Our Lady of Sorrows.


My walls were an ever-changing story of my life. The colors and pictures were constantly changing to mirror my mood or whatever song lyrics I happened to have stuck in my head that week. I was finishing a coat of midnight blue as my best friend Lauren walked in. She shot one look at my walls and fell onto my bed.

“Why are you always so dark and foreboding?” she sighed.

“Because you love me anyways,” I said, painting a blue dot on her nose.

“True,” she said, rubbing it off,” so do you have any weird new music that I’ve never heard of?”

I walked over to my wall that held shelf after shelf of all my CDs. “Well, I just got the new Coheed & Cambria album,” I said while picking it up.

“Would I like it?”

“No,” I said without any hesitation. Mine and Lauren’s personalities were about as opposite as night and day. She was bright and bubbly, always worried about the latest fashion, little miss popular and captain of the cheerleading squad. I kept more to myself, my music, and my art. I did happen to have the misfortune of being on the squad as well, but that was a technicality of owing my best friend a favor when we were freshmen. Truth be told, Lauren was about all I had so I would do anything for her. My parents were never around and I didn’t have any siblings, so she’s been there for me since the fourth grade.

“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours, Aria?” she asked, sitting up.

I shook my head, which she seemed to take as an acceptable answer.

“We should probably get going to the party; I need to decide who I’m going to hook up with,” Lauren said. I rolled my eyes, typical Lauren.

She gave me a funny look, “That’s what you’re going to wear?”

I glanced down at my outfit: skinny jeans, Glamour Kills shirt, Converse. An average outfit for me. I simply nodded.

She shrugged, “Hey, you already have a guy, no need to impress anyone,”

It was a typical Friday night party—a ton of kids, huge house, loud throbbing music, underage drinking. Lauren and I entered with our arms linked and were bombarded with greetings. I broke away and walked over to the drinks, getting myself a red solo cup.

“Hey sexy,” A pair of arms snaked their way around my waist.

I turned slowly and came face to face with John Stephens, captain of the football team and my boyfriend.

“Hey babe,” I greeted him with a kiss. Truth be told, he was the complete opposite of “my type”. We were as completely wrong for each other as two people could be. If we weren’t making out, we were fighting. Our relationship was off just as often as it was on. We stood in the kitchen for a bit while he talked to other football players and I tried not to look too bored.

A girl with a barely visible skirt walked in and John wolf whistled and smacked her butt, which made her giggle and toss her hair.

“You are such a jerk,” I said venomously, slapping him across the face and stalking out of the room.

Another normal, horrible day in the fake life I chose to live.