Dear Jimmy




I woke up next to a naked Jimmy and laughed as I thought back to last night. I got out of his bed and made my way downstairs and into the kitchen to grab a glass of orange juice. I leaned against the counter and looked out the window at the beach and street. I watched ad cars drove by and smiled at their typical California scene before me, beach, sun, and palm trees lined the street. I looked around and saw a giant piano sitting against the wall making a smile come to my face. I set my glass down and made my way over and say down on the bench and let my fingers dance across the keys. I played the first note and my heart began beating faster in excitement as I began playing quietly, not wanting to wake Jimmy. Suddenly I felt like I was 10 again sitting at the piano playing a song for my parents, proud of my latest accomplishment. I got lost in the song and closed my eyes and just listened to the notes as they flew from the piano.
"I didn’t know you knew how to play." I heard Jimmy say suddenly, making me jump and stop playing.
"You've got to stop sneaking up on me." I said turning around to look at him. He stood in the doorway, still naked and only wearing glasses, and was smirking at me.
"I was pretty loud coming down the stairs. You were off in your works again." He said coming up to sit next to me. We sat there looking at the piano
"Pay something for me?" I asked looking at him. He nodded and brought his hands up and started playing a song that I didn't recognize. I watched in amazement as his fingers flew across the keys, almost seemingly. A couple minutes later he stops and turns to look at me.
"That was amazing Jimmy!" I exclaimed, making him blush slightly and look back to the keys.
"Thanks." He mumbled. I leaned over and kissed his cheek, making him smile.
"I'm going to make breakfast. What would you like?" I asked as I stood up and made my way back to the kitchen.
"Whatever you want to make baby." He said. I nodded and I heard him start playing again making me smile. I made eggs and bacon as I listened to him play. I grabbed two plates and cups and set them on the table and grabbed some silverware. I put the food on the plates and walked back over to Jimmy. I walked behind him and slid my hands down his chest and rested my head on his shoulder.
"You smell good." He said without opening his eyes or stopping. I laughed and kissed his neck, smiling as he smiled.
"Thank you. Well breakfast is ready so whenever you're ready, come to the kitchen." I said kissing his cheek again before walking back to the kitchen. It was a minute before he stopped and made his way over to the table. He sat down and looked at the food smiling before digging in hungrily.
“So I was thinking of getting a new car today. Do you wanna come?” he asked as he took a break from his food.
“You mean you’re actually going to put clothes on?” I teased making him laugh and shake his head.
“I like being naked, what can I say?” he said. He nodded and then stood up, grabbed our plates and walked over to the sink to put them in. I walked up behind him and hoped up on the counter and wiggled my legs back and forth. Jimmy turned around and moved so he was in between my legs with his hands on my thighs. He leaned forward and kissed me passionately and I wrapped my arms around his neck, tangling my fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck. He moved from my lips and down to my jaw and to my neck before sucking and biting making me gasp out in pleasure. He backed up, pulling me with him and down to the ground. He laid me down and laid on top of me, his hands digging into my hips. I felt little Jimmy poking into my tummy making me moan into his mouth.
“God you taste good.” He groaned into my mouth as he leaned back, pecking my lips and looking at me.
“Little Jimmy is obviously happy.” I commented smirking. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow.
“Little Jimmy? Does it look so little to you?” he asked. I looked down and shook my head, making him grin. The whole ‘naming your penis’ thing still confused me; I mean why would you name a body part?
“That’s right. There is Jimmy,” he said grabbing my hand and placing it on my hand on his chest, “then there is big Jimmy.” He said moving my hand down and on top of him. I nodded and grabbed him making him groan out and close his eyes.
“We should probably go get dressed.” I said laughing as his eyes popped open and he looked at me like I had just stolen his cookie. I laughed and shoved him off of me and stood up and offering a hand for Jimmy. He took it and pulled himself up before tossing me over his shoulder and running up the stairs towards the bedroom. He tossed me on the bed and made his way over to the closet. He dug through it for a second before pulling out green plaid board shorts and a burgundy shirt and held them up against himself and looking at me. I shook my head and made my way over to his dresser and looked through his pants before pulling his dark wash blue jeans and traded them.
“Much better. Now get dressed so we can go.” I said and he nodded. He got dressed and I changed back into my clothes from yesterday. He pulled on a grey zip up jacket and a white hat and moved it so it was facing backwards before motioning me down the stairs. He grabbed his keys and locked the door behind him and unlocked his SUV and got in.
“So what kind of car are you thinking of getting?” I asked and he shrugged.
“Not really sure yet. How did you know to get your truck?” he asked.
“I didn’t have a choice. It was Chase’s before he met Regina. When she got pregnant with Stephanie, he gave it to me to use for when I’m home. So it was just handed to me.” I said and he nodded. “Why do you need a new car anyway? What’s wrong with this one?” I asked as I looked around. The car looked perfectly fine to me so I saw no reason to get a new one, but he could do whatever he pleased with his money. We pulled into a Ford dealership and he parked before we got out. He met me in front of the car and grabbed my hand, leading me inside. I shivered at the sudden drop of temperature and looked at all the shiny cars parked for viewing. Jimmy let go of my hand and ran over to a car and stood next to it.
