Dear Jimmy

I Love You


“Mommy!” I shouted as I saw my mom. She laughed and we ran at each other hugging each other tightly.
“I’m so glad you’re okay! When I got the call, oh it was horrible!” she said.
“I’m okay momma. I’m back now and everything is okay!” I said. We broke apart and smiled at each other. I saw my dad walk out of the front door and I ran at him, hugging him as well.
“Glad to have you home sweetheart.” He said hugging me tightly. We broke apart a few seconds later and we all went inside in the living room.
“How was your trip?” I asked as tapped my hand against my leg quietly.
“It was good and very relaxing. I’m sorry I messed up the dates.” My dad said frowning slightly. I shook my head and waved my hand in a dismissive manner.
“Don’t even worry about it. It’s been far to long since you guys have had a vacation without any kids. I’m safe and sound and now you’re here, so all is good.” I said.
“How is Jimmy?” my mom asked.
“He’s good. We spent yesterday at the beach and just hung out.” I said. They both smiled at me and nodded their head.
“Have I told you how much I like that boy.” My mother said, smiling at me and then at my dad.
“Yeah I do believe you told me, but honestly I don’t mind hearing it again.”
“Well I do like him. He’s really great for you and I’m going to guess that you make him happy as well.” She said smiling.
“I’d like to think I do.” Just then my phone beeped from the coffee table signaling that I had a text message.
“Your parents make it home okay?” I smiled at the text making my mom laugh, which made my dad confused.
“Why are you laughing? And why are you smiling? Is this some weird woman thing that I don’t understand? Lord knows there’s plenty of those!” my dad said throwing his hands up towards the end.
“I’m laughing because based on the smile on Sammy’s face over there, I’m guessing Jimmy texted her. She got this goofy insane look on her face all of the sudden and I find it cute!” my mom said pointing at me.
“Right okay.” My dad said, getting up and going to the kitchen.
“Yeah they made it. What are you up to?” I put my phone back on the coffee table and got up, following my dad into the kitchen.
“Where did Wally stay while you guys were gone?” I asked as I grabbed a coke out of the fridge.
“He stayed with Chase and Regina. He’ll be coming home today after school.” My mom said as she began making sandwiches. I heard my phone buzz on the coffee table but I ignored it as I took my sandwich from my mom. Once we all had sandwiches, we made our way back to the living room and sat on the couches. I grabbed my phone and looked and saw I had another text from Jimmy.
“We have an interview on MTV in 30 minutes. You should watch!! Watch! Watch! :D” I laughed and quickly texted him back.
“Alright we will, I promise :D” with that I put my phone back on the coffee table and gave my attention to my parents.
“So the guys have an interview in half an hour and Jimmy has requested that I watch it.” I said. Both of them nodded and we began eating talking idly about nothing of supper importance. 25 minutes later my dad turned on the TV and turned it to MTV and turned it down while the commercials played. I took all the plates and put them in the sink and grabbed new soda’s for us.
“Princess its on!” my dad shouted. I squeaked and ran into the living room.
“And we’re back with the guys of Avenged Sevenfold. Thanks for stopping by” the interviewer said. All the guys stood in a line, Matt, Brian, Johnny, Jimmy, and Zacky. They all smiled at him and at the screaming crowd in the background.
“We’re glad to be here.” Matt said. The interview it was a generic interview asking all the normal questions about the album and fans. Finally it got much more personal about each of the guys.
“So many want to know, are you guys in relationships?” Matt looked at everyone and nodded his head.
“Yeah, we’re all taken and happy.” `He said nodding his head again. The interviewer looked at them all before gaining a hungry smile on his face.
“Now Jimmy, yesterday this picture was sent to us and we were wondering if you had anything to say about it?” the interviewer. All the sudden a picture of me and Jimmy at the beach. We were standing in the ocean and Jimmy had the camera in front of him and his arm around me. I was staring into the camera and he was kissing my cheek. I didn’t even notice anyone around us with a camera, shows how observant I am. It cut back to Jimmy and I saw him standing there with wide eyes and all the guys staring at him.
“I didn’t notice anyone there. Well um, I’m not going to say anything since whether or not we’re going to go public about everything.” He said while shifting his feet.
“Can we get a name? Any information?” the interview asked curiously. Jimmy shook his head while the rest of the band laughed at him.
“No sorry. Since I don’t know how she feels about everyone knowing anything, I’m not going to reveal anything without her permission.” He said.
