Dear Jimmy

Kinky shit?


My eyes shot open and I shot into the upright position clutching my chest as I hyperventilated. It took my a second to realize that I wasn’t back in that dirty room in buttfuck middle of nowhere, but I was in Huntington Beach. There wasn’t a sound heard except my labored breathing and I almost forgot where I was, but I heard a short snort making me look back and smile. Jimmy was sprawled out across the bed, his hair in every direction possible with a little bit of drool coming from the corner of his mouth. I looked around his room, noticing clothes creeping out of his drawers, the various hair products across the top of his dresser, the large couch that sat against the wall with large balcony doors right next to it. I got out of his bed and walked over the balcony doors. I looked for any contraption that might set off an alarm and upon finding none, quietly unlocked and opened the doors. I left them open just a crack and walked outside, smiling once I saw that the balcony overlooked the beach. I leaned against the railing as I closed my eyes, listening to the waves crash against the sand and against each other. I took a deep breath, enjoying the smell of the air and ocean mixed together. There was a gentle wind which felt great when mixed with the summer heat. I tired not to think about being in that room, but every time I look in the mirror, I’m reminded of those days, reminded of the pain and sometimes I just can’t get that laughter out of my head. I shuddered as I heard in in the back of my head, just laughing and laughing, stop for a small wheeze, then continue laughing, laughing at my helplessness, at my pain, at my fear.
“Cold?” I heard a voice, making me snap around. I saw Jimmy leaning against the door frame in his flannel PJ bottoms. I shook my head and turned back to face the ocean. “If you’re not cold, then why’d you shiver?” he asked, this time right behind me. His arms encircled my waist, his head right next to my ear, as we stood facing the ocean.
“How long were you standing there?”
“Long enough to see your body relax as you listened to the ocean, long enough to hear you take a deep breath, most likely filling your senses with the smell of the ocean. Long enough to notice every detail of how your body clings to my shirt as it hangs off your frame.” He said making me chuckle. I know that if anyone else said that, I would think they were beyond creepy, but hearing it come from Jimmy just sounded natural. Maybe it was the way he said it or maybe it was his voice, I wasn’t sure but I loved it. “Now, why were you shivering?” he asked again, softly as if he’d wake someone up.
“I was remembering.” I said softly. I felt him tense up for a second before letting out a shaky breath. He turned me around so I was facing him and looked at me as though I would crumble in any second.
“Show me?” he asked quietly. I slowly nodded my head and let him lead me inside towards the bed. I sat down and looked as he stared at me from his standing position before me. I removed his shirt and sat there in my shorts and bra, letting him look at my new scar that ran up my sternum. His eyes traveled up and down the scar taking in every detail of it. He slowly walked towards me, bending down at an awkward angle to kiss me. I reached up and grabbed his face pulling him closer to me. He placed his hands by my side, leaning into me, pushing me back and crawling on top of me. My hands went to his shoulders, gripping them tightly as we continued to make out. His lips trailed down my jaw, to my neck where he alternated between sucking a light nibbles. I tried not to let him know how much what he was doing was affecting me, but I couldn’t help but let out a sigh or two.
“You like it.” I could hear the smirk in his voice, obviously proud of himself for having this effect on me.
“Ma-maybe.” I stuttered out, mentally smacking my forehead at how stupid I must’ve sounded. He laughed a little before rolling over so I was straddling him looking down as he laid with his head to the side.
“Oh its my turn now?” I asked making him nod his head, a smile growing on his face. I leaned down and gently bit on his shoulder, my tongue darting out to taste his skin. His hands went to my back and upper arms, clawing at them mercilessly as I inflicted pain on him.
“Oh shit…” he muttered as he threw his head back. I let go on his shoulder and moved to press light kisses down his neck towards his torso. His hands left my upper back and moved to grip my hips.
“Feel better?” I whispered, suddenly enjoying the feeling of control I now had. He nodded his head quickly, moaning out as I went back to sucking on his neck.
“Are you-are you trying to leave a mark?” he stuttered out much as I had.
“Maybe, maybe not. I have a feeling you did.” I said as I gently blew on his now obvious hickey.
“You might have a bite mark or so…” he trailed off as he quickly flipped us over so he was once again on top. He moved so he was sitting on his knees and looking down at me from his height.
