Dear Jimmy

Stupid ***ing ***


“Hey Sam.” Matt said noticing Sam walk into the studio. I turned around from where I was leaning over Brian and smiled at her, opening my arms for a hug which she laughed at.
“Hey, I was just stopping by to see everyone real quick. I can only stay for a little bit before I have to go out with Grace.” Sam said as she came up and gave me a quick kiss. I smiled and wrapped my arm around her as she turned to look at Matt.
“It’s cool, we’re just taking a break for a few minutes.” He said.
“Hey Sam, we’re going to go to a bar and grill tonight. Do you want to come?” Zacky asked as he came into the room.
“Yeah sure. Are the rest of the girls coming as well?” she asked. Her fingers tugging on the belt loop that was on the back of my jeans.
“Yeah. It’s around 8 tonight.” He said. Everyone nodded in agreement and she looked in thought.
“Yeah okay. I’ll let my parents know. How is the album coming along?” she asked. She leaned into me and I tightened my arm around her, bringing her even closer to me.
“Really good. We’re working on the backing vocals for Fast and Melodic today.” Matt said as he leaned back against the couch he was sitting on.
“Sweet! You’re not making everyone go crazy are you?” she asked chuckling and shaking her head at Matt.
“Of course not! But Brian is freaking out trying to get it perfect.” He said chuckling towards Brian.
“Well I’m not going to have a song sound completely shitty.” He said shaking his head making me laugh. She shook her head and glanced at the clock on the wall opposite of where we stood.
“Alright guys, I gotta bounce and meet up with Grace. I’ll see you tonight?” she asked ass she stepped away from me and towards the door.
“I’ll walk you out.” I said as I followed her out.
“Later Sam” Matt said as she passed. She waved goodbye to everyone and we walked out to her truck. Once she got in and turned on the car, she rolled down the window and turned towards me.
“Alright well I’ll pick you up tonight around 7:30ish. That okay?” I asked as I leaned against the door.
“Yeah I’ll be ready. Gimme a kiss?” she asked. I laughed and kissed her for a second before pulling away. “mmm one more.” She said laughing. I kissed her again for a few seconds longer before pulling away.
“Okay! Go so I can get back to work.” I said jokingly as I backed away from the car.
“Fine fine. I love you.” She said as she began rolling up her window.
“I love you too.” With that she drove away and I walked back into the studio with the biggest grin on my face.
“Man Jimmy, if you smile any wider, you’re face might split in half.” Zacky said laughing at me. I just stuck my tongue out at him and walked back over to where Matt was. For the rest of the day we continued to work on both singing and laying down guitar tracks until finally Matt’s voice had had enough.
“Alright guys, I think it’s time to call it a day.” He said and we all nodded and packed up to get ready for tonight’s dinner. I bid everyone goodbye as I got in my SUV and headed home for a quick shower. Once I was ready, I hoped in my car and drove to Sam’s house. I walked up the walkway and knocked on her door, and after a few seconds her dad answered the door.
“Jimmy! Good to see you son.” He said smiling warmly at me. “Sam, Jimmy’s here.” He yelled up the stairs.
“Okay day, I’ll be right down.” She yelled back. he chuckled and went back to watching TV. I felt like I was back in high school picking a girl up for a date. A few seconds later Sam walked down the stairs in jeans, a white tank top and a black jacket.
“Alright dad, I’ll see you later.” She said. He waved and we were out the door. I opened the door for Sam and she smiled at me as she got in.
“So what did you and Grace do?” I asked as we headed down the freeway to the bar and grill we were meeting at. I reached over and grabbed her hand and lacing our fingers together.
“We went to the gym and worked out. It was intense, but worth it.” She said as she turned her whole body to face me.
“Yuck! I hate the gym.” I said stopping at a stop sign.
“You mean to tell me that you don’t ever feel like working out?” she asked shocked and I shook my head.
“Of course I do! But…I usually just take a nap and hope the feeling is gone when I wake up.” I said grinning at her, making her laugh loudly.
“Oh Jimmy…” she sighed. A few minutes later we pulled into the restaurant and I spotted Brian’s car and pulled in next to it. I saw everyone standing around waiting for us by Matt’s car. We got out and I wrapped my arm around her as we walked to where the guys were. We all nodded and headed inside.
“Wow it’s noisy here.” I said as we walked in. The bar was crowded and everyone was yelling back and forth at each other. I pulled Sam closer to me not wanting to lose her in the crowd. We finally got seated and I moved to sit in-between Sam and Matt. I pulled Sam’s chair out for her and pushed it in once she was seated, making Val aww at me.
“What are you awing at?” Matt asked looking at her weirdly.
“Jimmy is such a gentleman!” she said pointing at me from across the table.
“What are you talking about?” he asked her confused.
“I didn’t see you pulling out my chair for me!” she said crossing her arms.
“Just wait, once he sees that he doesn’t have to do it anymore, he wont.” He said smirking playfully. I laid my arm across the back of Sam’s chair and leaned back smiling at her.
“Don’t worry babe, it wont happen.” I said reassuring her. She laughed and shook her head and went back to talking to Johnny who sat across from her.
“Hello. My name is Leana and I’ll be your server today. Can I get you guys something to drink?” A somewhat short woman said coming up to our table. We all ordered our drinks and I noticed she kept moving closer and closer to me and I glanced at Sam, who was glaring at her. Once she left Val looked to me and then to Sam.
“Did you notice how she was totally checking Jimmy out?” Val asked Sam. Sam shook her head and looked down at her napkin. I leaned over so I could whisper in her ear without anyone else hearing.
