Dear Jimmy

Best ***ing friends


All of us girls were in the kitchen cooking for the Christmas dinner we were having for everyone in the band. The guys were setting the table as Michelle directed them from the doorway.
“No Matt, the salad fork goes on the outside. The salad knife is the little one, yes that one. The knife goes right next to the plate, facing towards the plate. Brian, the glass goes on the right side of the table. Johnny, the candles go in the middle of the table. Come on you guys! Don’t you know how to set a table?” she exclaimed as she walked back into the kitchen.
“Well sorry, we’re not women. Setting a table isn’t coded into our DNA.” Matt said as he followed her in. I rolled my eyes at them as I removed the lid from the pot that held the gravy.
“Hey Val, why do you have mail? It’s Christmas Eve.” Jimmy said as he flipped through my mail. There also was a box in his hand and I assumed my relatives sent us something we were never going to use. Matt snatched everything out of his hands before looking through it as well.
“I haven’t checked it since we got back. It’s yesterday’s mail.” I said as I looked at the ham that was roasting in the oven.
“Hey Jimmy, it’s for you. Why is your mail getting delivered here?” Matt asked handing him a letter. I instantly knew that it was from Sam and so did Jimmy, by the way his face lit up and snatched the letter from Matt’s hands. He opened the letter and read it, a smile slowly forming on his face.
“This is also for you. Are we just harboring mail for you?” Matt asked as he handed the box to Jimmy. Jimmy placed the letter on the counter and grabbed a knife to open the box. He opened the box and inside was shirts and other items all with tags on them. Jimmy pulled out a USMC shirt and held it up to himself. He smiled bigger than he had in the last few months.
“There’s stuff in here for you guys also.” Jimmy said looking back in the box. He passed the box around and everyone picked out their gift and smiling. Sam really had thought of everyone when getting Christmas gifts.
“What does the letter say?” Gena asked as she sipped on her wine. Jimmy nodded and picked it up.
“Dear Jimmy,
I’m sorry that I couldn’t be home for Christmas but I did get Christmas gifts don’t worry. I hope everyone likes their presents, I can say that no-one else has them because they are military issued but I managed to talk the equipment manager into giving me extra’s and he was in a giving mood. Things here have been pretty hectic here since we were ambushed a few days ago. Thankfully no one was seriously hurt, just a few cuts and scrapes, and we’re moving forward. I can’t tell you enough how much I want to see your face again, I see it every time I close my eyes and it only makes you miss you more. How I wish I could be there with everyone to celebrate Christmas since it’s such a magical holiday and everyone’s so happy. Here we’re trying to be happy, but the reality that we’re not spending Christmas with our loved ones dawns on us and we’re fighting for the end of the day and having one less day here. All we want to do is come home and we are going to. Now I want you to enjoy Christmas and be happy! It’s a happy time, no time for worrying about anything. I promise to come home to you.
Smile for me,
Sam” he read. Everyone was silent as they soaked in what Sam said. Jimmy smiled before neatly folding the letter and putting it back in the envelope.
“Val do you need help?” Lacey asked, breaking the silence. I smiled at her and she walked over and grabbed bowls of vegetables and took them to the table.
“Here, why don’t you ladies take a break and we’ll cut the ham.” Brian said shooing us out of the kitchen. I walked over to Jimmy and hugged him without saying anything.
“She’ll be okay Jimbo.” I said rubbing his back. It was heartbreaking to watch the news these days because it was all about how the war was getting worse and how the troops kept getting attacked and killed. Jimmy had to turn off the TV to keep from having a nervous breakdown every other day. I don’t know how he can hold it together sometimes because I know I would breakdown if Matt was overseas fighting and gambling with his life.
“Thanks Val. I know she’ll come back.” He whispered. I squeezed him once again and let him go. I walked over to where Matt was and saw him messing around with an army knife.
“You’re putting that away as soon as possible. I don’t want you hurting yourself or anyone else!” I said wrapping my arms around his waist. He rolled his eyes at me playfully before setting it on the counter. We walked out to the dining room and took our place at the table.
“So do we eat now?” Brian asked looking around. Michelle slapped his arm slightly.
“No, we have to say grace first.” She said. He looked at her weirdly before shrugging his shoulders and bowing his head. We all grabbed hands and I lead us in prayer.
“Dear Lord, thank you for this food and for everyone here. We know you’re looking out and keeping everyone safe during these hectic times. Look after the soldiers overseas who couldn’t make it home to spend Christmas with their families. Make sure they come home safely. Amen.” Everyone said ‘Amen’ and we started handing out food.
“Val this food is delicious.” Zacky said shoving food in his face.
“I’m surprised you can actually taste it. I mean you’re practically inhaling it.” Lacey joked making Gena give her an air high five. Zacky looked between them incredulously before going back to shoving food in his mouth.
“I just want say that you guys are the best fucking friends anyone could ever ask for. I wouldn’t wanna be sitting here with any one else! I know this would be a shitty band without any one of you guys. Everyone here means the fucking world to me and I just wanted you to know that.” Brian said raising his glass. We all raised our glasses and took a drink.
“So what are your plans for tomorrow?” Gena asked the guys who all shrugged their shoulder. Gena rolled her eyes and chuckled to herself at their unhelpful answer.
“I think we’re going to spend it with out families.” Johnny said and Lacey nodded.
“Well no matter what, spend it surrounded by people you love.” I said shortly and everyone nodded in a agreement.
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So I actually managed to crank one out who knew it was possible? I must be the worst author known to man because I'm horrible at updating, I'm sorry everyone :(
If the silent readers would make themselves known and comment that would be lovely. I wanna know what you guys think about this. Changes? Likes? Dislikes?