Dear Jimmy



I woke up to see Sam’s back to me as she hunched over slightly and curled into a small ball. I smiled to myself and got out of bed to go the bathroom. On my way out, I spotted my video camera and smirked to myself as I grabbed it. Since today was my day off, I was going to spend it all with Sam since she was going home tomorrow after her parents got back from their vacation. I grabbed the camera and opened it, happy to see that it still had charge left on it. I hit record and made my way back over to Sam’s side of the bed. I jumped on top of her, holding the camera in one hand and poking her with my other.
“Wake up!!! Baby wake up, the earth says hello!!!” I said as I continually poked her. She groaned lightly and snuggled her head into the pillow. “Come on wake up. It’s time to wake up.” I said bouncing lightly. I zoomed in on her face and smiled as she opened her eyes and looked at me.
“Why do you have a camera in my face?” she asked, her voice laced with confusion and sleep making her sound absolutely adorable.
“I felt like it.” I said shrugging. She shook her head and flipped the pillow on top of her head blocking her face. “What? Camera shy?” I asked teasingly. She poked her head out from under the pillow and stuck her tongue out at me.
“Shut up. It’s to early for this. What time is it anyway?” she asked as she looked for a clock. I looked at my alarm clock on my nightstand.
“It is 9:45.” I said. She nodded and flipped the pillow back under her head. I moved the camera so it was on me instead of her.
“What are you doing? You know you look naked.” She said as she looked into the flip out screen. She took the camera from my hand and focused on me.
“I probably do huh. Well only you know the truth.” I said as I smiled cheekily at her and the camera. I leaned down, forcing her to move her hand off to the side, and kissed her finally. I took the camera from her hand and focused back on us as I kissed her again making sure to catch it on video.
“Why are we making this tape?” she asked as we broke apart. I moved off to the side and shrugged silently.
“This better not end up on your website or anything.” she said pointing a finger at me. I laughed and shook my head; this wasn’t for anyone but us to see.
“It wont I promise.” I said. She nodded and looked at me from her position in the bed, smiling at me as she brought the blankets up to her chin.
“Cold?” I asked making her shake her head. I smiled at her and turned off the camera for now, but I knew I would be turning it on later today. I turned around and saw her still looking at me, I smiled and snuggled down into the blankets next to her and brought her close to me.
“What time do your parents get back?” I asked.
“I believe late afternoon early evening. My dad feels horrible for mixing up the dates and such, but there’s nothing to be done. I’m home and safe and I’ll see them when I see them.” She said. I nodded and brought her closer to me and we lay there talking for another hour or so.
“I’m hungry.” She said randomly. We had moved so I was leaning against the headboard and she was lying against my chest as I cuddled her.
“Well why don’t we go make some food?” I asked making her smile and nod. She got out of bed and made her way downstairs quickly and I followed suit after grabbing the camera. I quickly turned it on and hit record again as I made my way into the kitchen.
“What should we have?” she asked as she looked in my fridge. I leaned against the island and shrugged my shoulders.
“Whatever looks good to you is good with me.” I said. She laughed and took out some eggs and bacon. She walked over to the other side of the kitchen and looked in cupboards until she found my pantry.
“Jackpot!” she said jumping slightly. She grabbed a loaf of bread and set them on the counter before going on a quest to find pots and pans.
“What are you making?” I asked as I walked up next to her. She noticed the camera in my hands and shook her head.
“You and that camera. I’m going to make eggs, bacon, and French toast.” She said smiling. We chatted idly as she cooked breakfast and I videotaped her.
“So you should dance.” She said coming up to me and taking the camera out of my hand and turning it against me. I raised an eyebrow at her in confusion. “You said you like to dance in your underwear when you’re at home, so lets see it. I mean you are in your underwear and this is your house.” She said as she held the camera in her hand.
“I don’t think so. How do I know you wont cut that part out and put it on Youtube or something?” I asked as I folded my arms.
“You really think I would do that? Come on, have a little faith and dance. What if I gave you some music?” she said as she walked over to my laptop on the dining room table. She typed in something and then all the sudden a weird song that sounded like it was from the 60’s started playing.
“What the fuck is this?” I asked laughing. I couldn’t help myself as I started to dance around the kitchen; the song was so fucking catchy.
“The song is called ‘You Make Me Feel Like Dancing’ by Leo Sayer. Appropriate I thought.” She said laughing. I playfully glared at her as she laughed and followed my dancing with the camera.
“I swear that better not be online!” I said as I came towards her. She shrieked and handed me the camera in a surrender fashion. She gathered all the food and made two plates before setting them on the island.
“Now turn off that camera and come eat.” She said as she got closer and closer to the camera. I nodded and turned off the camera and set it down.
“So what do you want to do today? I don’t have to go to the studio so I’m all yours.” I said in between bites of food.
“Not sure. We could chill out here, go to the beach, or somewhere else, whatever you want to do.” She said shrugging.
“How bout the beach?” I suggested. She smiled and nodded her head. We finished our food and quickly got ready to go. Sam ended up using some old board shorts and a black tank top of mine. Once in the car, Sam turned on the camera and faced it at me.
“So Mr. Sullivan.” She stated, laughing, as I made funny faces at her whenever I could.
“Yes Ms. Bernson?” I asked back as I made another face at her.
