Status: one-shot; completed




Her face was sinking under a lavish of silk, her withering hair marring the colorless sheets with the grace of misery. “Hearken!” she shrieked into the expanse of linen serving as a momentary Elysium; one her mind created in sheer desperation. Her respiratory system –a requisite to keep a man extant- was suffering from a hindrance known as hysteria. She savored her own trepidation with much terror, her own thoughts perturbing its single and only master.

Her teeth parted to greet the gnarl of a condemned specter - ethereally surreal. “Sing!” Her head immediately snapped upwards – a quicker momentum and her head might’ve snapped backwards. The beauty of her being had been dismantled the moment her laced lips detached themselves from rationality. Her rambles of deranged words brought forth many questions regarding her own sanity. She did not heed to their concern, the hushed whispers suggesting a more ambrosial result.

“The spawns of the damned have fed on my soul!” her shriek eluded all to fancy her mad. Her hands coiled around the waves of fabric that shrouded her ghastly physique, her whole figure convulsing with affliction. A gaze -the savage glare only a beast could achieve in the most mortifying of moments- discharged the most demented of emotions. Her own mind was overwhelmed with the vehement hollers of insanity.

She bucked and shrilled her horrors. Her fists waved around the anchor to reality, the purest of colors unable to tranquil her raging thoughts. Audacious jerks possessed her body, rendering her will completely futile. Her mouth hung agape, flashing every demon her disemboweled being. She jolted once more; clouds of desperation sprouting from her damned mouth. The cosmos mocked her perishing self; the chimes of the blessed mute to her own hearing. Hope had blatantly abandoned her pathetic self.

And, when the voices ended their cacophonous symphony, the petty soul within her ravaged body was quelled with mesmerizing ease. Her gaze immediately stared forth, her eyes twitching in every direction. Such distinguishably inhumane antic did not intrude with her facial expressions, as she expressed the gods her most tender smile - one a perishing creature could never aspire to achieve.

“I’m going home.”