“You’re not worried are you?” I teased making her chuckle and shake her head. “I didn’t think so. Don’t worry baby you are a thousand times better then her!” I said as I moved my other hand so it was resting on her leg. We heard someone clear the throat from above us and I turned my head to see the waitress standing above us with the drinks in her hands. I moved away from Sam so she could put our drinks down. She placed Sam’s drink in front of her and my drink in front of me, her arm lingering in between us before finally moving on.
“Is everyone ready to order?” she asked sweetly. We all gave our orders and she nodded and walked away, but not before passing one more glace at me.
“I don’t like her.” Sam mumbled as she shook her drink gently. I removed my hand from behind her and rested it on her leg under the table.
“I find it cute.” I said as I took a sip of my drink.
“You find the fact that she’s hitting on you cute?” she asked turning towards me, her eyes wide.
“No, I find your jealousy cute.” I said as I leaned over to kiss her cheek making her blush. “Awwww I love you!” I said.
“Okay if you guys are any cuter, you’re gonna be seein’ my lunch!” Johnny said crunching his face in mock disgust.
“Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.” Matt said as he rolled his eyes. I began talking to Matt about the album until our food arrived. Once we got our food, we all dug in, occasionally talking here and there.
“Mh so when do you guys go on tour?” Sam asked as she took a break from eating. I looked to Matt for help since he was more likely to know then I was. He merely shrugged and went back to eating without saying anything.
“I have no idea.” I said shrugging as well. The waitress appeared next to us and smiled down at me, making me cringle inwardly.
“Can I get you anything?” she asked as she twirled her hair slightly.
“I don’t need anything. Do you need anything babe?” I asked looking at Sam, enunciating the word babe. She shook her head but the waitress didn’t leave.
“Are you sure? I can get you anything.” she said, her voice raising a little bit towards the end. Sam rolled her eyes and looked up at her with a frown on her face.
“Hey! Can you not hit on my boyfriend? Thanks.” She said glaring at her. The waitress scoffed at her and left grumbling to herself, making everyone snicker.
“Stupid bitch!” Sam muttered to herself making me chuckle.
“Oh Sam, you’re so funny!” Johnny said laughing at her. She glanced at him before smiling at him. I leaned over so I was whispering in her ear again.
“Like I said, I think its cute that you’re jealous.”
“You just like the idea of two girls fighting over you don’t you?” she asked quietly.
“Well…yeah. But in all honesty, even if she won-“ she cut me off with her hand.
“Which she wouldn’t!”
“Right, but it doesn’t matter cause I’m going home with you no matter what!” I said. She nodded her head and went back to eating her food. Eventually everyone was done and our plates were cleared from the table and we just sat there talking and waiting for the bill. The Leana chick came up behind me and set the bill down and a napkin down on top of it. Sam grabbed the napkin opening it up, seeing a phone number and a lipstick kiss and rolled her eyes.
“Really bitch? You’re really gonna give MY boyfriend your number with me right here? How stupid can you be?” Sam yelled as she stood up and got in the waitresses face. “Don’t think I didn’t see you staring at him, undressing him with your eyes all night!”
“Please! Like you’re his girlfriend!” she sneered in her face. I made a ‘oh hell no’ face and went to stand up, but Sam put her hand on my shoulder and pushed me back into my seat.
“I’m pretty sure I am. Was he calling you babe all night? Was he smiling at you? No I didn’t think so! So why don’t you run along and leave my boyfriend alone!” she said moving so she was inches from her face. No one said anything as the girls stared each other down.
“Is there a problem?” a man said walking towards our table. He was a slightly overweight man and his suit and tie just screamed manager.
“Yes. Your waitress has been hitting on my boyfriend all night long and I do not appreciate it.” Sam said not looking away from her stare down.
“Leana. Back now” he said shoving his thumb behind him. Leana sneered one more time before backing up and making her way to the back.
“I apologize for this misunderstanding.” He said, not wanting to lose a large group of customers.
“Oh there was no misunderstanding here. I understood perfectly what was going on.” Sam muttered under her breath.
“We’re just going to pay and leave.” Matt said getting up. He looked at everyone and they all jumped up and into action at his words. I got up and wrapped my arms around Sam.
“Honestly, that was one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen.” I whispered into her ear, making her laugh quietly.
“I wasn’t going to stand back and let her undress you anymore. You’re my boyfriend, not hers!” she said firmly. I laughed and wrapped my arm around her waist and lead her outside and towards Matt’s car. We waited there with everyone else while Matt paid and sorted everything out with the manager since he was better at it then any of us were. He and Val came out a few minutes later with smiles on their faces.
“So Jimmy and Sam’s meal were taken off the bill as a way of apologizing.” He said and I nodded.
“Nice job Sam! You really showed her who’s boss.” Val said high fiving her making everyone laugh.
“Had to be done. I know you’d do the same.” She said shrugging as though it was no big deal.
“Very true.” Val said nodding her head.
“Alright well we’re gonna head home. I’ll see you guys tomorrow?” Zacky said as he and Gena made their way to his car. All the guys nodded and did their manly hug thing and all the girls hugged Gena goodbye. Eventually everyone left and I drove Sam home.
“I still can’t believe you said that to her.” I said as we sat in front of her house.
“The nerve of her to give you her number! Stupid fucking whore!” she said as she stared out the windshield.
“Doesn’t matter. I have you and that’s all I need.” I said leaning across the center and kissing her.
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A long one. Now for the record, I have nothing against Leana, but obviously I couldn't have her be nice for the stories sake. So I'm thinkin' they should start havin' sexy time here and there, what does everyone think? Also, more romanticness or add some drama?