Dear Jimmy

Only two and a half more months


Everyone was chilling at my house after a long day in the studio and we were celebrating finishing the first song Critical Acclaim. We were sprawled out across the living room watching a random movie. I was half asleep as I leaned against the back of my couch.
“I think we did good today you guys.” Matt muttered as he half watched the movie.
“Yeah. We’ve got this whole process down and once we finish the album, we’re back on the road again!” Brian said excitedly since he loved the road. I got off the couch and went to the kitchen to grab a beer.
“Will you grab me a beer?” Matt asked and I heard everyone else chorus that they wanted one to. I rolled my eyes and grabbed 5 beers with minimal difficulty. I walked back into the living room passing everyone a beer. We watched the rest of the movie in silence as we slowly sipped our beers. Today really was a relaxing day when everyone was calm for once. As the end credits rolled through, I turned off the DVD player, which resulted in turning on the TV. It was some random news station that I was about to turn off.
“WAIT!” Zacky shouted, suddenly a lot more awake then he was a second ago. We all turned to look at him and he just pointed to the TV. Sam’s picture was on the screen as the caption read, ‘Marine Staff Sergeant hospitalized’. The screen turned to an anchorwoman who was reporting the story, and we all sat up just as awake as Zacky.
“Marine Staff Sergeant Samantha Bernson was hospitalized after being rescued from being missing in action for the past month and a half. Bernson, who suffered extensive injuries, has been transported to the hospital and will remain there for an undisclosed amount of time.” And then it turned to a Marine officer who was talking about Sam.
“I cannot discuss what exactly happened but I can say that Staff Sergeant Bernson was abducted but now she is in the hospital on her way to a full recovery.” With that they moved on to a new story. I turned off the TV silently and all the guys turned to look at me.
“Did you know?” Brian asked after a minute and I shook my head no.
“I just thought she was busy. She warned me that there were going to be long periods of time when I didn’t hear from her. I didn’t think anything of it.” I said quietly. All the sudden my phone began to buzz from the coffee table making everyone turn to look at it. I leaned over and didn’t recognize the number. I shrugged and answered it.
“Jimmy?” Sam’s voice came from the other line making me sit up straight up.
“Sam?” I asked making everyone look at me weirdly.
“Hey. I got your number from my mom.” She said quietly. I walked out my front door and sat on my front porch.
“I just saw the news. Is it true?” I asked sadly. I didn’t want to believe it; I didn’t want to think of Sam being tortured for a month and a half.
“Yeah it is, but that’s in the past. I don’t want to think about that right now. I just want to hear your voice.” She said tiredly.
“Alright baby. When do you come home?” I asked. I ran my hand down my face as I tried to process all of this information.
“I’m still scheduled to come home at the same time. I just wont go back into combat; I’m going to stay behind the main lines. I have a nifty little scar though.” She said laughing lightly making me smile.
“Well I’m glad you’re handling this well, cause honestly I’m not.” I said.
“Why not? I’m fine I promise you.” She said.
“Its unsettling to know that you were kidnapped. Just to think about it makes my stomach churn.” I said. I heard her sigh and I started picking at my jeans.
“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine and everything will be okay. I’m not in danger anymore and in two and a half months I’ll be home and everything will be okay.” She said trying to cheer me up.
“How long are you home this time?” I asked.
“Until I re-enlist. This is the end of my three year term and unless I re-enlist, I’m out of the Marines.” She said.
“Really? Are you going to re-enlist?” I asked happily. I didn’t have limited time with her anymore!
“Haven’t decided yet. I probably will because like I said, it’s all I know. Besides up until about two or three months ago, if you had asked me that question, my definite answer would have been yes! But then I meet you, and it seems like my entire life has been tossed around like a salad.” She said, laughing slightly towards the end.
“What do you mean?” I asked frowning slightly.
“I mean, meeting you has to be one of the greatest things to ever happen to me.” She said.
“I’m sensing a but.” I said.
“No buts. Like I said before, because of you I’ve met all these great people and you’ve really changed my life. As cheesy as that sounds.” She laughed.
“Baby I’ll be the crackers to your cheese.” I said lamely making her laugh out loud.
“You are such a dork but I wouldn’t have you any other way.”
“So how’s your guys’ album coming along?” she asked after a second of silence.
“Great! We finished the first song today.”
“Which one is it?” she asked.
“Critical Acclaim. Its basically Matt ranting about the war and I even sing in it!” I said proudly!
“I’ll bet it’s a great song! You guys aren’t going to become a political band are you?” She asked seriously making me laugh out loud.
“No don’t worry we wont. Matt was just pissed about the war and wrote a song about it.” I said.
“Alright! I can’t wait to hear it. I’m sure it will be great, especially with you singing in it! I love your singing voice and I know the fans will to.” She said. I heard her let a yawn out making me chuckle.
“You should get some sleep baby. You sound tired.” I said.
“But I want to talk to you! I haven’t heard from you in over a month and I miss you.” She whined like a little kid.
“I know and I miss you to, but your sleep is more important then talking to me. You’ve been through a lot and you need to get some sleep.” I said.
“Fine. I’ll sleep if it what you really want.” She said making me smile.
“What I really want is you right here with me!” I said.
“Only two and a half more months baby. Only two and a half more months.” She said.
“I’m counting down the days trust me.” I said making her chuckle.
“Alright Jimmy, I’m going to get some sleep like you requested.” She said after she yawned once more.
“Good! You come home safe to me you hear.” I said.
“Got it. You smile for me you hear.” She said copying me.
“Got it. See you soon Sam.” I said.
“See you soon Jimmy.” With that we hung up. I walked back inside and saw the guys were in the same position they were when I walked outside.
“Is she okay?” Matt asked. I sat down on the couch where I was before and set my phone on the coffee table.
“Yeah she’s fine. She’s coming home in two and a half months and she’s not going back into combat.” I said leaning back.
“Good! All is good again.” Brian said turning back to the TV that was now turned on again, but now to cartoons.
“Not yet, but they will be. They will be.” I said more to myself. Only two and a half more months.
♠ ♠ ♠
So just so everyone knows, this story is FAR from over. I have so many chapters pre-written, I just have to get them in the right order.