Dear Jimmy

Unconventional gentleman


Sitting here in the bar is not how I envisioned my 10 day leave. I was hoping that spending some time with my family and seeing my friends was in store for me, but alas, I was wrong. My friends all had to work as did my family. So, here I sit in this bar alone, slowly drinking the time away. For the most part, people went about their business and left me alone, but there was this one guy who kept coming back and flirting despite the countless times I've told him to get lost.
“You going to let me buy you that drink now?” a voice from behind me asked. 'Speak of the devil' I thought rolling my eyes. I turned my head to the side and looked at him. Greasy hair, porn star mustache, all black clothing, big ass gold watch, and shoes so shiny I could see myself in them.
“No thank you. Like I told you the last 10 times you've asked.” I said looking back down to my drink.
“Now I have to ask, what's a pretty girl such as yourself doing here all alone?” he asked putting his arm around my shoulder. I grimaced and nearly choked at the amount of cologne he was wearing.
“I suggest you take your arm from my shoulders before I remove it myself.” I said not looking at him. All the sudden I feel his arm fall from my shoulder and hear a big thud behind me. I look down and see him crumbled on the floor. Figuring he just passed out, I shrugged and turned around facing forward.
“A thank you would be nice.” another voice from behind me said. I turned around and noticed a really tall guy standing there and wondered how I didn't see him before. He smiled at me and sat down next to me before ordering a drink.
“Sorry. Thought I was lucky and he just passed out on his own.” I said looking at him. He chuckled at me and took a sip of his drink.
“You are lucky. You had someone like me to help the process along.” he said smiling. I smiled at him and nodded.
“So what made you decide to come over here and help a girl out?” I asked after a few seconds of silence.
“Well you looked like you were bothered by him, and being the gentleman that I am, I figured I would get rid of him for you.” he finished off with that smile of his.
“Well, last I checked, a gentleman doesn't punch another person.”
“I'm an unconventional gentleman then.” he said shrugging making me laugh to myself.
“I see. So do I get to know the name of the unconventional gentleman who so graciously helped me out?” I asked tilting my head.
“Jimmy Sullivan” he said outstretching his hand. I grabbed it and shook it softly as I don't have a really strong handshake.
“Sam Bernson” I said.
“So Sam...” Jimmy started.
“So Jimmy...” I mocked making him smile.
“What do you do Sam?” he asked.
“I'm a Marine” I said making him raise his eyebrows in surprise.
“Like...a solider?” he asked making me chuckle.
“Yes, a solider.” I answered him.
“You know, I wouldn't have guessed that.” he said casting me a sideways glance as he took a gulp of his beer.
“Oh really? Why's that?” I asked. Though I already knew the answer, most people wouldn't peg me as a Marine.
“Well, you're tiny for one. Aren't Marines....huge?” he asked. I laughed at his question because it was something a child would ask.
“For your information, I'm 5'5 thank you very much! Not all Marines are huge only some of them are” I said laughing.
“You're so proud of your height. Its cute.” he said laughing.
“Well how tall are you?” I asked raising my eyebrows.
“Lets not go there” he said laughing some more.
“I think we should. How tall are you?” I asked again. He looked at me and then down to his drink.
“I'm 6'4” he said smiling at me.
“Oh holy shit you're tall” I said, my eyes growing wide making him chuckle.
“Or, maybe, you're just short?” he said making me lightly slap him on the arm.
“Like you said, I am very proud of my height!” I said.
“Alright. Whatever you say.” he said laughing as he took another sip of his beer.
“Okay Jimmy, what do you do?” I asked. He looked at the ground for a second before looking back up at me.
“I'm a drummer in a band.” he said slowly. I raised an eyebrow at him and watched as he looked back to the floor.
“That's cool. Which band?” I asked interested as I had never met a drummer before.
“Avenged Sevenfold.” he said looking at me. I tried to think if I had heard that name before, but nothing was coming to mind.
“Can't say I've heard of you lot.” I said shaking my head.
“Really? Where've you been?” he asked surprised.
“Well, I've been in Afghanistan. We don't really listen to a lot of music while we're over there.” I said.
“Oh that's right.” he said nodding his head. I nodded along with him. I looked up at the clock hanging above the alcohol on the wall opposite me and noticed it was time I be heading home.
“Well Jimmy, it was nice meeting you. Thank you for being an unconventional gentleman and knocking out Mr. Greasy down there. I'm afraid I must be leaving now.” I said throwing some money on the bar to pay for my drink. The bartender picked up my glass and money before casting a smile my way. I smiled politely back at him before turning back to Jimmy. He nodded and also tossed some money on the bar and got out of his seat.
“Shall we?” he asked extending his arm towards me. I laughed and looped my arm through his.
“Is this also part of the unconventional gentleman thing?” I asked as we walked out into the cool night air.
“Well what kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't walk the lady to her car?” he asked smiling down at me.
“An unconventional one?” I asked making him laugh. We arrived at me car and I unhooked my arm from his and fished my keys out of my pocket before turning around and see him standing there.
“Well, good night Jimmy.” I said. He looked at me and smiled.
“Good night Sam.” he said. I cast him one last smile before getting in my car and turning it on. I looked out the window once more before putting my car in reverse and pulling onto the main road. I looked in my rear view mirror once more and saw him still standing there.
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