughed. Cassandra chuckled as she stood up, slowly peeling off her skirt. His eyes widened behind his glasses; taking in her thong that resided underneath the small, black leather cloth of a skirt. Her legs that seemed to go on for days were toned and perfect.

"I can only think of what you're imagining." she laughed, lying back on the couch. "So, Tell me about yourself Vengeance." she smirked as she ran her hands across her corseted torso. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his raging nerves. Cassandra noticed how uncomfortable he was becoming as sat up. "I'm sorry. I didn't bring you in here to do this to you. I can stop."

"No." he replied quickly. "You know, your tagline on your business card for this place is from our band." he informed her. She smirked, relaxing back against the couch. "Late at night, when you're looking to sin." he replied, standing up and walking towards her. Cassandra's stomach fluttered with nervous butterflies. It had been a while since she had felt any of those.

"It's a very exclusive card. Not everyone can just walk in here." she told him, looking up at his towering figure. He bent down placing his cold, calloused hands lightly on her thighs.

"I must be pretty lucky then." he smirked. Cassandra smiled and sat up, closing the distance between the two.

"Yes, very." she whispered, looking between his shaded eyes and his snake bitten lips. He smirked before leaning in and pressing his lips gently against hers. The butterflies in her stomach suddenly exploded and made warmth rush through her body. It was a feeling that she hadn't felt in a very long time and she had forgotten how much she craved it. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling him flush against her scantily clad body. In the process, his glasses had fallen off his eyes. The sound of them clanking against the floor cause them both to look into each other's emerald eyes. Cassandra gasped, falling deeply into his eyes. They were the most beautiful jade color she had ever seen. He smiled and leaned in to kiss her again. She instantly melted. In her non-pursuit to seduce Vengeance, he in return had seduced her. She needed his body, even if only for a while.

He took her into his strong arms and laid her down on the couch, himself hovering over her. He brought his hands to the corset which happened to tie up the front and untied her, releasing her tender breasts from their captive. His head dipped from her lips, taking on hardened nipple in between his supple lips. Cassandra moaned out softly, feeling real pleasure for the first time in months. She had spent too long faking pleasure for clients, she was reveling in the intense sensation pulsating through her. Her hands attached themselves to his hair, intertwining his black locks between her fingers; earning a satisfied groan rumbling through his chest. He went from sucking on her breast to raking his teeth across the nipple. Cassandra gasped, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. "Oh my God," she moaned out. He smirked, pushing up from her, taking in her aroused body writhing beneath him.

"You're beautiful." he whispered, smiling lightly. Cassandra smirked, pulling the corset away from her; leaving her only in the small thong that left not much to the imagination. "Tell me," he replied as his hand ran from between her breasts and down her torso, leaving goose bumps in its trail. "What's your real name?" he asked. Cassandra laughed lightly and shook her head.

"You have to earn that." she whispered. He nodded and dipped his fingers into her thong, toying at her swollen nub. A gasp of breath rushed into Cassandra's lungs as she surged with pleasure.

"Am I on the right track?" he smirked, looping his fingers in the strings of the thong and pulling them down and off. As he undressed her, he moved down; kissing her inner thighs. His teasing was driving her insane. He locked his green eyes with hers as his mouth attached to her lower lips. The cool sensation of his snake bites against her heated core sent delightful shiver all through her body. His tongue slowly slipped up and down her slick slit. Cassandra's head was swimming. Usually it was her doing all the work, yet this time it felt like he wanted to be in complete control of her. He smiled as her moans increasingly got louder as he ate her out. He could feel her begin to quiver, sensing she was getting close to her peak. Couldn't have that happening. He pulled away from her, kissing up her body slowly until he met her lips; making her taste her savory juices. Cassandra groaned, wrapping her arms around him and pushing her body up against his. He moaned, wrapping his arms tightly around her, rubbing his still jean covered member up against her. The friction the interaction created was heavenly to her. "I need you," He groaned as she grinded against her. Cassandra nodded and sat up, straddling his lap as she gyrated her hips against his. He groaned, letting his head fall back. Cassandra ran her hands down his body, making quick work of his belt and unleashing him from his confines. She was quite impressed by his size. She moved her hand over it lightly, tracing up and down the shaft, causing him to buck his hips at her.

"Are you sure that you want to do this?" she asked seductively as her hand lazily ran over his ready cock. He smirked, pulling her up and down harshly onto him. A loud moan rushed from her lips at the quick sensation. He smirked, placing his hands upon her breasts.

"What do you think?" he groaned. Cassandra moaned, bringing herself up and down onto him; getting closer and closer to her peak with every thrust. He gripped onto her chest, enjoying every sensation rushing through him. He didn't know how much longer he could hold out for. He had gotten so turned on by her that he couldn't wait to blast straight inside her. He didn't have to wait long. He soon felt her shaking as her walls tightened around him and her crying out the sexiest orgasm moan he had ever heard in his entire life. The feeling of her tightening mixing with her erotic sounds sent him over the edge. He climaxed into her harder than he had ever done before. Cassandra came down off her sexual high and collapsed against him. He breathed heavily, wrapping his arms around her, feeling every post orgasm twitch that wracked her small frame.

"Cassandra." she whispered into his ear. He cocked his eyebrow, confused. She lifted her head and stared into his eyes. "My name. It's Cassandra." she clarified. He smiled and nodded.

"I'm Zacky. Nice to meet you. Cassandra is a beautiful name." She smiled, brushing her hair behind her ear. He smiled and leaned in, pressing his lips against hers gently. She lazily smiled, resting her head against his forehead. "Come with us." Zacky muttered. She laughed lightly and shook her head.

"It's not that easy," She replied. She wanted nothing more than to leave. She loved Portland, but she wanted a change.

"What's keeping you here? This job?" he asked. She shrugged her shoulders.

"It pays good money." she replied. He laughed lightly as he traced designs on her naked back lazily.

"You any good with being organized?" he asked. She sat up and stared at him oddly. "Yes or no?" He asked.

"I run the scheduling and business here." she replied. He smirked and took her hands in his.

"I just happen to be searching for a new tour manager." he replied. She laughed, shaking her head.

"Zacky, I can't. I want to, but I can't." she replied sadly.

"I'm begging you. Come with us. We pay much better than this joint, you can travel the world. You don't deserve this life. You're better than this." he sighed.

"You don't even know me." she told him, running her hand through his hair. He reached up and held onto her hand.

"I'd like to." he smiled, his eyes shining bright into hers. She couldn't resist. She had turned down too many opportunities in her life. She wasn't about to let this one go. "Please?"

"If I say yes, will you kiss me again?" she smirked. He laughed and leaned in, kissing her deeply and leaving her breathless. "I'll go." she laughed, excitement pulsing through her. "I do have one question though."

"Shoot." he replied, running his hands up and down her sides.

"Why? Because I rocked your world?" she laughed, getting one from him in return. He brought his hand up, resting it on her cheek as he looked deeply into her eyes.

"It'd be a shame to waste such beautiful emerald eyes on all the trash that walks into this place." She smiled and leaned in, pressing her lips to his snake bitten ones. In that kiss, she knew her emerald eyes were about to experience a whole new life she'd been dying to know. Starting with Zacky.
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Hope you liked it! I kinda went crazy with it. I can never seem to make my stories short. Haha!