Dear Jimmy



"Did you ask Sam to come along with us on tour?" Matt asked as we chilled in his backyard. I picked at the paper label of my beer bottle.
"Yeah." I nodded my head, not looking up at him.
"Well what did she say?" Brian asked.
"She said yes."
"Then why the fuck are you so bummed?" He asked confused.
"Because she can't go."
"Why did hey mommy say no?" Zacky teased and I shook my head.
"Jimmy bro, why are you so depressed?" Matt asked.
"She's being sent back!" I said finally looking up at them. All their faces showed shock and sadness.
"But she's not an active soldier!" Brian stated and I nodded my head. "Can't she say no?" He asked and I shook my head.
"No. She was stop-lossed." I said sighing and slumping my shoulders.
"Where is she? Though you said she was coming with you?" Johnny said looking around.
"No she went to go find out about her duty. She said she was going to meet me here."
"Okay. Well as for the tour, its 9 months and the last 3 are overseas." Matt said and we nodded.
"When do we leave?" I asked.
"In 2 weeks." He said and I nodded again. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I sat up so I could fish it out.
"Hey Jimmy. I'm on my way to Matts house now." Sam said into the phone.
"Okay we're all here. How long until you're here?"
"In about 10 minutes."
"Alright. Just give me a call when you're here and I'll come let you in."
"Okay." With that we hung up and I put my phone on the table.
"Sam on her way?" Matt asked and I nodded. True to her word, 10 minutes later I got a text from Sam saying she was out front. I excused myself and made my way though Matts house to the front. I saw Sam standing in front of her truck fiddling with her hat. She had on her dress blue uniform on and she looked damn good.
"Hey baby." I said. She looked up and made her way towards me and wrapped her arms around me.
"So what's the deal?" I asked wrapping my arms around her.
"In a week, I go back to Parris Island and make sure all equipment going out is completely safe with nothing faulty with it. Then I ship out for the remainder of my time, which is 6 months" She said softly, muffled by my shirt.
"This sucks!" I said sighing.
"I'm sorry." She mumbled softly and I pulled away to look at her fully.
"This is in no way your fault!" She shook her head and I nodded my head.
"Yes it is. I'm making you sad and I'm distracting you."
"Where I the hell did you get that idea? Since I've been with you, I've never been happier. You're not distracting me, ask any of the guys." I said.
"But nothing. Yeah you have to go back in a week, yeah you can't come on tour with us and it sucks, but I'm willing to go on tour by myself. I'm a big boy I can handle myself. Sam I don't want anyone but you!" I said firmly.
"Alright I believe you." She said, making me smile and kiss her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her up to my height, her feet well off the ground.
"God I love you." I said pulling away far enough our noses were still touching.
"I love you too. How did I get do lucky to get someone as great as you?" She asked smiling at me.
"How did I get someone so short?" I teased making her gasp and light kick my leg.
"I am not short thank you very much. You are just extremely tall!" She said.
"Says the shorty." I laughed as I say her down. "Look at you, you go to my nipple." I said, making her pout at me. "Oh no. Baby, don't pout I'm sorry. I’m sorry no pouting" I said leaning down to kiss her repeatedly until she pushed me away laughing. I pouted and kissed her again, wrapping my arms around her to keep her from backing away.
"We should go back so they don't think I kidnapped you." She said as we broke away. I nodded and wrapped my arm around her shoulder and lead hey back through Matt's house.
"Whew Sam. Look at you, looking all important." Brian whistled as soon as he saw her. She waited until I sat down and sat on my lap sideways.
"So, what is going to happen?" Matt asked.
"I ship out in a week for training and service."
"And there's no way you can get out of it?" Johnny asked and Sam shook her head.
"I signed my life away when I enlisted. I have no control over when and where I go." She said making me sigh.
"But I mean, you're not even an active soldier!" Brian pointed out.
"No but the only way to get out of it is if I get discharged." She said.
"Then why don't you get discharged?" Zacky asked confused.
"I'd rather die before getting discharged. Getting discharged is extremely shameful no matter how you look at it." She said.
"I'd rather not think about you dying." I said placing my hand on her thigh.
"I'm just saying. Getting discharged is not going to happen."
"What if you get discharged due to injury?" Matt asked.
"Then you're seen as weak. You are seen as someone who gives up right away." She said shaking her head.
"So 6 months?" Brian asked.
"6 months. How long is your guys' tour?" She asked.
"9 months. We leave in two weeks." I said. "That's mine you know." I said as she took a drink of my beer.
"I know. That's why I took a drink." She said smiling at me.
"You're lucky I love you." I said laughing and shaking my head.
Sam leaned into me and kissed my neck and laying her head on my shoulder.
"Aren't you hot in that?" Johnny asked looking at her uniform.
"Yeah. But I don't have anything else. I'll survive." She said shrugging.
"Is there a difference between male and female uniform?" I asked.
"You mean the dress blue?" I nodded my head. "Most of the time, women wear a pencil skirt but recently the Marines have allowed for women to wear pants. As for the top, it depends. Women don't button their collars up all the way. Also, we have the option to wear a white shirt, like I am. And we don't wear thee belt around our waist." She said. I looked at her and nodded.
"Your shoes are so shiny I can see myself in them." Matt said looking at himself in her shoes. She playfully went to kick him and he jerked back laughing.
"So I was thinking..." Zacky stated.
"And you didn't hurt yourself? I'm so proud." Brian joked.
"Anyways, why don't you join us on tour after you get back?" He proposed to Sam.
"That might work!" I exclaimed sitting up, making Sam clutch my shoulder so she didn't fall off my lap. "Sorry baby." I mumbled wrapping my arms around her and holding her on my lap.
"Anyways, I think it might work. Think about it. You come back, spend a week with your family, the join us for the rest of the tour." Zacky said. Sam thought about it and nodded her head.
"I like that idea. I'll see what my mom says about it." She says. “So how is the tour going to work?” she asked taking another sip of my beer.
“The first 6 months are here in the states and then the last three months are in Europe.” Matt said taking a sip of his beer.
“So I get to travel around Europe with you guys? Fancy.” She said laughing.
“Yeah lucky you.” I said tightening my arms around her.
“So where do you ship out from?” Johnny asked.
“Parris Island in South Carolina.” She said.
“Isn’t that just a training base?” Matt asked and we all looked at him weirdly. “What? I may have done some research.” He said shrugging his shoulder.
“Yeah it is, but equipment goes there before shipping overseas. So I gave to go there to make sure nothing is faulty, then I ship out for the remaining three months.”
“So what do you do when checking everything ?” I asked.
“Make sure everything works. Make sure all tanks run, all aircrafts have no issues, no issues with weapons.” she said shrugging her shoulders.
"Don't you get hot doing that all day?" Matt asked and she nodded.
"Oh yeah. Being in the tanks all day with what room they have in there. The guys go shirtless, which is kind of nice to look at." She giggled.
"HEY!" I said pouting at her making her giggle.
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Took a little longer then I thought to write this. I'm hoping to have the next one out pretty soon but where I am, there's really shitty internet. I'm spending my spring break in Wisconsin...weird right? O.o