Status: not complete

Running with Wolves


I walked down the hall as Jason followed me and once I got to the window the door to Jason’s bedroom opened and they all screamed “HAPPY BIRTDAY!! YOUR OLD!”. It scared me so much to the point where if Jason wasn’t holding onto me I would have jumped out the window myself. Everyone bursts out into a frenzy around me hugging and squeezing and kissing me all over I felt like I fell into a tank filled with cuddle sharks.

After everyone had seemed to have their turn with me there was one girl sitting in the corner of Jason’s bedroom, Jasmine. Her gorgeous looks scowled at me twisting her face into one of dislike. She was never really fond of me, although I wouldn’t blame her after I took away her “boy toy”, but it isn’t like I really had a choice. She always wanted Jason even though she knew they weren’t soul mates. Every time she’s around us together the pure emotion of jealousy become so thick through the air it suffocates me. She is so beautiful and could have any man on this planet, but she wants mine. It scares me sometimes. I feel like she’ll find a way to take him from me, and the only thing that keeps me sane is the fact that he is my soul mate and loves me and almost hates her because of her personality and actions towards me. Why did she even come here for my birthday? Any reason just to see Jason is ok with her I guess.

I would fight her to the death if I had to in order to keep him. And it wouldn’t be hard. She may be the most beautiful and sneakiest of all the girls in the pack, but I was the strongest and one of the fastest. Kiki beat me as the fastest runner her charcoal black main would wrap around the wind as shed soar past me. Jasmine would also be the smallest wolf if it weren’t for Cara. Cara was the youngest at seventeen and because she wasn’t fully matured her wolf was not fully grown.

We basically looked like regular wolves when we changed. The difference was that we had all different colorations and we were a lot bigger. A female wolf could get anywhere in between five feet tall to five feet and a couple inches depending on how strong her inner wolf was. A male though, could grow up to be six or six and a half feet tall. They were also stronger and a little bit faster than us as well.

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday little Ellie, happy birthday to you!” I woke from my day dream in a blur to the song being sung all around me and suddenly the scent of chocolate swarmed into my path. My mouth began to water as it became stronger and stronger.

“Hurry up and eat your brownie because then we are all going for a run and a swim!” Logan yelled

“A swim? How in the world could we swim in this cold weather?”

“Eat your brownie and you’ll see!” As I began to eat it i slowly felt my body becoming warmer and hotter. I didn’t feel the tiniest bit cold.

“What did you guys put in this brownie!”

“It’s a secret recipe from my great grand mom. Her family use to use it on cold nights to keep themselves warm now hurry and finish!”

“But I don’t have a-“

“Don’t worry babe, I grabbed you one before I came to your front door, just kind of snuck in”, Jason explained.

“She has to open our presents first!” Shelby shouted. She walked over, gold locks flowing around her shoulders, and shoved a little golden box in my face. “Open mine first! Please? I know you will love it!” I ripped off the fragile gold wrapping paper and opened um the small box to another charm bracelet. But this one was hand crafted and it had a wolf representing each would from the pack. Each one was painted a specific color and looked so perfect it was gasp worthy. She quickly nabbed it out of the box and wrapped it around my wrist next to the silver one my mom had recently given me.

“Oh my gosh Shelby its absolutely amazing! I love it so much!”

“I knew you would”, she said after she let out an excited giggle. “we each made our own wolf for you well painted them at least. It wasn’t easy”.

“Pfft, I didn’t”, Jasmine spoke up. “I didn’t want anything to do with it but she made mine anyways”. She rolled her eyes and looked away from us.

“Well I did her wolf, but only because it wouldn’t be complete without the whole pack.”

“Thank you so much you guys. This is so perfect. I’ll never take it off”.

The first one that stuck out to me was one that was such a deep, dark red it almost was burgundy. That one must have been Carter. The next one was a bright silver and white. Well that must be me, how cute! After that was a pure black wolf, Jason of course. After that came a dark sandy blonde and speckled brown one. I thinking it must be Logan’s. A light copper smaller wolf was next on the bracelet. Any one of us could have told it was Cara. A charcoal gray wolf with white paws and a white spotted face hung un a sitting position next to Cara’s and that one must have be Kiki. Two identical wolves were wrestling on the next charm. A mixture of bright gold and black was spread across them in a combination of light and dark. Those two were obviously Louis and Devin. Afterwards a bright yellow gold wolf hung in a running position, Shelby’s form. A light mahogany brown wolf sat next to a dark brown wolf that was randomly spotted with gray on its back. The brown one was unfamiliar but the spotted one was obvious, that was Danny so the brown wolf must be Parker. Last but not least was my least favorite wolf. Jasmine he coat was made of white and black patches. She looked like an overgrown husky dog, which is something we poked fun at her for.

“Ok well since the present is over can we go?” , hissed Jasmine.

“There’s one more” Jason said. He walked slowly up to me and pulled me up off of the comfy black recliner. Once I got up he went down onto his knee. My insides all twisted up and my body completely froze. “Ellie, you know I love you more than anything in this world, and I want the whole world to know. Ellie, will you marry me?” He opened up a small velvety red box and inside held the most beautiful ring I have ever seen. It wasn’t just because of how it looked, but because of what it meant.