“What’s the best thing about being on tour?” she asked.
“Well I would have to say, getting to do what I love. I get to bang the shit outta drums and fucking get paid for it. How many people can say that? None that’s how many. It really is the fucking shit!” I exclaimed as we stopped at a red light. I leaned over and grabbed the camera from her hands and held it with one hand as I drove with my other hand.
“Okay, what’s the best thing about being in the Marines?” I asked. I looked over at her and saw her with her hand on her chin as she stared at the roof of the car.
“I would say, being able to say that I’m a Marine. I survived the 13 week boot-camp, I survived the crucible, I survived being pushed way beyond my limits. The honor and pride that comes with the title of Marine is the best.” She said nodding her head, happy with her answer.
“What’s the crucible?” I asked as I pulled into the beach parking lot.
“It’s 53 hours of grueling tasks that challenge your physical and mental limits. You have to give 110% all the time, even with limited food and sleep. It’s tough and definitely not for the lighthearted.” She said. I nodded and turned off the camera as we got out, grabbing our towels and such and making our way onto the beach. We laid our towels down and lay down next to each other.
“Man I love Huntington. I could never live anywhere else!” Sam said as she lay on her stomach.
“What about Long Beach? Or Newport Beach? They’re pretty much the same thing.” I said laughing. She opened one eye and looked at me as though I grew another head.
“Almost the same thing? That may be so, but they’re not Huntington Beach. I don’t have memories of sneaking out of the house to go hang out with my friends at 2 in the morning in Newport Beach. I don’t believe I met you, probably the best person in the world, in Long Beach? Nope, Huntington is way cooler then Newport and Long beach!” she said. I suddenly got up, threw off my t-shirt and ran at the water at full speed. I ran right into the ocean and started jumping around, splashing water everywhere like a two year old. I looked back towards Sam to see her sitting up watching me with the camera in her hands. I laughed and waved at her and tried to wave her over. She laughed and shook her head at me, making me pout, which made her laugh harder. I ran towards the shore, with some difficulty due to the sand, and towards her, tackling her into the towel and lying on top of her.
“Jimmy!” she shrieked laughing, “Babe you’re getting me all wet!” she laughed as she held the camera in my face.
“So? It’s the beach and there is water. You’re bound to get wet!” I said as though it all made sense. I jumped up and picked her up and threw her over my shoulder and marched towards the water.
“No, Jimmy no! I have the camera!” she said as she realized my plan. I stopped walking and set her down with a pout on my face.
“But, but, but…” I pouted like a child who was told he couldn’t have a cookie until after dinner.
“You don’t want to get your camera wet do you?” she asked as she raised it up to catch my face. I suddenly thought of an idea and my face went from pouting to grinning in no time flat.
“How bout we chase the waves?” I asked. She looked hesitant but I rolled my eyes and took the camera out of her hands and turned it on her. “It’ll be fun I promise and the camera wont get wet!” I said. She nodded and took off after the waves as she went back out, squealing lightly as they came back towards her. I stood there video taping her as she ran back and forth, making little squeaking noises every now and then.
“Aren’t you coming?” she asked as she tucked some hair behind her ear. I smiled and shook my head.
“I’m content here thanks. Do you have any idea how beautiful you are right now?” I asked making her blush and look down at her feet. She squeaked and jumped a little as water pooled around her feet.
“Shut up.” She mumbled making me chuckle. I walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her.
“I’m serious. You are so incredibly gorgeous and you don’t even know it.” I said making her laugh and burry her face in my neck.
“Stop it, you’re making me blush.” She mumbled, her words muffled by my skin. I laughed and moved so I could kiss her before she could move. I pushed my lips on hers and wrapped an arm around her waist, bringing her closer to me. I held the camera out at arms length to catch us both. We broke apart and she looked into the camera and I moved to kiss her cheek making her smile. I brought the camera back to me and turned it off for now and we made our way back to our towels. We chilled out at the beach for a little while longer, just lying there soaking up the sun and enjoying each other’s company for a few more hours.
“I’m getting hungry. You wanna head back to your place?” Sam asked looking over at me. I nodded and we packed up our stuff and headed back to my place. We got there and changed into dry clothes, Sam again borrowing some of my clothes. We had spaghetti and soda for dinner while watching TV. Sam went to go put the dishes in the sink and came back smiling with the camera in her hand. I smiled and pulled her into my lap kissing her cheek as she laughed. She lay down with her legs in my lap and just pointed the camera at me while smiling insanely.
“What” I asked looking at her.
“You look so adorable in your glasses. Why don’t you wear them more often?” she asked.
“Drumming with them on is such a pain so I just wear contacts.” I said and she nodded her head. I took the camera from her and pointed it at her as I leaned up to get a better angle of her face.
“Now what are you doing?” she asked. I smiled as I looked at the screen of the camera.
“Looking at you of course.” I said. She laughed and put her hands up, blocking the screen from seeing her face. “No stop. Why’d you do that?” I asked pouting.
“Cause I’m tired of being on camera. Now turn it off and cuddle with me.” She said smiling behind her hands.
“Can’t deny a request like that!” I said as I shut off the camera and placed it on the coffee table.
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I got the idea while watching the Seize The Day video. I would like it if the silent readers would speak up, lemme know what you think please. :) What should happen next? I'm kind of at a stand still and need some ideas.