“Now who’s in control?” he asked. I leaned up as much as I could and gently bit whatever area of his chest I could reach making him throw his head back.
“Have a thing for biting?” I asked as I saw him close his eyes and his mouth go agape as I bit harder just below his nipple.
“Maybe.” He said. I managed to scoot my body so I wasn’t completely trapped beneath him and so I could reach more of his body. I managed to reach his neck and proceeded to bite and suck at his neck and shoulders, enjoying the sounds that were coming from his body. He moved his head so he was biting at my neck at the same time as I was. Eventually all our activities died down and he moved so we were lying side by side with our arms loosely wrapped around each other.
“You have to be at the studio in a couple hours. You should get some sleep.” I whispered, noting how his eyes kept shutting then quickly reopening as he tried to stay awake.
“Come in with me?” he asked tiredly.
“I’ll go if you go to sleep!.” I said. He nodded and pulled me closer and eventually falling asleep. I listened to his easy breathing, it eventually lulling me to sleep as well. What seemed like minutes later, Jimmy was shaking me awake as he leaned over me.
“It’s 9:15 and we have to be in the studio by 10.” He said. At first, everything felt like a dream but looking at Jimmy’s neck and torso and all the little bite marks and hickeys scattered about, I knew it was real.
“Alright I’m up. But I want a shower.” I said as I stretched my arms. As I brought my arms down, I noticed red scratches and welts that went along my arms making me look at Jimmy.
“I might’ve scratched you harder then I thought. Sorry ‘bout that.” He said as he chuckled nervously. I shrugged and got out of bed, walking to where I saw a sink beyond the open door.
“I’ll give you some shorts and an old T-shirt that should fit you well enough.” He said as he walked over to his drawers. He pulled out some basketball shorts that looked like they could be pants on me and a Megadeath shirt. He handed them to me and then walked out of the room, leaving me to take my shower. I walked in the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror, gasping at how many marks were on my shoulders and neck. Man the guys were going to tease us to no end today once they saw us. I quickly hopped in the shower, stinging as the hot water hit my shoulders but then sighing as it relaxed me. I showered and got dressed fairly quickly and made my way back into Jimmy’s room. I saw him sitting on the bed fully dressed waiting for me. He jumped up once he saw me, taking my hand and leading me towards his front door. We quickly jumped in his BMW and made our way to the studio. We were the lasts ones there since we got stuck in traffic and were 15 minutes late.
“Man Jimmy we thought you bailed on us dude.” Brian said as he saw us come in. He was sitting in a chair with his signature black and grey guitar in his lap, with a technician sitting beside him, ready to record whatever craziness comes out of his guitar next.
“Fuckin’ traffic.” He said as he sat down. I took a seat in¬-between him and Val, happy that she was here.
“Hey Val!” I said giving her a quick hug.
“Hey Sam-oh my god look at your arms. What happened?” she said taking my right arm and turning it as much as she could. Jimmy chuckled lightly, trying to be subtle and not really working. Val sent me a knowing smirk and quickly glanced over at Jimmy, her eyes widening upon seeing some of the marks on his neck that were sticking out from his shirt. She didn’t say anything as she looked at my neck, moving Jimmy’s shirt a little, she sent me another knowing smirk before leaning back against the couch.
“Hey look, it’s a mini Jimmy. Dude that shirt is from when you were like 10.” Matt said coming in the room.
“Seriously? Now I feel really small.” I said crossing my arms.
“Well well well…would you look at Jimmy’s neck.” Brian said finally spotting the marks.
“And Sam’s. She’s got the same kind of marks. Looks like they were up to no good last night!” Matt said moving so he was standing beside Brian.
“Jealous?” Jimmy asked as Matt laughed and shook his head.
“Nothing to be jealous of. I get plenty of action.”
“Okay is there a reason we’re talking about this?” I asked, embarrassed.
“Talking about what?” Zacky asked coming into the room.
“Take a look at Jimmy and Sam’s necks. They fuckin’ tore each other up!” Brian said laughing. Zacky inspected our necks from his spot and laughed as well.
“Who knew they were into some kinky shit!” he said laughing. I quickly hid my face in my hands, there was just no way my face could get any hotter.
“The Rev’s into kinky shit? What?” Johnny asked following behind Zacky. I stand corrected!
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A freaking long one! Comments are nice :-) Speaking of comments, thank you everyone who commented and let me know what you think of this.