“Oh my god, Jason!”

“Is that a yes?”

“Yes!” I squeal. Tear explode from my eyes and smudge my makeup and he takes the ring out of the box and grabs onto my hand to place it on my finger.

“Oh my GOD, are you serious!” Jasmine screamed. “Jason why would you ask such a, a stupid UGLY mistake to marry you! Have you gone completely insane?”

“Get the hell out of my apartment”. The statement ran through Jason like a silent icicle stabbing her. “Out of all the things you have ever done to her, this is the most disrespectful and pathetic thing you could ever say. She is more beautiful and amazing than you could ever hope to be, and I swear if you do not get out of here within the next ten seconds you will regret being born. You can trust me on that one”. His anger was so powerful everyone had stood back. Even Carter didn’t want to get in his way. She didn’t move and he began to snarl and his canines began to grow and sharpen along with a matching pair on his bottom jaw. The next thing that happened was the shifting of his whole body into a giant black wolf with bright silver eyes. Growls exploded from his as he recoiled getting ready to attack his target. She finally turned and ran out of the apartment with tears of anger and disappointment in her eyes.

After she was gone snarls and snaps still came out of him. I walked to him and put my hands around the sides of his face. I leaned my head in towards his muzzle and rested there. He immediately stopped and nudged me into his warm chest hugging me with his neck and head. His body began to shift and he was back to his normal form holding onto me as if he were about to lose me.

“That was so low of her!” Danny said. “What a hooker! I just want to slap her so hard!”

“Yeah! What a lame thing to do! She doesn’t deserve to be so pretty!” Cara looked towards me and said, “come on lets go on our night run everyone so we can go swimming! I’m so hot and sweaty because of those brownies”.

Before you knew it everyone was out in the woods. This was the great thing about my city of Dell Wood. Nothing but woods for miles and just outside of the city bigger cities were waiting for when we wanted to have some fun. Everyone was changing into their wolf form for our run. Finally some exercise for her. My wolf has been so cramped and wanted a rush of energy and movement. Jason’s black massive wolf nudged into my shoulder with its snout. He was trying to get me to race with him. I knew he would win but I still wanted the rush of excitement from it.

We all ran together ducking in between trees faster than a human could blink. We couldn’t read each others thought yet we could sense where and where not to be through each other. We were able to keep from running into one another while entwining through the vast forest.

Once the run was over we ended it at our usual spot, a small beach leading into the lake. We changed back into our human form for this with torn clothes over our bodies. Luckily thinks like bras, underwear, and bathing suit materials were harder to tear apart and just shifted with us. I tore off remains of my shredded clothes and began to go into the cold water. It felt so good against my burning skin that I just about melted.

The boys began running in the water splashing it everywhere as they went. In that instant I found myself out of the water and cradled in Jason’s arms. “Jason you better not! Please Jason!” was all that would come out of my mouth before i felt myself being thrown up into the air. I screamed and wriggled until my body splashed down into the freezing water. Before i could get myself together there was another set of arms trying to pick me up. This time it was Carter. I wriggled for safety away from him and dove under the water to escape his grip. I could feel him coming after me and my heart started beating faster as I tried swimming away. He caught me and pulled me out of the water with himself. I gasped for breath and then saw that not only I, but all if the girls were being attacked by the boys. They screamed and laughed as they wrestled each other in the water. Girl ganging up on one guy, or guys ganging up on girls. It was a wolf water war.

I wriggled harder and harder but it was no use. He was going to get what he wanted. He picked me up from the water and threw me over his shoulder. “Carter what the heck are you doing? Let me go!” I fought to get myself free once again but even in this position it was hopeless.

He laughed, “Resist as much as you want, but it’s never going to work. You’re my prisoner”.

“Let me down! I feel stupid being carried like this”. One again I began to wrestle around trying to escape, and once again it failed. The next thing I felt was a hard slap right on my bottom. “OWWW! Stop that hurt”.

“But that’s only one out of nineteen. HEY EVERYONE! Come give Ellie her birthday spankings!”

“No! Don’t do that! Please! I don’t want to have a sore butt”. The roaring sound of splashing came closer towards us and no matter what I did I wasn’t able to get loose from Carters grip. One after another I felt mixes from hard to soft slaps. It wasn’t much fun.


“Jason my butt hurts so bad! Why did you do that to me?”

“I’m sorry babe; you know how I feel about spanking though”. He walked towards his bed and lightly patted my butt as I laid there.

“Oww that hurts Jay”.

“Here let me kiss it and make it better”. He puckered his lips and started moving toward it. I moved away but he grabbed onto me and the kiss made it landing on my right butt cheek. Suddenly there was another kiss but this one on my lower back, and then another followed by another until he reached the back of my neck. He had managed to crawl up the bed and has straddled onto my back. His strong hands found their way to my shoulders and began to massage them gently and firmly. It felt so heavenly I wanted to just melt in his arms.

After he finished the massage he flipped me over onto my back and began to kiss my tummy. He worked his way up to my lips and then kissed me long and hard. I could taste him so perfectly as he moved around in and out of my mouth. Today is the best day of my life.