Let Me Cater to Your Every Need

Chapter 2.

My little girl giggled as she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the car. Jimmy was grabbing my other hand, also pulling; he seemed almost as excited as Lyric for her first day of 1st grade. "Come on, daddy! I don't want to be late!" She told me with a little pout on her face.

"Yeah, daddy!" Jimmy said to me, attempting to make the same pout as Lyric, making her giggle at her uncle.

Lyric was my little, 6 year old, baby girl. She was the best thing that has ever happened to me, even better than the band. She had dark brown hair, almost to her shoulders, and hazel eyes thanks to her mom, Michelle. Lyric was the only good thing that came out of Michelle and my relationship. But that’s why Lyric’s middle name is Michelle. Lyric’s mother comes around occasionally, but that’s mostly for Val, who’s married to Matt. She isn’t the best mother, which of course maddens me, but Lyric gets a lot of extra love from her four uncles and their wives.

“Uncle Johnny! Come on!” She dragged the shortest of the band out of the house, like Jimmy was still doing to me. Lyric seemed to like Uncle Johnny the best, but I think that’s only ‘cause he’s closest to her height. She loves them all, really, and they all love her.

Matt and Val were already in the very back seat of the van, Zacky in the passenger, and Jimmy and Johnny are going to sit with Lyric in the middle row of seats. Lyric’s first day of first grade was a family occasion.

We finally all made it into the car. After making sure Lyric’s seatbelt was buckled, I drove off. “Do you have everything you need?” Val asked Lyric. It was something that Michelle should be saying, but she had other things to do apparently.

“Yep.” Lyric smiled.

“Our little Lyric is all grown up!” Jimmy wailed before wrapping his long arms around her, bawling.

“Uncle Jimmy! You’re gonna mess up my shirt!” She whined to him, attempting to push him away. He didn’t budge, so she called to me, “Daddy! Tell Uncle Jim that I’m still little, and there’s no reason to cry.”

I chuckled at her, “But you aren’t my little girl anymore, you’re my big grown up, little girl.” Jimmy went into another round of hysterics. The whole car laughed at him, but Lyric.

Lyric finally managed to get him off of her, with the help of Johnny. There was only a small tear stain on her pink Vengeance University shirt that Zacky made for her. Lyric smacked Jimmy’s arm, “You messed up the shirt Uncle Zacky made me! Apologize.”

Lyric was the reason we don’t fight as much anymore, it’s amazing what a little girl can do to a band like us. Jimmy pouted and said, “I’m sorry Zacky.” Zacky only tried to hide his smirk.

Lyric patted Jimmy’s head and said, “Good boy.”

I turned into the school’s parking lot. I parked and everyone stumbled out of the van. Everyone made Lyric give them a hug, all wishing her luck with her first day, she always insisted that she’ll be fine. Jimmy, of course, gave her an extra-long hug.

“Ready?” I asked my little girl once she was done hugging everyone. She nodded and I held my hand out for her to grab onto. We walked towards the entrance of the school, leaving the rest of the guys and Val behind. Jimmy was crying onto poor Johnny’s shoulder. We must have looked like a very dysfunctional family, but then again, I’m not saying we aren’t. But somehow we work.

We walked through the doors; Lyric chatting about how great everything was going to be. I was sure she’ll have at least one friend by the end of the day. We reached room 35. “Here we are, sweetie.” I bent down to her level. “Be good.”

“I will, daddy.” She smiled at me. She wrapped her arms around me. “Bye Daddy.” My heart filled will love, sadness, but also happiness. I kissed her cheek one last time before she ran into the classroom. She turned back to give me a little wave, I smiled and waved back to her. She giggled before going into the classroom completely.

I walked back outside, only to get squashed by Jimmy’s hug. He was still crying.
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Sorry it took so long, I've been sick and busy.
Could we get some comments, please?♥