“What about this one baby?” he asked as he looked at me. I laughed and shook my head as I made my way over to him.
“You’re too big for this car.” I said as he pouted. It was true; there was just no way he was going to be able to fit inside that. He went off to look at another car and he ran over to a Ford Edge and walking around it in inspection.
“What do you think of this one?” he asked. All the sudden a salesman walks up to us with a grin on his face.
“Can I help you two?” he asks walking up to Jimmy. He looked him up and down and grimaced for a second before it disappeared and I frowned, already not liking him.
“Yes I would like to test drive this car.” Jimmy said coming up beside me. The salesman nodded and excused himself to get some keys.
“What do you think of this car?” he asked turning to look at me.
“Well it’s more your size.” I grinned and he rolled his eyes playfully and threw his other arm around my shoulder and hugged me.
“Excuse me. Are you guys ready?” the salesman interrupted. We broke apart and nodded. Jimmy got in the front with the salesman and I got in the back seat.
“So this car is very comfortable in the front. Lots of room for feet and the seats are heated. In the back, there is a third row that can be lowered if trunk space is needed. The middle row is also very roomy and comfortable for children.” He said grinning at Jimmy.
“We do not have any children.” I said and Jimmy looked at me through the rear-view-mirror and I smiled at him.
“Oh. Well should you decide to have any, there will plenty of room.” He said. I was silent and listened to both of them talk for the rest of the drive. We got back and I got out and leaned against the car as Jimmy talked with the salesman and all the sudden the salesman grinned really loudly and shook Jimmy’s hand quickly before rushing off inside. Jimmy shook his head and made his way over to me. I pushed myself off the car and made my way over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.
“Are you getting it?” I asked and he nodded. We made our way inside and towards wherever the guy went.
"So I was thinking, would you like to come on tour with us when we go?" Jimmy asked as we waited for the salesman. I looked at him and saw him fiddling with his fingers nervously.
"Really? You're not going to get distracted?" I asked. The last thing the band needed was their drummer spacing out every show.
"No I won't." He said shaking his head making me smile and laugh.
"Then I would love to go. But the second I see you getting distracted, I'm leaving and going home. Deal?" I offered. He nodded quickly and picked me up and spun me around in celebration. All the sudden my cell phone rang and Jimmy let me go so I could answer it.
"Hey sweetheart, there's a letter for you here and it looks important. Could you swing by and pick it up?" Mom said.
"Yeah sure. Are you or dad going to be there?" I asked. Jimmy walked away to meet with the salesman to finish the deal on his car.
"No. We have to go to Wallace's school and have a meeting with the principal. He got in trouble with his teacher again." She sighed making me chuckle.
"We always did get in trouble during school. I remember our principal knew you by first name you were in there so much." I said.
"You children my gosh. All right sweetheart I have to go now. The letter is on the table in thee living room. I'll see you later." With that we hung up and I walked over to Jimmy.
"Hey baby. Everything okay?" He asked grabbing my hand as I sat down next to him.
"Yeah but I have to swing by my house and pick up a letter that came for me. So I'm gonna swing by there then meet you at your house." I said and he nodded.
"Well you take my SUV." He said handing me his keys and I put them in my pocket. The salesman walked back in and gave Jimmy some papers to sign and grinned at him.
"I shall give the keys to your very petty wife. Ma'am." He said handing me the keys with a grin on his face making Jimmy look at him with a glare in his eyes.
"Alright all done." Jimmy said putting the pen down and handing over they papers. He stood up and shook the salesman's hand before grabbing mine and leading me out. We walked over to his new car and I handed him his keys and he smiled widely.
"Alright I'll meet you at your house in about 30 minutes alright?" I asked and he nodded and kissed me passionately.
"Missing you already. I love you." He shouted as I walked towards his SUV. I turned around and grinned at him. I drove to my house and saw the letter my mom was talking about sitting on the coffee table. I noticed the USMC emblem making my heart drop and I stared at the letter. I grabbed it and tucked it in my pocket and got back in Jimmy's SUV and drove back to his house. I pulled into his driveway behind his new car. I grabbed the letter and opened it and scanned it, tears coming to my eyes as I lowered it. I stared ahead of me, thinking about how Jimmy was going to react to this, how my parents, my brothers and friends. I abided and wiped my eyes before grabbing the letter and getting out and making my way inside. I saw Jimmy sitting on the couch watching TV.
"Hey." I said coming up to sit beside him.
"Hey. Did you get the letter?" He asked and I nodded. "And?" He asked.
"Jimmy. I'm afraid I can't go on tour with you." I said looking down at my hands.
"What? Why not?" He asked. His voice sounded so heartbroken that it broke my heart even more.
"I'm being stop-lossed." I said. I looked at him and he had confusion written all over his face. "I'm being sent back."
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A lot in this chapter!!! A lil' twist in there!!! Thanks to mistery gurl for the banner!!!!!!! Comment!