“Well we have to take a break, so why don’t you call her and ask her.” The interviewer said. Man he was really pushy and nosey! It cut to commercial and my dad muted the TV.
“Wow he’s nosy. If Jimmy doesn’t want to reveal any information then he shouldn’t have to.” My mom said. All the sudden my phone started buzzing from the coffee table and I saw Jimmy’s name flash.
“Hey did you see the interview?” Jimmy’s voice came through, bringing a smile to my face.
“Yeah I saw. My mom thinks the interviewer is extremely nosey.” I said laughing as my mom stuck her tongue out at me.
“Yeah they tend to be nosey. We just learn to ignore it and stick to our public lives. We like to keep our private lives just that, private!” he said.
“Makes sense to me. Did you see anyone with a camera yesterday?” I asked.
“No, but I was focused on your pretty face.” He said, most likely grinning like an idiot.
“You charmer!” I said laughing.
“Anyways, is there information you don’t want out in the public?” he asked.
“Whatever you wanna tell, I’m cool with. You’re better at judging this kind of stuff then I am.” I said shrugging my shoulders, even though he couldn’t see me.
“Alright baby. Well I have to go, I’ll give you a call afterwards okay?” he said.
“Alright talk to you later. I’ll be watching.” With that we hung up and it was just in time since the interview came back on like 5 seconds later.
“And we’re back with the guys from Avenged Sevenfold. Now for those who are just joining us, we were talking about The Rev’s girlfriend who he refuses to give information about. Are you going to tell us about her Rev?” Jimmy looked visibly uncomfortable as the interviewer got closer to him.
“Well her name is Sam.” He said. The interviewer looked disappointed at the lack of information Jimmy was providing him with.
“Nothing else to tell?” he asked and Jimmy shook his head.
“More information will most likely to surface on the internet so you can get information then!” Jimmy said staring him down. The interviewer nodded and moved onto the topic of their next tour. The rest of the interview became generic again, asking the same questions. Finally it was over, and they moved onto the top 20 countdown and my dad turned off the TV. My phone buzzed again and I got off the couch and made my way into the backyard. I sat down on a lawn chair as I took the call.
“Nice interview!” I said as I laid back. I was greeted with Jimmy’s infection laugh, making me smile.
“Thank you. I didn’t think any other information was necessary for anyone to know about you.” I nodded my head.
“Alright that’s fine. Were you serious about the internet?” I asked. I wasn’t sure what kind of things could end up online and that made me kind of worried.
“Unfortunately yeah. It’s amazing how much info on the other girls is on the internet. There are pages that are idolizing them and bashing them.” He said sadly. I sighed and laid back and ran a hand down my face.
“Really? How do they deal with it?” I asked.
“Not sure. That’s more of a question for them. But here’s what you need to know: no matter what any fan says, I’m not going to break up with you or anything along those lines! I love you!” he said firmly. I sat up in shock at his words and my mouth hung open.
“What?” I stammered out. I heard him sigh over the phone making me close my head.
“Not how I thought it was going to come out, but yeah. I do. I love you Sam.” He said sincerely.
“I…I didn’t expect you to say that.” I said after a second.
“Do you…do you not love me back?” he asked sadly. I could hear the heartbreak coming through the phone.
“NO! I mean…I do I just didn’t expect you say it so quickly.” I said honestly.
“Honestly…neither did I, but 4 months without you made me realize how much you mean to me. Not being able to talk to you and all that stuff that all the other guys can do made me realize I don’t want to lose you, in any way!” he said. I felt tears come to my eyes, tears of joy at how sweet his words.
“Oh Jimmy.” I said softly.
“Blown away?” he asked, probably smiling.
“You do have that effect on me.” I said laughing.
“God I love your laugh…” he said sighing towards the end.
“ Well I love you!” I said in rebuttal, knowing It was a lame argument.
“Well I love you more.”
“We are not having this argument!”
“Alright well I have to go baby, we have to go back to the studio. I’ll talk to you later alright?” he said cutely.
“Okay, are you going to call later?” I asked as I stood up.
“For sure. I love you.” He said and I began grinning like an idiot. Whenever it came to him, I couldn’t help grinning.
“I love you too. Bye bye.” I said as I opened the door.
“Bye babe.” With that we hung up and I couldn’t wipe the grin off my face.
“Oh the things Jimmy can do to our daughter.” My mom said smiling at my dad.
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